Donald Trump: a progressive's president


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left is so easy to dupe. Donald Trump is a life-long liberal who progressives would worship if he ran for president with a little "D" behind his name. But simply because of that "R" they are rioting, engaging in violence, and losing their minds.

Here is a perfect example. Yet another progressive policy that Donald Trump supports. If this passes (and I pray it doesn't) the left will somehow manage to complain about it despite it being their biggest talking point over the past two decades...

“We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation,” he vowed in his Inaugural Address.

Senate Democrats to Unveil $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan
Why don't you want this to happen?

The FAR left does not want this to happen. Anything that empowers men and strengthens the family unit is against what they want.
The left is so easy to dupe. Donald Trump is a life-long liberal who progressives would worship if he ran for president with a little "D" behind his name. But simply because of that "R" they are rioting, engaging in violence, and losing their minds.

Here is a perfect example. Yet another progressive policy that Donald Trump supports. If this passes (and I pray it doesn't) the left will somehow manage to complain about it despite it being their biggest talking point over the past two decades...

“We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation,” he vowed in his Inaugural Address.

Senate Democrats to Unveil $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan
So you enjoy bridges collapsing,roads destroying cars and overall costing MORE in the long run to upkeep than to simply replace. It also provides jobs AND like in our town here replacing an old bridge and expanding our airport runway and fixing some roads it brings in MORE companies here which improves the economy. You extremists lost! The teapers and libertardians and in general hands off muh money except for war crowd on the right and the communists,socialists and cultural marxists on the left LOST! Trump is a populist I suggest you read up on it and what it means.
The left is so easy to dupe. Donald Trump is a life-long liberal who progressives would worship if he ran for president with a little "D" behind his name. But simply because of that "R" they are rioting, engaging in violence, and losing their minds.

Here is a perfect example. Yet another progressive policy that Donald Trump supports. If this passes (and I pray it doesn't) the left will somehow manage to complain about it despite it being their biggest talking point over the past two decades...

“We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation,” he vowed in his Inaugural Address.

Senate Democrats to Unveil $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

"“We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation,” he vowed in his Inaugural Address."

The American nations infrastructure has many problems, including many bridges that are crumbling. Why you think this rebuilding infrastructure project is a bad idea I don't know.

Of course it will cost a lot of money, but think of the jobs it will create, think of the people who'll be working those jobs and therefore paying income tax back to the Government.
Why don't you want this to happen?

The FAR left does not want this to happen. Anything that empowers men and strengthens the family unit is against what they want.
He's among that muh money crowd if it was up to ppl like him we would have dirt roads and need need a big ass boat to bring us from one side of the river to the other.They are led by clowns like Cruz and Paul etc. I am sure they would be against the interstate system Eisenhower had built as well! They are just as irrelevant as the far left is
Why don't you want this to happen?

The FAR left does not want this to happen. Anything that empowers men and strengthens the family unit is against what they want.
Men do have the power, to do what a woman in the house tells him...

"Men do have the power, to do what a woman in the house tells him..."

Exactly, when told to get into the kitchen and make my dinner, this happens, when told to massage my feet, this, I better stop there, this might be the wrong thread :smoke:
Why don't you want this to happen?

The FAR left does not want this to happen. Anything that empowers men and strengthens the family unit is against what they want.
Men do have the power, to do what a woman in the house tells him...

"Men do have the power, to do what a woman in the house tells him..."

Exactly, when told to get into the kitchen and make my dinner, this happens, when told to massage my feet, this, I better stop there, this might be the wrong thread :smoke:
Growing up I would always hear how men were the kings of the castle..But a closer investigation told me that was not the case..
The American nations infrastructure has many problems, including many bridges that are crumbling. Why you think this rebuilding infrastructure project is a bad idea I don't know.

1. We are $20 trillion in debt thanks to progressives and their spend and spend and spend some more idiocy. This "infrastructure" nonsense is just another example of that idiotic policy.

2. It is unconstitutional. It is not the federal government's job to pay for a bridge in Pittsburgh. It's the people of Pittsburgh's job to pay for the bridge in Pittsburgh. Why in the hell should I pay for a road in Corvallis, Oregon?!? I've never even been to Oregon. I don't drive on their roads. Why should I be taxed for them?

3. The last thing we need is more government-funded jobs. Government doesn't create wealth - it wastes it. We need to cut government and expand the private sector.
Of course it will cost a lot of money, but think of the jobs it will create, think of the people who'll be working those jobs and therefore paying income tax back to the Government.
My dear....if the money comes from the government in the first's a net loss. If the government pays a man $40,000 a year to repair all of the roads in Rhode Island, and he pays $12,000 on that income, the federal government is down $28,000. They are not up $12,000.
The left is so easy to dupe. Donald Trump is a life-long liberal who progressives would worship if he ran for president with a little "D" behind his name. But simply because of that "R" they are rioting, engaging in violence, and losing their minds.

