CDZ Dont Be Fooled by the False Liberal-Conservative Dichotomy

Skipping the fact that I probably lost 90% of readers here with the word 'dichotomy', I have to ask why anyone still buys into this garbage?

There is no real difference between liberals and conservatives inside the Beltway. Oh, yeah they talk a good fight, like the GOP did over this last 2010 elections, but as soon as they are back in DC, the GOP does one pratfall 'FAIL' after another and dont stop any of Obama's agenda, in fact they saved his bacon on the TPP.

All these candidates sell access for donations, and with that access there is an implied promise to serve the people that give them loads of cash. These donors are largely the same people; major corporations and banks like Goldman Sachs or GE or GM. We little people down here in the low rungs of American society don't count for these guys. We are just the 'little people' and they have bigger fish to fry than to be bothered with us except on one day every two years.

What is liberal about forcing schools to change their menus at lunch to inedible garbage? What is conservative about voting away our national sovereignty one piece at a time?

There is no genuine conservatism or liberalism any more. There are only fakes and frauds who have hijacked what those words used to mean. The liberal frauds of our day are not classic liberals, they are Marxists, and the so-called conservatives are really neo-con refugees from the Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic Party that got run out in the 1980s and are themselves a mix of godless Trotskyites and Fabian Socialists.

The two major parties are a duopoly who share power and agreed to cooperate in keeping out third party efforts by hook or crook, nothing more.

So why play their game?

We need to get back to our most important task of putting the Oligarchs back their proper place kissing the Peoples lower back sides so they can stay in existence.
I'd have to say that there's not that much difference outside of the Beltway either, and I'm not limiting it to just politicians.
More frequently, I've been noticing that with a lot of recent political "discussions", you can remove all instances of Liberal, Conservative, (R), and (D), replace each term with its direct opposite, and have what's being said sound just as plausible.
Skipping the fact that I probably lost 90% of readers here with the word 'dichotomy', I have to ask why anyone still buys into this garbage?

There is no real difference between liberals and conservatives inside the Beltway. Oh, yeah they talk a good fight, like the GOP did over this last 2010 elections, but as soon as they are back in DC, the GOP does one pratfall 'FAIL' after another and dont stop any of Obama's agenda, in fact they saved his bacon on the TPP.

All these candidates sell access for donations, and with that access there is an implied promise to serve the people that give them loads of cash. These donors are largely the same people; major corporations and banks like Goldman Sachs or GE or GM. We little people down here in the low rungs of American society don't count for these guys. We are just the 'little people' and they have bigger fish to fry than to be bothered with us except on one day every two years.

What is liberal about forcing schools to change their menus at lunch to inedible garbage? What is conservative about voting away our national sovereignty one piece at a time?

There is no genuine conservatism or liberalism any more. There are only fakes and frauds who have hijacked what those words used to mean. The liberal frauds of our day are not classic liberals, they are Marxists, and the so-called conservatives are really neo-con refugees from the Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic Party that got run out in the 1980s and are themselves a mix of godless Trotskyites and Fabian Socialists.

The two major parties are a duopoly who share power and agreed to cooperate in keeping out third party efforts by hook or crook, nothing more.

So why play their game?

We need to get back to our most important task of putting the Oligarchs back their proper place kissing the Peoples lower back sides so they can stay in existence.

You start out by insulting the reading skills of people here. Than you don't know when the fucking last election was? Dohkay!

Yeah I stopped reading at that point.

You might want to learn tact when starting a thread, The best your gonna do here is a few pity responses.

Dude, the last federal elections were in 2010. You do realize that not all federal elections include Presidential elections, right? The ones that don't are often referred to as 'off year' elections.

And I said I 'lost' 90% with the word dichotomy. IF you read the post anyway, then I was obviously not talking to you. Besides, it was a joke, lighten up.

The last federal elections were in 2014, you wanna insult me about it? Or assume I can't read or write?

Again I say it, maybe you might wanna brush up on some things before you open with an insult.
JimBowie, thunderbird, and others have trouble with the 21st century version of American politics.

They don't get their tired old out-worn class tactics have no merit or meaning to 90% of Americans. The millennials as a group flatly reject the far right of the GOP as having any merit, and they are suspicious of folks who say they are libertarians but don't act as such.

