DOJ seeks to dismiss Stzrok's lawsuit.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Poor guy. Lost his job and his wife* and now he's going to jail. ( hopefully not until after he's financially ruined from legal fees. - - payback for what he did to General Flynn )
*Peter Strzok's "insurance policy" is his wife, SEC Director Melissa Hodgman, who has blocked the FBI's probe of the Clinton Foundation for 21 months and counting

The Department of Justice released documents Monday outlining a slew of "security violations" and flagrantly "unprofessional conduct" by anti-Trump ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok — including his alleged practice of keeping sensitive FBI documents on his unsecured personal electronic devices, even as his wife gained access to his cellphone and discovered evidence that he was having an affair with former FBI attorney Lisa Page.

The DOJ was seeking to dismiss Strzok’s lawsuit claiming he was unfairly fired and deserves to be reinstated as chief of the counterespionage division at the FBI. In its filing, the DOJ included an August 2018 letterto Strzok from the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), which said in part that Strzok had engaged in a "dereliction of supervisory responsibility" by failing to investigate the potentially classified Hillary Clinton emails that had turned up on an unsecured laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner as the 2016 election approached.

DOJ outlines slew of Strzok 'security violations,' says wife learned of affair through unsecured phone
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Poor guy. Lost his job and his wife, and now he's going to jail. ( hopefully )

The Department of Justice released documents Monday outlining a slew of "security violations" and flagrantly "unprofessional conduct" by anti-Trump ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok — including his alleged practice of keeping sensitive FBI documents on his unsecured personal electronic devices, even as his wife gained access to his cellphone and discovered evidence that he was having an affair with former FBI attorney Lisa Page.

The DOJ was seeking to dismiss Strzok’s lawsuit claiming he was unfairly fired and deserves to be reinstated as chief of the counterespionage division at the FBI. In its filing, the DOJ included an August 2018 letterto Strzok from the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), which said in part that Strzok had engaged in a "dereliction of supervisory responsibility" by failing to investigate the potentially classified Hillary Clinton emails that had turned up on an unsecured laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner as the 2016 election approached.

DOJ outlines slew of Strzok 'security violations,' says wife learned of affair through unsecured phone

Yep, it's just not fair, after all who the heck wants to stand in line at the unemployment office and deal with those government employees.
Think I'll stand over here and cry for the poor dumb bastard.

Oh wait. I forgot. He's a dumb bastard. Never mind. LOL
How the hell does Strzok have any grounds to file a lawsuit?

He can file but it has to be based on some type of discrimation ie age, race etc.

I found this:

"According to the lawsuit Strzok is claiming his first amendment right to free speech was violated and his fifth amendment right to due process was violated."

There usually is a process for firing a federal employee, including the opportunity to appeal. I'm guessing that in this case all T's were crossed and I's dotted to make sure it was all legal and proper. Maybe he thinks he'll get a friendly judge to rule in his favor. Actually, I'm kind of interested to learn more about this process, cuz there are (IMHO) a number of federal employees who need to fired if not prosecuted for misconduct. Nothing wrong with making sure no one's rights are violated or somebody is mistreated based on their political views, but with this guy it sure seems like an open and shut case.


In the lawsuit, Strzok attorney Aitan Goelman says the FBI deputy director who fired him was responding to “unrelenting pressure from President Trump and his political allies in Congress and the media.”

That deputy, David Bowdich, overruled the recommendation of a disciplinary official that he be merely demoted and suspended without pay and denied him the chance to appeal.

Bowdich said at the time that Strzok’s “sustained pattern of bad judgment in the use of an FBI device” for texting called into question decisions made during the Clinton email investigation and the early stages of the Russia probe. And the FBI has said that Bowdich, as the FBI’s No. 2 official, had the authority to overrule disciplinary findings.

The complaint says the campaign to fire Strzok included “constant tweets and other disparaging statements” from Trump, as well as the president’s direct appeals to Wray and Barr’s predecessor as attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to fire Strzok.

The lawsuit says the administration discriminated against his viewpoint by firing him even though other government officials who have supported Trump in the workplace have kept their jobs. It notes that the White House has not fired counselor Kellyanne Conway despite the determination that she violated the Hatch Act — a law that limits political activity by government workers — by criticizing Democratic presidential candidates while speaking in her official capacity.

“The Trump administration has consistently tolerated and even encouraged partisan political speech by federal employees, as long as this speech praises President Trump and attacks his political adversaries,” the complaint contends.

IMHO, Strzok should not have been denied the opportunity to appeal the decision. Strzok is/was entitled to his opinion and to voice it, but his actions and decisions were very questionable and he did deserve to be fired.
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How the hell does Strzok have any grounds to file a lawsuit?

He can file but it has to be based on some type of discrimation ie age, race etc.
He's trying to claim that his bias against Trump was personal and had nothing to do with his capacity as an FBI agent and whether or not he could affect the election or any ongoing investigations.
How the hell does Strzok have any grounds to file a lawsuit?

He can file but it has to be based on some type of discrimation ie age, race etc.
He's trying to claim that his bias against Trump was personal and had nothing to do with his capacity as an FBI agent and whether or not he could affect the election or any ongoing investigations.

That will go nowhere quickly.
The fact that they're going public with this now, probably means he's about to be indicted.
That little bastard deserves to spend many years in a federal prison. He represents everything that's wrong in our corrupt government. Pure scum.
That little bastard deserves to spend many years in a federal prison. He represents everything that's wrong in our corrupt government. Pure scum.
If he hasn't already, President Trump should revoke their passports, Brennan,Clapper,Stzrok, Comey.....Hillary:71:.

I think they all look like they're ready skip on out of here and hide in Belize or someplace.

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