Dossier Author Christopher Steele Had Previously Undisclosed Meetings With Lawyers For DNC, Clinton Campaign


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Who woulda thunk?
Full disclosure in a trial? Why would the Left honor one of the most sacred practices in our justice system?

A lawyer representing the DNC and Clinton campaign provided Christopher Steele with information in 2016 regarding an alleged secret communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, the former spy told a British court last month.

That now-debunked tip, from Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussmann, set off a chain of events that led to Steele publishing a Sept. 14, 2016 memo accusing the founders of the bank, Alfa Bank, of having “illicit” ties to Vladimir Putin. A week after Steele wrote that memo, he had another meeting with Sussmann’s colleague, Marc Elias.
Dossier Author Christopher Steele Had Previously Undisclosed Meetings With Lawyers For DNC, Clinton Campaign

NO SHIT?! It's not a secret Hillary and her team paid Steele for the did Barry and the FBI.

In an interview, Steele stated he felt no loyalty to the US FBI, despite their paying him to be an information peddler (informant) because he was working for several Russian Oligarchs and Fusion GPS. He considered the Russians and Fusion GPS to be his REAL bosses to whom he owed his loyalty.

The US OIG rebuked the FBI for not doing a better job conducting periodic re-investigations of their informants to ensure where their loyalties / agendas lied and to ensure the FBI was not getting 'played'.

As it turns out, Hillary got her help against Trump, Obama and the FBI got their 'dirt' on Trump needed to illegally spy on him and on which to based their failed coup attempt...and they ALL 'got played'.

Evidence now shows the FBI - who already knew Steele was a Trump-hating, lying, ex-foreign spy working with the Russians - assessed the information in the Dossier to be Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) propaganda already being used against US foreign policy elsewhere.....and still chose to use it as the basis for their illegal investigations, FISA Court Abuses, illegal Spying...all of it.

Russian Oligarchs Steele was working for
Fusion GPS
Oher's wife at Fusion GPS

Conspiracy, Perjury, Obstruction, Tampering with official documents / evidence, Tampering with witness testimony after the fact, manufacturing evidence, hiding evidence / withholding exculpatory evidence, FISA Court Abuses, mishandling classified information, leaking classified information, violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act (you don't think Obama and his criminal Directors/team members submitted any of their documents/texts for archival as required by the law, do you), Sedition, prosecutorial misconduct...and so much more....

If there was an outside objective person / agency who was not influenced by anything other than the Constitution and LAW to bring in to investigate and act judicially based on the evidence of crime and was given the authority to indict and charge on their own, most of these people, from Barry and Hillary down to Clinesmith would be indicted by now.

Barr and Durham are the closes we have. Let's hope they can bring at least some of the traitors / criminals to justice.
Hitlery and the DNC paid Steele millions for his fake Russian dossier, so it makes sense they had meetings to plan their scheme.
Who woulda thunk?
Full disclosure in a trial? Why would the Left honor one of the most sacred practices in our justice system?

A lawyer representing the DNC and Clinton campaign provided Christopher Steele with information in 2016 regarding an alleged secret communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, the former spy told a British court last month.

That now-debunked tip, from Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussmann, set off a chain of events that led to Steele publishing a Sept. 14, 2016 memo accusing the founders of the bank, Alfa Bank, of having “illicit” ties to Vladimir Putin. A week after Steele wrote that memo, he had another meeting with Sussmann’s colleague, Marc Elias.

If the traitors don't end up hung or facing a firing squad, this county is fucking finished

"The indictments of felonious Democrats are absent because Republicans are stupid." - Paul Craig Roberts
Just the tip of the iceberg. Hoping Barr and Durham can start indicting any day now.

Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone.

It's about 50/50 anything comes from Durham, maybe far less given the Horowitz Report and Burr taking dictation for the CIA
In 'Crime In Progress,' Fusion GPS Chiefs Tell The Inside Story Of The Steele Dossier

Read it. Stop spewing bullshit.
So, you want us to believe the spin from the outfit Hitlery and the DNC hired to pay Russia for disinformation?
In 'Crime In Progress,' Fusion GPS Chiefs Tell The Inside Story Of The Steele Dossier

Read it. Stop spewing bullshit.

Here it is 2021 and because now they have a name of a lawyer who is accused of lying to the FBI, they are reviving an old story concerning the Russian bank and Trump connections. Yet everything they are reviving was known in 2017. The bank sued over the allegation in the dossier in 2017.

The only new factor is they have a name of the person in the law firm (law firm name was know) who passed the information on to Steele. The firm was know to have been hired by Hillary and the DNC.

The real story is whether the guy lied to the FBI. Yet it is enough for the right to recycle the whole story. The story hinges on if the guy lied to the FBI. Boy if they find out how Hunter was involved in the steel dossier then they will recycle the laptop story.

If they every remember that Flynn lied to the FBI and Trump pardoned him, then they might realize the things that make you go hmmmmm is nothing more than the shoe is now on the right's foot.

how many threads are there on this topic.
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