The paradigm as shifted in the last 80 years so much that social market democracy and full civil rights are facts. They are not going to go away. Americans do not find any sort of rationale that makes sense to cause them to accept cultural mccarthism in modern America.
Skipping the fact that I probably lost 90% of readers here with the word 'dichotomy', I have to ask why anyone still buys into this garbage?

There is no real difference between liberals and conservatives inside the Beltway. Oh, yeah they talk a good fight, like the GOP did over this last 2010 elections, but as soon as they are back in DC, the GOP does one pratfall 'FAIL' after another and dont stop any of Obama's agenda, in fact they saved his bacon on the TPP.

All these candidates sell access for donations, and with that access there is an implied promise to serve the people that give them loads of cash. These donors are largely the same people; major corporations and banks like Goldman Sachs or GE or GM. We little people down here in the low rungs of American society don't count for these guys. We are just the 'little people' and they have bigger fish to fry than to be bothered with us except on one day every two years.

What is liberal about forcing schools to change their menus at lunch to inedible garbage? What is conservative about voting away our national sovereignty one piece at a time?

There is no genuine conservatism or liberalism any more. There are only fakes and frauds who have hijacked what those words used to mean. The liberal frauds of our day are not classic liberals, they are Marxists, and the so-called conservatives are really neo-con refugees from the Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic Party that got run out in the 1980s and are themselves a mix of godless Trotskyites and Fabian Socialists.

The two major parties are a duopoly who share power and agreed to cooperate in keeping out third party efforts by hook or crook, nothing more.

So why play their game?

We need to get back to our most important task of putting the Oligarchs back their proper place kissing the Peoples lower back sides so they can stay in existence.

You start out by insulting the reading skills of people here. Than you don't know when the fucking last election was? Dohkay!

Yeah I stopped reading at that point.

You might want to learn tact when starting a thread, The best your gonna do here is a few pity responses.

Dude, the last federal elections were in 2010. You do realize that not all federal elections include Presidential elections, right? The ones that don't are often referred to as 'off year' elections.

And I said I 'lost' 90% with the word dichotomy. IF you read the post anyway, then I was obviously not talking to you. Besides, it was a joke, lighten up.
So, no election in 2012 or 2014?
It's been Obama's agenda that brought this country back from the disastrous Bush agenda.
Democrats make school lunches available for children. Republicans want to cut them.
Democrats want all Americans to have health care, Republicans don't.
Democrats want BP to pay for what they did, Republicans don't.
Democrats want to negotiate with foreign governments. Republicans want to bomb them.
Democrats know we can't pay off debt unless we make money. That includes an improved infrastructure and college and trade school educated workers. Republicans think by not spending we can pay off the debt.
Wow you are so naive. So out of touch with reality. lol

Democratic politicians = war & corporate welfare

Wall Street Responsible For One-Third Of Obama's Campaign Funds

Is it possible to imagine that these fat cats hope to gain from their contributions to the Obama campaign?

Obama sells out to Wall Street
The president-elect's support of the bank bailout is payback to his wealthy Wall Street supporters.

Did Obama's policies benefit the black community?

Tavis Smiley Black Americans Have Lost Ground Under Obama

Let's look at some of Obama's playmates.

Geithner and Goldman, Thick as Thieves

Tim Geithner “Aided and Abetted” LIBOR Crimes: Jim Rickards

Now Check Out All The Ways Jon Corzine Is Connected To Democrats And Obama

Don't be fooled! Look at the facts.

Barack Obama King Of Corporate Welfare

Democrats Warm To Corporate Welfare -

Dianne Feinstein s Husband Tied To Questionable Dealings With U.S. Postal Service Book Says

Insurance Companies are Obamacare s Biggest Defenders The Daily Caller

College president pay Is it too high

Obama the war-monger:

Obama Claims to Have Ended Decade of War But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer The Weekly Standard

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Obama vs Bush Just Foreign Policy

The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes 2 400 Dead
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Sad that some people are taken in by these politicians.

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They don't get their tired old out-worn class tactics have no merit or meaning to 90% of Americans.
Dumb. Many people are sick of the arrogant plutocrats who buy up politicians.

