Does Rand Paul understand his own conspiracy theories?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Does Rand Paul understand his own conspiracy theories? - The Week

Campaigning in Montana for his father, Ron Paul, in 2008, Rand Paul explicated his belief in an elite plot to replace the U.S. dollar with a new currency: “the Amero.” (You can listen to Rand Paul discuss the plot here.)

Creation of the Amero is alleged to be just one step toward a sinister “North American Union.” Another step is a putative “NAFTA super-highway” -- 10 lanes of roaring road stretching through the middle of the United States to connect Canada and Mexico.

In his struggle against the Amero, Rand Paul complains, “the thing you just have to be aware of is that, if you talk about it like it's a conspiracy, they'll paint you as a nut.” Paul adds: “It's not a conspiracy; they're out in the open about it.”

My curiosity piqued, I started Googling. And what do you know? There are people out in the open talking about the Amero. One of them is an old, old friend of mine, Prof. Herbert Grubel of British Columbia’s Simon Fraser University. In fact, it was Prof. Grubel who coined the term in a book published in 1999. Alas, as Grubel has sadly confessed in many interviews, nobody in any North American government has ever shown any interest in his project.

And no wonder! A single North American currency offers no benefit to the United States while it would be positively dangerous to Canada and Mexico. In fact, Canada’s brief experience with a fixed link to the U.S. dollar was so disastrous that Canada dropped out of Bretton Woods in 1950, 21 years before other major countries abandoned the international monetary regime.
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Yeah, one would never think with the progressive left wanting to be more and more like Europe with their Euro that they may want to move in the same direction here in the states and create the Amero. What an 'out there' thought, eh? :lol: case you hadn't heard, Rand Paul is no longer allowed to think for himself without checking with Mitch McConnell first.
Yeah, one would never think with the progressive left wanting to be more and more like Europe with their Euro that they may want to move in the same direction here in the states and create the Amero. What an 'out there' thought, eh? :lol:

So I take it you are a NAFTA Superhighway/NAU conspiracist?
Yeah, one would never think with the progressive left wanting to be more and more like Europe with their Euro that they may want to move in the same direction here in the states and create the Amero. What an 'out there' thought, eh? :lol:

So I take it you are a NAFTA Superhighway/NAU conspiracist?

Your ability to make associations is sadly lacking apparently, but that's how you guys operate, so I understand how difficult it is for you to use logic. :razz:

So, if you think there may be the outside chance of there being a common currency over here as there is in Europe, you're automatically some kind of a conspiracist? Is that your logic? Unfortunately, I'm not even familiar with whatever the NAFTA superhighway is or NAU, so I guess that means that I'm not. Sorry to burst your bubble. :lol:

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