Here is a perfect example. Yet another progressive policy that Donald Trump supports. If this passes (and I pray it doesn't) the left will somehow manage to complain about it despite it being their biggest talking point over the past two decades...

“We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation,” he vowed in his Inaugural Address.

Senate Democrats to Unveil $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan
So you enjoy bridges collapsing,roads destroying cars and overall costing MORE in the long run to upkeep than to simply replace. It also provides jobs AND like in our town here replacing an old bridge and expanding our airport runway and fixing some roads it brings in MORE companies here which improves the economy. You extremists lost! The teapers and libertardians and in general hands off muh money except for war crowd on the right and the communists,socialists and cultural marxists on the left LOST! Trump is a populist I suggest you read up on it and what it means.

Careful hon, you'll also bring in more negroes.
So you enjoy bridges collapsing,roads destroying cars and overall costing MORE in the long run to upkeep than to simply replace. It also provides jobs AND like in our town here replacing an old bridge and expanding our airport runway and fixing some roads it brings in MORE companies here which improves the economy. You extremists lost! The teapers and libertardians and in general hands off muh money except for war crowd on the right and the communists,socialists and cultural marxists on the left LOST! Trump is a populist I suggest you read up on it and what it means.
Trump is a "populist". He's so "populist" he lost the popular vote by millions. :lmao: Moron.

Here's the thing my special little simpleton - nobody gives a shit what you or Donald Trump thinks. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It trumps you. It trumps Trump. Try reading it sometime, stupid.

1. We are $20 trillion in debt thanks to progressives and their spend and spend and spend some more idiocy. This "infrastructure" nonsense is just another example of that idiotic policy.

2. It is unconstitutional. It is not the federal government's job to pay for a bridge in Pittsburgh. It's the people of Pittsburgh's job to pay for the bridge in Pittsburgh. Why in the hell should I pay for a road in Corvallis, Oregon?!? I've never even been to Oregon. I don't drive on their roads. Why should I be taxed for them?

3. The last thing we need is more government-funded jobs. Government doesn't create wealth - it wastes it. We need to cut government and expand the private sector.
Why don't you want this to happen?

The FAR left does not want this to happen. Anything that empowers men and strengthens the family unit is against what they want.
1. We are $20 trillion in debt thanks to progressives and their spend and spend and spend some more idiocy. This "infrastructure" nonsense is just another example of that idiotic policy.

2. It is unconstitutional. It is not the federal government's job to pay for a bridge in Pittsburgh. It's the people of Pittsburgh's job to pay for the bridge in Pittsburgh. Why in the hell should I pay for a road in Corvallis, Oregon?!? I've never even been to Oregon. I don't drive on their roads. Why should I be taxed for them?

3. The last thing we need is more government-funded jobs. Government doesn't create wealth - it wastes it. We need to cut government and expand the private sector.
Why don't you want this to happen?

The FAR left does not want this to happen. Anything that empowers men and strengthens the family unit is against what they want.
He's among that muh money crowd if it was up to ppl like him we would have dirt roads and need need a big ass boat to bring us from one side of the river to the other.They are led by clowns like Cruz and Paul etc. I am sure they would be against the interstate system Eisenhower had built as well! They are just as irrelevant as the far left is

Your society has always been about the muh money crowd, set up by the original colonial muh money crowd.
The American nations infrastructure has many problems, including many bridges that are crumbling. Why you think this rebuilding infrastructure project is a bad idea I don't know.

1. We are $20 trillion in debt thanks to progressives and their spend and spend and spend some more idiocy. This "infrastructure" nonsense is just another example of that idiotic policy.

2. It is unconstitutional. It is not the federal government's job to pay for a bridge in Pittsburgh. It's the people of Pittsburgh's job to pay for the bridge in Pittsburgh. Why in the hell should I pay for a road in Corvallis, Oregon?!? I've never even been to Oregon. I don't drive on their roads. Why should I be taxed for them?

3. The last thing we need is more government-funded jobs. Government doesn't create wealth - it wastes it. We need to cut government and expand the private sector.
Does infrastructure promote the general welfare? Does infrastructure promote the economic growth of this nation? Is spending on the infrastructure a bi-partisan idea?

What would you have? No paved roads, rum used as an anesthetic and Negroes counted as 3/8 a person? If this nation is great, it's due to our system of transportation and our system of justice.
Why don't you want this to happen?

The FAR left does not want this to happen. Anything that empowers men and strengthens the family unit is against what they want.
1. We are $20 trillion in debt thanks to progressives and their spend and spend and spend some more idiocy. This "infrastructure" nonsense is just another example of that idiotic policy.