In U.S. 67 Dissatisfied With Income Wealth Distribution

And check out the poll: The Pro-Life Generation Abortion Won t be Around Long if Young Americans Have a Say

Americans do not find any sort of rationale that makes sense to cause them to accept cultural mccarthism in modern America.
Good. Get rid of the PC thought police.

Here's Camille Paglia discussing gay activists: “To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,”

“This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,”

Here's Andrew Sullivan: “The guy who had the gall to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists,”

“Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame?” “Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me — as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society.”

“If this is the gay rights movement today — hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else — then count me out,”

“If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”

How about tolerance and freedom of speech instead?
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Thunderbird is pushing nonsense. People who understand the intent of this OP is not concerned with what you and Camille think. They know you don't know.
They don't get their tired old out-worn class tactics have no merit or meaning to 90% of Americans.
Dumb. Many people are sick of the arrogant plutocrats who buy up politicians.

In U.S. 67 Dissatisfied With Income Wealth Distribution

And check out the poll: The Pro-Life Generation Abortion Won t be Around Long if Young Americans Have a Say

Americans do not find any sort of rationale that makes sense to cause them to accept cultural mccarthism in modern America.
Good. Get rid of the PC thought police.

Here's Camille Paglia discussing gay activists: “To express yourself in a magazine in an interview — this is the level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist, OK, that my liberal colleagues in the Democratic Party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades,”

“This is the whole legacy of free speech 1960’s that have been lost by my own party.”

“I think that this intolerance by gay activists toward the full spectrum of human beliefs is a sign of immaturity, juvenility,”

Here's Andrew Sullivan: “The guy who had the gall to express his First Amendment rights and favor Prop 8 in California by donating $1,000 has just been scalped by some gay activists,”

“Will he now be forced to walk through the streets in shame?” “Why not the stocks? The whole episode disgusts me — as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society.”

“If this is the gay rights movement today — hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else — then count me out,”

“If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”

How about tolerance and freedom of speech instead?
Thankfully, we're seeing more on the Left who will admit that this has gone too far.

And hopefully, the momentum will continue.

Some food for thought for the thoughtful.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

"Yet, more recently, as William Connolly and others have demonstrated, Christian religion and capitalist economics have again been fused tightly in the extreme conservative movement that has captured the Republican Party. This, I believe, is the main reason that so much of their economic reasoning appears irrational and in direct violation of mainstream economics. It disregards almost all available evidence regarding the efficacy of their specific, or more appropriately, often unspecific, economic policy proposals." The Contemporary Condition The Church of Capitalism Why Right-Wing Economics is Once Again not Rational

"[T]he rhetoric of the enterprise is fucked. 95 percent of political commentary, whether spoken or written, is now polluted by the very politics it’s supposed to be about. Meaning it’s become totally ideological and reductive: The writer/speaker has certain political convictions or affiliations, and proceeds to filter all reality and spin all assertion according to those convictions and loyalties. Everybody’s pissed off and exasperated and impervious to argument from any other side. Opposing viewpoints are not just incorrect but contemptible, corrupt, evil. Conservative thinkers are balder about this kind of attitude: Limbaugh, Hannity, that horrific O’Reilly person. Coulter, Kristol, etc. But the Left’s been infected, too. Have you read this new Al Franken book? Parts of it are funny, but it’s totally venomous (like, what possible response can rightist pundits have to Franken’s broadsides but further rage and return-venom?). Or see also e.g. Lapham’s latest Harper’s columns, or most of the stuff in the Nation, or even Rolling Stone. It’s all become like Zinn and Chomsky but without the immense bodies of hard data these older guys use to back up their screeds. There’s no more complex, messy, community-wide argument (or “dialogue”); political discourse is now a formulaic matter of preaching to one’s own choir and demonizing the opposition. Everything’s relentlessly black-and-whitened. Since the truth is way, way more gray and complicated than any one ideology can capture, the whole thing seems to me not just stupid but stupefying." DFW The Believer - Interview with David Foster Wallace

"Even more important than this victory is that it is the first real crack in the deal that built the Republican revival of the last nearly 40 years: secular capitalists and religious fundamentalists agreeing on the marriage of free-market economics and a conservative religious social order." Linda Hirshman The Conservative Coalition Gets Cracked - The Daily Beast

It is ironic that the authors present a case of 100% of academia being leftwing, and yet we have plenty of conservative thinkers, that the leftwing academes simply ignore, as demonstrated by these articles.

