Don't Like Trump ? WHY ?

I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ?

Now that's funny. I see now, you're a humorist.

I've never met DJT so I don't know enough to hate him. I disliked his style during the campaign and as President. IMO he has diminished the stature of the US Presidency and the US in general.
That must be why the Chinese refused to roll a ramp up to Air Force One on Obama's last trip to the G20.

Because they had soooooo much respect for our former Taliban In Chief.

They love "Donnie Do-Little" because they know he's the model of the ignorant American. Like Putin, they know he's an empty suit.
'Rump is a serial liar with malicious intent. He is morally weak and lacks socially redeeming values. He is a misogynist and a bigot. Dishonesty and fraud describe him.
Somebody rated this post as "informative".. NO, it is NOT that at all. You haven't backed up a single charge with SPECIFIC evidence (and I did mention to be SPECIFIC in the OP, didn't I ?)

When you post accusations, without providing anything to back it up, you are achieving he opposite. It looks like your charges are false. Or why not present the back-up ?

why not STFU and see how ALL THE INVESTIGATIONS turn out ?
The only investigations that need to be done are >>

1. Obama's collusion with al Baghdadi (ISIS)

2. Mueller's collusion with Muslim Brotherhood groups (for years)

3. Hillary's sale of 20% of America's Uranium supply to the Russians for $145 Million + $500,000 for a moronic Bill Clinton speech, that not a single Russian had any interest in.
It's all the character flaws of his that he and other fools intentionally ignore. His despicable demeanor, mannerisms and affectations are simply manifestations of his deep pathological character flaws. Ever hear the expression, "birds of a feather flock together"? That's where the Orange One finds support!
WHAT is "despicable" ? WHAT "mannerisms" ? WHAT "pathological character flaws" ? Upon WHAT do you justify these judgements ? You are making them without backing them up.

So far, Trump bashers are 0 for 4. :rolleyes: Good thing they're not playing baseball, or quarterback in football. They'd be out of the game.
WHAT is "despicable" ? WHAT "mannerisms" ? WHAT "pathological character flaws" ? Upon WHAT do you justify these judgements ?
One instance of his 'despicable demeanor, mannerisms and affectations' can be found on the "Access Hollywood" tape where tRump brags about his sexist and misogynistic and predatory despicable behavior.
~~ Trump’s lewd ‘Access Hollywood’ tape is playing on repeat for 12 hours on the Mall ~~

Another example would be tRump pushing the prime minister of Montenegro aside to get to the front of the group at NATO headquarters last May as an example of his disrespectful and self centered mannerisms.
~~ Watch President Trump push a prime minister aside - CNNPolitics ~~

But the very worst of his deep pathological character flaws is his penchant to lie about anything and everything. His lying is well documented, and even you wouldn't be so foolish to claim otherwise (or maybe not). There is a documented list of his PUBLIC LIES from Jan 21 to July 19 at the link below for some of his lies.
~~ President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List ~~
One instance of his 'despicable demeanor, mannerisms and affectations' can be found on the "Access Hollywood" tape where tRump brags about his sexist and misogynistic and predatory despicable behavior.
~~ Trump’s lewd ‘Access Hollywood’ tape is playing on repeat for 12 hours on the Mall ~~

Another example would be tRump pushing the prime minister of Montenegro aside to get to the front of the group at NATO headquarters last May as an example of his disrespectful and self centered mannerisms.
~~ Watch President Trump push a prime minister aside - CNNPolitics ~~

But the very worst of his deep pathological character flaws is his penchant to lie about anything and everything. His lying is well documented, and even you wouldn't be so foolish to claim otherwise (or maybe not). There is a documented list of his PUBLIC LIES from Jan 21 to July 19 at the link below for some of his lies.
~~ President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List ~~
1. The Access Hollywood thing was nothing more than a BRIEF locker room talk comment, that 90% of the media guys using it to bash Trump, have said (and done) the same thing or worse, and then pretend they're so holy. Hypocrites.

2. It didn't appear that Trump pushed anybody. It was just the ordinary awkwardness of being in a crowd, that everyone experiences once in a while. More media conflating, exaggerating, faking.

3. I'll check the "lie' list when I have more time. I'll be back on it, when I'm less busy. This is a fast moving thread + I have another new OP I'm working on, right nw.
Don't like him because.
said he would get rid of lobbyist, more lobbyist now than before
said he would pick only the best people. most of his picks are unqualified for the jobs they hold.
said he would unite us. even an idiot can see he has not done that.
uses his power to attach peoples looks or personality who don't agree with him, instead of refuting there policy
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.

i don't get why people bother to ask. he's an extreme personality that people will love or hate for the most part. they won't get the hate for hillary either and be just as "bewildered" about that. so they return fire. again and again and again and again.
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.

