Double Standard: Feinstein Walked - College Prof Arrested for Hiding Link to Chinese College


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
US professor arrested, accused of hiding relationship with Chinese university

"An associate professor at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK) who was receiving funding from NASA has been arrested and charged by federal authorities with hiding his relationship with a Chinese university.
The Justice Department said Thursday
in a press release that Anming Hu was arrested and charged with three counts of wire fraud and three counts of lying to investigators.

He is accused of hiding his relationship with the Beijing University of Technology (BJUT) while working with NASA on a project, a violation of federal laws that prevent NASA from providing funding for projects in collaboration with the Chinese government or Chinese university system."

By comparison, D-Diane Feinstein and her husband began colluding, working with, and facilitating Chinese espionage and corruption MANY decades ago. Senator Feinstein used her chairmanship on several important committees to funnel key government contract to the Chinese through her husband's business. The Feinsteins made their fortune selling out the country to the Chinese.

Over a year ago Feinstein drew much publicity when the 'out'ed Obama CIA Director for Illegally spying on US Senators, as well as Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices.

Normally Democrats keep other Democrats' 'misconduct' quiet; however, this time Feinstein 'freaked' and blew the whistle on Brennan....because she thought her facilitation of Chinese Espionage had been discovered.

Brennan was protected from Indictment through a corrupt deal that required him only to appear before Congress, admit his crimes, and to promise not to do so again. Feinstein got away completely unscathed. Not long after the Obama administration's illegal spying - in which NSA Director Clapper and Brennan were the focus, the media broke with a 'whisper' the story of how Feinstein's hand-picked 'inner circle' team member was a Chinese spy who had been engaged in espionage from within Feinstein's own office for DECADES!

The espionage was never investigated.

Feinstein was never investigated.

The spy, reportedly, returned to China.

I am glad the Justice System works....for 'the little people'...and that this spy within NASA has been caught and charged. It's just too bad there is no 'Equal Justice' in this country and that corrupt / criminal elitist politicians have elevated themselves above the law and above consequences of committing crimes.

US professor arrested, accused of hiding relationship with Chinese university


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