Russell Kirk's 'The Conservative Mind' was published in the early 1950's and yet there is no mention of that, William F. Buckley Jr or the Robert Taft movement in the GOP, etc.

Academians ignore conservative thinkers, then present as evidence of their superiority the complete absence of conservative thinkers. A bit of a tautology but then that doesn't really matter to them either.
1. Washington is the problem because they have been in power to long. They have no connection with most of the people; they have more of a connection with each other because they are rich.

2. All republicans are not conservatives, and conservatives are DIFFERENT than establishment republicans.

3. Establishment republicans, liberals, and minority activists, are perfectly happy as long as establishment republicans or democrats are in power. The last thing any of them want is for a conservative, libertarian, or blue dog democrat to get elected because they can't control them.

4. Obama is none of the above, he went off the reservation, and by doing so he pissed off all of the above, because now they have to explain how they let him get away with it. Look at congress! People on the right want to know why they elected republicans and then they didn't stop him, and people on the left want to know why when they had all 3 branches, they just sat there and only did Obamacare; which most people do not like. The reason for the dems was.......they knew he was off the reservation too, so they just dragged their feet.

5. This thread is a FALSE PREMISE. While it is true that it is a false dichotomy to have repubs and dems claiming difference; libertarians and conservatives ARE different. It is exactly why dems call everybody conservatives so as they muddy the waters.

6. People in this country want to know when everything started heading downhill! Who is to blame! Some point at this President, that President, etc. The truth is it was US! No, not you personally, but the people of this country who believed what politicians said long ago, and we continue on believing the same thing because it sounds good.

How many of you believe we are 17 trillion in the hole? That is right, if you believe that, raise your hands!

Well, sadly, I have to inform those of you who believe this, you are WRONG, really WRONG. Actually, with unfunded liabilities, we are 215 trillion dollars in the hole.

If everyone worked for free, and every business gave their profits to the federal government for 10 years, WHILE; the government quit spending money and just paid of the debt, we would then be around 17 trillion in the hole. Honestly, check it out!

So when everyone argues over what to do with the money, how to spend it, who to give it to; everyone should instantly throw ANYTHING they come up with out the window. THERE IS NO MONEY! Let me rephrase that.............there is money, but the government doesn't have it, they just print more. Who really has the money is YOU! What money there is, anyway.

This is exactly why the government wants to play all of you off against one another. God forbid if all of you ever got together! They want other peoples money to go through their system so they can siphon some off, and give some back to the people who will vote for them. They get a profit to keep them afloat! And what happens when people with a lot of money run like hell? Why they claim they are evil, not paying their fair share, etc, etc.

Remember, THE GOVERNMENT HAS NO MONEY, it just prints it to make its bills, and every time it does, the rich people get more of it, and your money starts to drop in value.

So who is going to get this bill? Your children and grandchildren, that is who. You are taxing them to the tune of 80 to 90%, and they can't even vote to tell you hell no. And what if they won't, or can't pay it? Well then, you allowing these politicians to tell you a huge lie that you want to agree to because it sounds good, just cost all of those who come after us the greatest country the world had ever seen.

Don't feel to badly I guess, Rome did it, Greece has done it and doing it again, and so what.

When you look at your children tonight, remember what you are doing.

In these times, it should not be all about me or you, it should be about our children, and giving them an America they can live with dignity in.
Skipping the fact that I probably lost 90% of readers here with the word 'dichotomy', I have to ask why anyone still buys into this garbage?

There is no real difference between liberals and conservatives inside the Beltway. Oh, yeah they talk a good fight, like the GOP did over this last 2010 elections, but as soon as they are back in DC, the GOP does one pratfall 'FAIL' after another and dont stop any of Obama's agenda, in fact they saved his bacon on the TPP.