In this thread: Right Winger asks others to cite their complaints about Orange, refuses to accept any of their criticisms. What a tremendous circle jerk and waste of space this is.
I've listed my reasons many times. Many times. It can't be helped if you are blind.

My reasons can be boiled down very simply: Trump is not a Republican. He is not a conservative. He is a total fake. A New York huckster who tells you tards what you want to hear.

He is a racist. Someday, when the tapes from The Apprentice are released or leaked, you will see what a racist he really is. But by then, you tards will say, "So what?" Which makes you complicit.

During the Bush years, while pseudocons were in the trenches battling the liberals and defending Bush and his War On Terra™ tooth and nail, Trump was a registered Democrat demanding Bush's impeachment, and calling for us to cut and run from Iraq. How the FUCK you asshole motherfucking retards can do an about face and suck his cock in public is beyond me. You sit there with his sperm dribbling from your mouths and have the audacity to call others RINOs!

We had no less than FOUR real conservatives running for President. And you willfully stupid fuckwad shitbirds chose the Democratic, commie-loving, pro-choice, personal friend of the Clintons instead.

That's what told me all those years you retards claimed you were waiting for a real conservative to come along was total bullshit.

This election was about Mexicans and Muslims. And no one will ever convince me otherwise.

In fact, just today you proved it once again by your deranged conspiracy theory that Muslims were behind the Texas shooting yesterday and the Las Vegas shooting a few weeks ago.

You are fucking racist pigs who have hijacked the conservative movement.

I don't just hate Trump. I hate YOU!

Got it now, punk?
1. You called 'racist" No evidence presented.

2. You called trump "fake". Nothing backing that up from you.

3. WHEN did Trump call for us to leave Iraq ? You made the charge Back it up. You got a quote ? Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?

4. Trump is not pro-choice. You got that wrong.

5. Trump doesn't love the Democrat goons who constantly attack him.

6. He doesn't like Hillary, who he criticized Jeff Sessions for not taking action against her.

7. The election certainly WAS about Mexicans and Muslims (among other things), and so is the presidency right now (as it should be)

8. I speculated that JIHADISTS could be behind the mass shootings, not "Muslims" as you put, erroneously, for the 2nd time, even after being corrected. You're a poor student.

9. You show no evidence of anyone being racist. You do show evidence of yourself being a fascistic, name-calling idiot.

10. Yes, you hate me, because of all the times I've handed you your ass in this forum. Most people would have brushed it away by this time. See a psychiatrist. :rolleyes:
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.
I didn't vote for Obama I also don't like Hillary. But Trump is everything that's bad about America and humans in general. He has every negative thing that I told my children to not be or do. Choosing an idiot like him, brought the morals level in the US to its lowest.
In this thread: Right Winger asks others to cite their complaints about Orange, refuses to accept any of their criticisms. What a tremendous circle jerk and waste of space this is.
I will accept any criticism positive or negative that has a valid basis attached to it. Not much of that being shown. if the shoe fits, wear it.
It really is mystifying to see so many people, not only not liking Donald Trump, but absolutely hating him, with a passion. I could see having feeelings like that against really bad people like Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton, but Trump ? Why ? For what reason ?

Seems to me that we're lucky to finally have a guy who is protecting us from harmful, unbridled immigration (including Muslims), finally doing something about our worst racial discrimination problem (affirmative action), standing up for our military and police, opposing LGBT lunacy, and supporting our 2nd amendment rights.

In addition, Trump is standing up for the Made in USA label, working to get US businesses back in the US, and has brought back the best economy in America since the 1990's, with 2 straight months of above 3% GDP growth and a 4.1% unemployment rate (also best in decades).

Oh, so it's the demeanor is it ? The style ? Not "presidential" you say ? Too much talking like a regular guy, huh ? Well, for those for us who voted for Trump, and support him right through all the media anti-Trump smear campaign, that regular/ordinary talk is what we like about Trump. We see that as the way "presidential" ought to be.

So, liberals, RINOs, or anti-Trumpers of all stripes, please cite here what your complaints are about him, SPECIFICALLY, and let's see if we can iron things out a bit. How about the tweets. Got any you could point out ? Don't be shy.

He promised an end to illegal immigration and a wall. What he is now proposing is not what he promised.

He promised to repeal ACA, but what he tried to pass was not what he promised.

He promised tax reform, what he is trying to pass is not what he promised.

That’s some stuff Trumpkins will have to deal with in 2018.

That aside, as long as he gives dpolitical ruling class fucks heartburn I will continue to vote for him.

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