2. It is unconstitutional. It is not the federal government's job to pay for a bridge in Pittsburgh. It's the people of Pittsburgh's job to pay for the bridge in Pittsburgh. Why in the hell should I pay for a road in Corvallis, Oregon?!? I've never even been to Oregon. I don't drive on their roads. Why should I be taxed for them?

3. The last thing we need is more government-funded jobs. Government doesn't create wealth - it wastes it. We need to cut government and expand the private sector.

Well they have to create the illusion that this economic system works, so yeah.
The American nations infrastructure has many problems, including many bridges that are crumbling. Why you think this rebuilding infrastructure project is a bad idea I don't know.

1. We are $20 trillion in debt thanks to progressives and their spend and spend and spend some more idiocy. This "infrastructure" nonsense is just another example of that idiotic policy.

2. It is unconstitutional. It is not the federal government's job to pay for a bridge in Pittsburgh. It's the people of Pittsburgh's job to pay for the bridge in Pittsburgh. Why in the hell should I pay for a road in Corvallis, Oregon?!? I've never even been to Oregon. I don't drive on their roads. Why should I be taxed for them?

3. The last thing we need is more government-funded jobs. Government doesn't create wealth - it wastes it. We need to cut government and expand the private sector.
Does infrastructure promote the general welfare? Does infrastructure promote the economic growth of this nation? Is spending on the infrastructure a bi-partisan idea?

What would you have? No paved roads, rum used as an anesthetic and Negroes counted as 3/8 a person? If this nation is great, it's due to our system of transportation and our system of justice.

Militarized police departments, mass incarceration and for profit prisons aren't justice.
Does infrastructure promote the general welfare?
The "General Welfare" clause applies to the 18 enumerated powers of the federal government only. Otherwise, the federal government would literally have unlimited power. All they would need to do is deem something as "promoting the general welfare" and they could proceed. They could say it "promotes the general welfare" to eliminate free speech and there wouldn't be a damn thing you could do about it. They could say it "promotes the general welfare" to execute people named Nosmo King on message boards and there wouldn't be a damn thing you could do about it. You need to read and understand the U.S. Constitution - not just parrot progressive propaganda that you've heard. Here is Thomas Jefferson himself explaining it:

“Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action” - Thomas Jefferson (June 6, 1817)

[We] disavow, and declare to be most false and unfounded, the doctrine that the [Constitution], in authorizing its federal branch to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, has given them thereby a power to do whatever they may think, or pretend, would promote the general welfare–which construction would make that of itself a complete government, without limitation of powers… The plain sense and obvious meaning were that they might levy the taxes necessary to provide for the general welfare by the various acts of power therein specified and delegated to them, and by no others. Thomas Jefferson (December 24, 1825)

What would you have? No paved roads, rum used as an anesthetic and Negroes counted as 3/8 a person? If this nation is great, it's due to our system of transportation and our system of justice.
I would have constitutional government - where the local municipality pays for their own roads and bridges and the state pays for it's own state highways. I said that clearly already. Are you really this stupid or are you just playing stupid?
Interstate infrastructure needs to be updated and that is the federal governments responsibility. It has been ignored for decades and it needs to be done. I agree anything that is state or locally controlled, then they need to be maintained by those authorities and their tax dollars. It is unfortunate Congress found it more important to spend billions on fake agw than to maintain federal infrastructure..
The American nations infrastructure has many problems, including many bridges that are crumbling. Why you think this rebuilding infrastructure project is a bad idea I don't know.

1. We are $20 trillion in debt thanks to progressives and their spend and spend and spend some more idiocy. This "infrastructure" nonsense is just another example of that idiotic policy.

2. It is unconstitutional. It is not the federal government's job to pay for a bridge in Pittsburgh. It's the people of Pittsburgh's job to pay for the bridge in Pittsburgh. Why in the hell should I pay for a road in Corvallis, Oregon?!? I've never even been to Oregon. I don't drive on their roads. Why should I be taxed for them?

3. The last thing we need is more government-funded jobs. Government doesn't create wealth - it wastes it. We need to cut government and expand the private sector.
Interstate infrastructure needs to be updated and that is the federal governments responsibility. It has been ignored for decades and it needs to be done. I agree anything that is state or locally controlled, then they need to be maintained by those authorities and their tax dollars. It is unfortunate Congress found it more important to spend billions on fake agw than to maintain federal infrastructure.
Well the problem is - progressives have spent us into oblivion. Congress can't keep up with infrastructure because we spent $20 trillion on unconstitutional stuff like the Obama-phone, Obamacare, Solyndra, National Endowment for the Arts, and literally tens of thousands of other useless nonsense.

Had we remained a constitutional government, our infrastructure would be state-of-the-art and we would have a surplus. Instead, we're $20 trillion in debt (the most in the world) and we have absolutely nothing to show for it.

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