All these candidates sell access for donations, and with that access there is an implied promise to serve the people that give them loads of cash. These donors are largely the same people; major corporations and banks like Goldman Sachs or GE or GM. We little people down here in the low rungs of American society don't count for these guys. We are just the 'little people' and they have bigger fish to fry than to be bothered with us except on one day every two years.

What is liberal about forcing schools to change their menus at lunch to inedible garbage? What is conservative about voting away our national sovereignty one piece at a time?

There is no genuine conservatism or liberalism any more. There are only fakes and frauds who have hijacked what those words used to mean. The liberal frauds of our day are not classic liberals, they are Marxists, and the so-called conservatives are really neo-con refugees from the Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic Party that got run out in the 1980s and are themselves a mix of godless Trotskyites and Fabian Socialists.

The two major parties are a duopoly who share power and agreed to cooperate in keeping out third party efforts by hook or crook, nothing more.

So why play their game?

We need to get back to our most important task of putting the Oligarchs back their proper place kissing the Peoples lower back sides so they can stay in existence.

You start out by insulting the reading skills of people here. Than you don't know when the fucking last election was? Dohkay!

Yeah I stopped reading at that point.

You might want to learn tact when starting a thread, The best your gonna do here is a few pity responses.

Dude, the last federal elections were in 2010. You do realize that not all federal elections include Presidential elections, right? The ones that don't are often referred to as 'off year' elections.

And I said I 'lost' 90% with the word dichotomy. IF you read the post anyway, then I was obviously not talking to you. Besides, it was a joke, lighten up.

The last federal elections were in 2014, you wanna insult me about it? Or assume I can't read or write?

Again I say it, maybe you might wanna brush up on some things before you open with an insult.

:Lol, yes, I had a brain fart. I meant the 2014 elections, so sue me. roflmao. Getting old is not for the weak of heart, lol.
5. This thread is a FALSE PREMISE. While it is true that it is a false dichotomy to have repubs and dems claiming difference; libertarians and conservatives ARE different. It is exactly why dems call everybody conservatives so as they muddy the waters..

But conservatives continue to elect Republican leaders, so why are they not really conservatives if conservatives keep voting for them?

This 'I've fallen down and cant get up' crap is past too old. Conservatives either need to get leaders that will actually lead as conservatives or shut up whining about it.
It's been Obama's agenda that brought this country back from the disastrous Bush agenda.
Democrats make school lunches available for children. Republicans want to cut them.
Democrats want all Americans to have health care, Republicans don't.
Democrats want BP to pay for what they did, Republicans don't.
Democrats want to negotiate with foreign governments. Republicans want to bomb them.
Democrats know we can't pay off debt unless we make money. That includes an improved infrastructure and college and trade school educated workers. Republicans think by not spending we can pay off the debt.
Wow you are so naive. So out of touch with reality. lol

Democratic politicians = war & corporate welfare

Wall Street Responsible For One-Third Of Obama's Campaign Funds

Is it possible to imagine that these fat cats hope to gain from their contributions to the Obama campaign?

Obama sells out to Wall Street
The president-elect's support of the bank bailout is payback to his wealthy Wall Street supporters.

Did Obama's policies benefit the black community?

Tavis Smiley Black Americans Have Lost Ground Under Obama

Let's look at some of Obama's playmates.

Geithner and Goldman, Thick as Thieves

Tim Geithner “Aided and Abetted” LIBOR Crimes: Jim Rickards

Now Check Out All The Ways Jon Corzine Is Connected To Democrats And Obama

Don't be fooled! Look at the facts.

Barack Obama King Of Corporate Welfare

Democrats Warm To Corporate Welfare -

Dianne Feinstein s Husband Tied To Questionable Dealings With U.S. Postal Service Book Says

Insurance Companies are Obamacare s Biggest Defenders The Daily Caller

College president pay Is it too high

Obama the war-monger:

Obama Claims to Have Ended Decade of War But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer The Weekly Standard

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Obama vs Bush Just Foreign Policy

The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes 2 400 Dead

This is what I said:

Democrats want all Americans to have health care, Republicans don't.
Democrats want BP to pay for what they did, Republicans don't.
Democrats want to negotiate with foreign governments. Republicans want to bomb them.
Democrats know we can't pay off debt unless we make money. That includes an improved infrastructure and college and trade school educated workers. Republicans think by not spending we can pay off the debt.

