Conservative attacks on the Justice system

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
So we are aware that our jails are full and there is a backlog in the courts. Its cool because there are no jail spaces for anyone convicted.

And of course they have waged war on our Judges while ripping up international treaties if it suits them.
But now sunak is moving on to another area to undermine law and order.
Starmer used to be a human righrs lawyer. As such he represented many different organisations on the basis that he took the next job available.
So sunak is now dredging thru old court files looking for any evidence that he thivks show him in a bad light.
I dont know where he is going with this. Every accused person is entitled to a defence in the UK.
I suspect that its the same in the US. Lawyers accept the jobs they are given. Thats the way it works.
Is sunaak suggesting that the accused do not have a right to a fair trial ? Is that really his level of understanding ?
I think so. He refers to judges as enemies of the people. The real enemy is a fucking dense politician who breaks the law himself.
I agree, your country is really fucked up. You should pay more attention to your problems.
The UK has infinitely fewer problem areas than the US , and in common areas the intensity of the problems are much less here .

The UK is not perched on the edge of a survival cliff like America .

Do not let OP influence your perception .
Not our brightest and no obvious analytic talents .
Just a regurgitator of points taken from highly questionable media sources

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