Domestically, can someone please tell me what Trump has done for the little guy?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
The trade war if off again with China....they're gonna buy our shit now...what? Only god knows, cause we don't make nothing but doughnuts wrapped in bacon and coal.

I am just waiting for something, anything the GOP or Trump has done for the little guy since taking office and no, the tax cuts didn't help anybody but the rich and that is fact. Keeping us safe for NK, not gonna pass mustered either....Please can someone tell me what this man and congress has done?

Our insurance premiums will increase this fall, due to the mandate being dropped
Our wages are still the same, no increase no trickle down
Our deficit is the highest in its history
The market is still uncertain
No wall, no infrastructure jobs
China still got all them so called good paying jobs over there

Other than tweet bullshit dreams to the hillbillies, what has the fuckin guy done for ya?


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