And you didn't disagree with a single thing. That means they are true, right? If not, which one is wrong?
It's been Obama's agenda that brought this country back from the disastrous Bush agenda.
Democrats make school lunches available for children. Republicans want to cut them.
Democrats want all Americans to have health care, Republicans don't.
Democrats want BP to pay for what they did, Republicans don't.
Democrats want to negotiate with foreign governments. Republicans want to bomb them.
Democrats know we can't pay off debt unless we make money. That includes an improved infrastructure and college and trade school educated workers. Republicans think by not spending we can pay off the debt.
Wow you are so naive. So out of touch with reality. lol

Democratic politicians = war & corporate welfare

Wall Street Responsible For One-Third Of Obama's Campaign Funds

Is it possible to imagine that these fat cats hope to gain from their contributions to the Obama campaign?

Obama sells out to Wall Street
The president-elect's support of the bank bailout is payback to his wealthy Wall Street supporters.

Did Obama's policies benefit the black community?

Tavis Smiley Black Americans Have Lost Ground Under Obama

Let's look at some of Obama's playmates.

Geithner and Goldman, Thick as Thieves

Tim Geithner “Aided and Abetted” LIBOR Crimes: Jim Rickards

Now Check Out All The Ways Jon Corzine Is Connected To Democrats And Obama

Don't be fooled! Look at the facts.

Barack Obama King Of Corporate Welfare

Democrats Warm To Corporate Welfare -

Dianne Feinstein s Husband Tied To Questionable Dealings With U.S. Postal Service Book Says

Insurance Companies are Obamacare s Biggest Defenders The Daily Caller

College president pay Is it too high

Obama the war-monger:

Obama Claims to Have Ended Decade of War But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer The Weekly Standard

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Obama vs Bush Just Foreign Policy

The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes 2 400 Dead
I started reading through your links, but I'm not sure you did. Clearly you spent a lot of time finding them, but you need to understand exactly what they are saying beneath the "slant". So let's start with the first one. From the link, this pretty much sums it up:

While the campaign has downplayed the larger donations by emphasizing that the average donation was $69, it also released a list of contributions by "bundlers;" those who can "bundle" more than $50,000 in contributions from friends, relatives and business associates.

Republicans, desperately tried to muddy the water by pointing out that Obama did indeed receive money from Wall Street. What does that mean exactly and what are "bundlers". To answer that question, one wonders why one Wall Street Company would give $100,000 to Romney and $100,000 to Obama. What would they do that? To hedge their bets? Of course not.

The money that went to Romney typically came from the CEO and Board of Directors. Because they knew that Romney's policies would benefit them because they are people too.

But the bundled money typically comes from the "workers". When the secretaries and the Janitors and the mail guys and and all the lower people hold fundraisers, they "bundle" the money together and sent it to the campaign saying it comes from the company they all work at. So you get the same amount or close to the same amount from the same company but from very different people and for different reasons.

So Republicans try to alter the message by saying "Oh look, Obama gets money from Wall Street" trying to divert people from understanding the money actually came from very different people. Like I said, not everyone who works on Wall Street is a CEO or makes a million or more a year.

What do you want to bet I can go through every one of those links and find something equally misleading? The question you need to ask is why Republicans always want to prove that Obama is just as rotten and dirty as their leaders? Why do Republicans vote for people they believe are scum? You want your leaders to be good people you admire that look out for the majority of Americans and for the good of the country. This idea that your leaders are just as scummy as ours is a mystery to me. Why settle for scum. Why work so hard to try to prove someone is scum. When you look at Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and Sarah Palin and so on, it's pretty obvious. It doesn't really take any work at all to prove they are scum. But to attack Obama's dead mother, and misrepresent or ignore facts such as bundling? Why bother? Perhaps you need to do a "self review" to understand why you need to smear. And read your links. Understand the terms and look at the facts that are the foundation of the articles. Do that and you can understand if they are slanted and how.
Some food for thought for the thoughtful.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

