Donald Trumps never ending fictional campaigns for office

Umm yes he has.

No he hasn't. Not ever. Prove that Donald Trump ever declared personal bankruptcy. You said it, you must be able to prove it.

I think the poster and dems are referring to his corporation declaring it four different times. I don't the poster said personal but I could be wrong.

No one said he declared personal bankruptcy. He's at least smart enough to shelter his personal assets but he did lose the Trump Tower in New York in the Trump Plaza bankruptcy in 1992, but managed to get it back two years later when he substantially reduced his personal debt.

The Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City declared bankruptcy three times. Chase Manhattan Bank forced Trump to sell West Side Yards parcel of development land to Asian developers. Trump Tower and Hotel in Toronto was taken over and completed by Saudi developers, although again, Trump's name remains on the building.

Fourth Time's A Charm: How Donald Trump Made Bankruptcy Work For Him - Forbes

The Bankruptcies - Top 10 Donald Trump Failures - TIME
The right salivates every time Trump pretends to run for office

Morons actually think he would make a good leader

You folks upset because someone other than your dear leader gutter trash can manipulate the media? At least he has real experience and accomplishments to bring to the table, unlike the mulatto messiah that is occupying the oval office now. I really doubt he will run for anything but it sure is amusing to see how easily he can rattle your cage.
It is humorous that some still think that the experiences and accomplishments of Trump would make for a good president

And I said that where? It would make him a better president than dear leader gutter trash who had zero accomplishments before running for president. Come to think of it the mulatto messiah only has a couple of accomplishments after 5 years in office, how freaking pathetic.

lets do a brief history of barak Obama.

I will close gitmo

the patriot act needs to go

if I don't have the deficit reduced by half after my first term I don't deserve to be reelected - well he did double it. maybe that's what he meant

So I didn't quite make the unemployment levels I promised.

you can keep your healthcare plans if you like them

I promise you a transparent government

I will end partisan politics

I will drive lobbyists out of Washington

I will put an end to oil speculators driving up the cost of gas

I will reverse bush policies that led to the economic crisis

I could go on and in but I would be banned for spamming the place.

Led by Republican fear mongering, Congress blocked the closing of Gitmo
Obama has cut the deficit in half
Unemployment levels have dropped from 10.2% to 6.7%
Obama has the most transparent presidency in history (name a president that was more transparent)
Nobody can end partisan politics or lobbyists
The US is on the verge of being the worlds largest oil producer
Obama saved us from a depression
There is a fallacy that strong business leaders would make good politicians but that's almost never true. The more successful the businessman, the less likely that he would be successful as a governor or President. That's because running a country or state in a democracy is the antithesis of running a business.

In business, you use reliable contractors you know will do a good job, and while you will obtain a few quotes and negotiate hard for the best price, in the end, you will go with the best trades with a good track record. Governments will have a public tender of the contract, and the job will be given to the company which comes in at the lowest price regardless of the quality of their workmanship or the problems they cause.

I did a short contract at a government office cleaning up constructions liens and holdbacks, about 4 years ago that really opened my eyes on why construction on government buildings always goes over budget and it all comes down to contracts being given to idiot contractors who do a lousy job for the cheapest price. Public tendering is supposed to cure corruption, but it opens up other cans of worms that, in the end, costs far more than an extra few dollars up front.

Add to the costs of shoddy workmanship (those offering the rock bottom cheapest price will cut corners to achieve it), public oversight of the project also increases costs. The reporting requirements for public contracts are onerous and add costs to the project that no private businessman has to deal with. All of this is legally required to ensure that the contractor isn't ripping off the taxpayers, and that there is transparency to public spending, but it comes at a cost.

When I was completing my work for the province, there was one company which was responsible for 90% of the construction liens filed against the province. Every one of the project managers said that they had never completed any project on time, on budget and they missed every key deadline. Their work was shoddy and often had to be redone, and every day I received phone calls from subtrades they had hired, who had not been paid, some of which went back years. In frustration, I went to the head of the department and said "Why are you still doing business with these assholes?" and he looked at me and said "Public tendering".

Successful businessmen and women are those who control problems, and have a strong hand in the running of their businesses. They hire contractors who will give them good value for the money, with the least number of problems. These are things which public tendering take away.

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