Donald Trump is a prosecutor's dream

I seem to have missed it. When, exactly, did the Goobers reverse course now to claim that in order to chant "lock him up" there has to be a crime, first?

I don't get it. The OP lists some more-or-less established facts, and these yammering nutsacks pretend he needs a psychiatrist.

Proceed straight from Robert Altemeyer's research of conservative authoritarians: The subservience to the Dear Leader requires any and all aggression be focused on those who would dare to criticize the Dear Leader, evidence or facts be damned. Makes sense now?

He, the Dear Leader, hasn't been indicted yet, so they conclude, Mueller has nothing. Marvel at that for a while.

Prosecute the underlings for all manners of crimes, and let them off with a minor charge for their cooperation, means these underlings have perpetrated nothing other than the minor charge. Marvel at that for a while.

And on and on it goes... They've sold out so long ago, they can't even remember the price anymore.
I seem to have missed it. When, exactly, did the Goobers reverse course now to claim that in order to chant "lock him up" there has to be a crime, first?
I don't get it. The OP lists some more-or-less established facts, and these yammering nutsacks pretend he needs a psychiatrist.

In general, a felony is an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment in excess of one year is authorized. Felonies are serious crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary, punishable by a harsher sentence than that given for a misdemeanor.

The sentence for a felonious crime under state law will be served in a state prison, since a year or less can be served in county jail. However, a sentence upon conviction for a felony may sometimes be less than one year at the discretion of the judge and within limits set by statute.

Felonies may be classified by level of seriousness. More serious felonies carry harsher penalties. The classification of felonies varies by jurisdiction and crime. Typically, when felonies are classified into categories, a Class A felony is more severely punished than lower level Class B and even lower level Class C felonies. The statute of limitations varies by jurisdiction and type of felony.

More information is above and also below:

Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
What kind of felony did people commit who are advising the president, and with which convicted felons is President Trump presently "surrounding himself"?

We're waiting for your substantial list, since your partner can't produce squat.

Or are you all hat and no cattle too?

That''s an impressive cut 'n paste. The four Trump associates I mentioned were convicted of Felony Stock Fraud, Felony Tax Evasion, Felony Campaign Finance Violation, and more. You can look it up.
He surrounds himself with felons.

He lies endlessly.

He wasn't allowed to build in Australia because of his Mafia ties.

He intimidates witnesses.

He commits bribery.

Is he or isn't he a prosecutor's dream?
Love to get him on the stand under oath
He surrounds himself with felons.

He lies endlessly.

He wasn't allowed to build in Australia because of his Mafia ties.

He intimidates witnesses.

He commits bribery.

Is he or isn't he a prosecutor's dream?
Love to get him on the stand under oath
Has to be charged with a crime first, loser.

Nah, he could just be a witness.

Sort of a long-winded Sgt. Schultz.
Good for him. Screw liberals.
Forget about payments to Trump’s paramours. Sex sells, but it won’t be what brings Trump down. The real reason the president is so freaked out about his lawyer’s loyalties is that Cohen is at the nexus of the Russia and finance network.

Trump’s Dirty Money
The Leftists open embrace of Fascism and the police state is fucking horrifyingly.

Its what we expected. Or should have expected. Democrats are chameleons. When out of power they moderate. When in power they tend to express their true Soviet dna.

This is why I say our fight isnt political. They are beaten politically. But their power lies in their control of the media, universities, big corporations, deep state and an enormous amount of money. Their press organs now openly brag that they have more money than Republicans.

And this is why you see them dropping the mask. The heavy censorship on the internet now means they feel powerful and in control. No need to hide their communism and anti-american rhetoric any more.

These are the people America was warned about in the cold war. Fifth columnists.
Echo Chamber.

Where never is heard a discouraging word, and Trump's a truth-teller all day.

From wikileaks exposure of Democratic strategy via John Podestas emails..

"We will create a robust echo chamber with messaging that spans from independent groups, to progressive partisans, to grassroots organizers, to the netroots. We will align messaging across broadcast and cable TV, radio, print, Internet, single-issue and advocacy organizations, progressive media, surrogates and new media."

Re: DRAFT launch statement for progressive media - WikiLeaks
From wikileaks exposure of Democratic strategy via John Podestas emails..

"We will create a robust echo chamber with messaging that spans from independent groups, to progressive partisans, to grassroots organizers, to the netroots. We will align messaging across broadcast and cable TV, radio, print, Internet, single-issue and advocacy organizations, progressive media, surrogates and new media."

Re: DRAFT launch statement for progressive media - WikiLeaks

Funny how that first phrase of the quoted paragraph went missing:

Progressive Media will serve as a communications and messaging nerve center for the progressive movement.

It's a draft statement by Tom Matzzie, formerly of MoveOn.

So much for the "Democratic strategy".

Couldn't quite get the point you wanted to see and promulgate without misrepresenting what's actually there, eh? ... and how dare "the progressive movement" strive to get their message across. The nerve...
Forget about payments to Trump’s paramours. Sex sells, but it won’t be what brings Trump down. The real reason the president is so freaked out about his lawyer’s loyalties is that Cohen is at the nexus of the Russia and finance network.

Trump’s Dirty Money
And yet this "All American" strategy has come up with nothing on Trump? How can that BE, Olde Europe? Here's a hint for time investigate someone who's actually broken the law! Go after THEIR underlings! What you've done with this investigation is go after the underlings HOPING to get something...ANYTHING!!! use against Trump! It's the tail wagging the dog!

Mueller is looking into Russian interference in the election. In the process, he tripped over some obvious crimes in his path. Do you think he was supposed to give Manafort a pass?

Trump has made the investigation all about him, because he fears evidence of Russian interference will taint his victory. He should have been cooperating since Day 1, instead of "fighting back", by trying to de-legitimize a legitimate investigation.

Oh, Mueller "tripped" over some obvious crimes? That's amusing! What you really mean is he couldn't find any collusion so all of the Clinton folks he put on his little crew spent all of their time looking for something else instead! They haven't been investigating "collusion" for well over a year now! That dog wouldn't hunt right from the get go and they KNEW it because they knew the whole Russian collusion thing was something that Hillary Clinton and the DNC cooked up to try and smear Trump and win an election!

No, I meant what I said.

Your meanderings are you own.

So who do you think REALLY "colluded" with foreign entities to affect our election, Joaquin? Who paid foreign agents big money to smear their opponent? Who collected millions of dollars in a pay for play scheme from foreign donors and then used that money to help finance their political machine? Let's "meander" over and take a look at THAT for a change!

Because God knows we can't talk about Trump and the OP. We have to talk about Clintons.

We should be talking about the Clintons because they actually DID collude with foreign agents in an attempt to influence our elections! We should be talking about the Clintons because they actually DID run a pay for play scheme through illegal servers hidden in their private residence! What's amazing is that all of the things that you on the left "allege" Donald Trump did (but can't seem to find any proof of)...the Clinton's actually DID and the proof is right there in front of you! So why is Mueller investigating Trump and NOT Clinton?

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