"Yet, more recently, as William Connolly and others have demonstrated, Christian religion and capitalist economics have again been fused tightly in the extreme conservative movement that has captured the Republican Party. This, I believe, is the main reason that so much of their economic reasoning appears irrational and in direct violation of mainstream economics. It disregards almost all available evidence regarding the efficacy of their specific, or more appropriately, often unspecific, economic policy proposals." The Contemporary Condition The Church of Capitalism Why Right-Wing Economics is Once Again not Rational

"[T]he rhetoric of the enterprise is fucked. 95 percent of political commentary, whether spoken or written, is now polluted by the very politics it’s supposed to be about. Meaning it’s become totally ideological and reductive: The writer/speaker has certain political convictions or affiliations, and proceeds to filter all reality and spin all assertion according to those convictions and loyalties. Everybody’s pissed off and exasperated and impervious to argument from any other side. Opposing viewpoints are not just incorrect but contemptible, corrupt, evil. Conservative thinkers are balder about this kind of attitude: Limbaugh, Hannity, that horrific O’Reilly person. Coulter, Kristol, etc. But the Left’s been infected, too. Have you read this new Al Franken book? Parts of it are funny, but it’s totally venomous (like, what possible response can rightist pundits have to Franken’s broadsides but further rage and return-venom?). Or see also e.g. Lapham’s latest Harper’s columns, or most of the stuff in the Nation, or even Rolling Stone. It’s all become like Zinn and Chomsky but without the immense bodies of hard data these older guys use to back up their screeds. There’s no more complex, messy, community-wide argument (or “dialogue”); political discourse is now a formulaic matter of preaching to one’s own choir and demonizing the opposition. Everything’s relentlessly black-and-whitened. Since the truth is way, way more gray and complicated than any one ideology can capture, the whole thing seems to me not just stupid but stupefying." DFW The Believer - Interview with David Foster Wallace

"Even more important than this victory is that it is the first real crack in the deal that built the Republican revival of the last nearly 40 years: secular capitalists and religious fundamentalists agreeing on the marriage of free-market economics and a conservative religious social order." Linda Hirshman The Conservative Coalition Gets Cracked - The Daily Beast

It is ironic that the authors present a case of 100% of academia being leftwing, and yet we have plenty of conservative thinkers, that the leftwing academes simply ignore, as demonstrated by these articles.

Russell Kirk's 'The Conservative Mind' was published in the early 1950's and yet there is no mention of that, William F. Buckley Jr or the Robert Taft movement in the GOP, etc.

Academians ignore conservative thinkers, then present as evidence of their superiority the complete absence of conservative thinkers. A bit of a tautology but then that doesn't really matter to them either.
"Conservative Thinkers" tend to be an oxymoran. "Keep things the same" and "be afraid of everything" are not difficult concepts to learn.
This is what I said:

Democrats want all Americans to have health care, Republicans don't.
Democrats want BP to pay for what they did, Republicans don't.
Democrats want to negotiate with foreign governments. Republicans want to bomb them.
Democrats know we can't pay off debt unless we make money. That includes an improved infrastructure and college and trade school educated workers. Republicans think by not spending we can pay off the debt.

And you didn't disagree with a single thing. That means they are true, right? If not, which one is wrong?
This one, for example: Democrats want to negotiate with foreign governments. Republicans want to bomb them.

Obama Claims to Have Ended Decade of War But Wanted Troops to Stay in Iraq Longer The Weekly Standard

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Obama vs Bush Just Foreign Policy

The Toll Of 5 Years Of Drone Strikes 2 400 Dead

And some Republicans oppose Obama's aggression: GOPers oppose Libya intervention - Meredith Shiner -

Don't be a partisan tool. Don't serve some lying politician.

I wish the Democratic politicians were helping out working folk, they certainly need help. Unfortunately these politicians serve the rich and that means corporate welfare, endless occupations in the Mideast, and transgender activism.

Mod note: Incorrect quote tags removed.
But the bundled money typically comes from the "workers". When the secretaries and the Janitors and the mail guys and and all the lower people hold fundraisers, they "bundle" the money together and sent it to the campaign saying it comes from the company they all work at. So you get the same amount or close to the same amount from the same company but from very different people and for different reasons.
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Please provide evidence this money came from "Janitors and the mail guys". lol

Check this out: Bundling In Politics - Definition

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