Does engaging in political discussion make you miserable?

John Shaw

Gold Member
Jul 22, 2017
Or even just consuming news related to politics. I've noticed that one thing the right and left have in common is that they are ALL MISERABLE FUCKS. People who generally enjoy their lives don't sit around bashing other people for believing differently. They don't buy into Chicken Little prophecies or ridiculous conspiracy theories, and they sure as hell don't derive pleasure from the unhappiness/suffering of others.

Personally, I find I enjoy my life more when I just don't pay attention to all the bullshit these cocksuckers are spewing. On both sides. It's good to make fun of, but that's about it.
Or even just consuming news related to politics. I've noticed that one thing the right and left have in common is that they are ALL MISERABLE FUCKS. People who generally enjoy their lives don't sit around bashing other people for believing differently. They don't buy into Chicken Little prophecies or ridiculous conspiracy theories, and they sure as hell don't derive pleasure from the unhappiness/suffering of others.

Personally, I find I enjoy my life more when I just don't pay attention to all the bullshit these cocksuckers are spewing. On both sides. It's good to make fun of, but that's about it.
This shit makes me laugh.
I do enjoy political discourse, otherwise I wouldn't be here. And it is more fun to discuss issues with an adversary than somebody on my own side of the aisle, even that whacked out ones.

The only time I don't enjoy it is when unnecessary personal insults get thrown into the discussion. I quit doing crap like that when I was a teenager. I don't need to be involved with that as an upper-middle-aged guy. Don't get me wrong, if somebody punches me, I'm punching back twice as hard. But in most cases, I never draw first blood.

It's impossible to detect misery reading words. You'd have to be face to face to determine that. Plus I feel if somebody does come here to be miserable, they have some serious issues.
Or even just consuming news related to politics. I've noticed that one thing the right and left have in common is that they are ALL MISERABLE FUCKS. People who generally enjoy their lives don't sit around bashing other people for believing differently. They don't buy into Chicken Little prophecies or ridiculous conspiracy theories, and they sure as hell don't derive pleasure from the unhappiness/suffering of others.

Personally, I find I enjoy my life more when I just don't pay attention to all the bullshit these cocksuckers are spewing. On both sides. It's good to make fun of, but that's about it.
It can be fun exposing the idiocy of both sides, but I generally don’t read or watch any MSM news reporting.
You cannot discuss, negotiate, or compromise with the left they are depraved lying traitors who must be defeated.
And you are a complete moron.

Be glad I haven't sent you to a detention facility in Antarctica lib.
You're one of the idiots who I get a kick out of laughing at, because you're so fucking stupid and don't even realize it. LOL.

Nobody likes the left, they are backstabbers and buzz kills.
Or even just consuming news related to politics. I've noticed that one thing the right and left have in common is that they are ALL MISERABLE FUCKS. People who generally enjoy their lives don't sit around bashing other people for believing differently. They don't buy into Chicken Little prophecies or ridiculous conspiracy theories, and they sure as hell don't derive pleasure from the unhappiness/suffering of others.

Personally, I find I enjoy my life more when I just don't pay attention to all the bullshit these cocksuckers are spewing. On both sides. It's good to make fun of, but that's about it.
Does engaging in political discussion make you miserable?
Only when I end up trying to debate some liberal with an IQ of 70 which is most of those who I have put on the ignore list. But there are a few, that I have no problem discussing pressing issues that Make America Great Again..
Or even just consuming news related to politics. I've noticed that one thing the right and left have in common is that they are ALL MISERABLE FUCKS. People who generally enjoy their lives don't sit around bashing other people for believing differently. They don't buy into Chicken Little prophecies or ridiculous conspiracy theories, and they sure as hell don't derive pleasure from the unhappiness/suffering of others.

Personally, I find I enjoy my life more when I just don't pay attention to all the bullshit these cocksuckers are spewing. On both sides. It's good to make fun of, but that's about it.

I'm usually in between two windows. Working in one and fraternizing in the other one.

Inconsistency is really all that annoys me.
You cannot discuss, negotiate, or compromise with the left they are depraved lying traitors who must be defeated.
And you are a complete moron.

Be glad I haven't sent you to a detention facility in Antarctica lib.
You're one of the idiots who I get a kick out of laughing at, because you're so fucking stupid and don't even realize it. LOL.

Nobody likes the left, they are backstabbers and buzz kills.
More brilliance from blueslegend, LOL.
Or even just consuming news related to politics. I've noticed that one thing the right and left have in common is that they are ALL MISERABLE FUCKS. People who generally enjoy their lives don't sit around bashing other people for believing differently. They don't buy into Chicken Little prophecies or ridiculous conspiracy theories, and they sure as hell don't derive pleasure from the unhappiness/suffering of others.

Personally, I find I enjoy my life more when I just don't pay attention to all the bullshit these cocksuckers are spewing. On both sides. It's good to make fun of, but that's about it.
No I quite enjoy it. My parents on the other hand and my brother don't pay much attention,I mean other than what my father sees on FB or the nightly news he doesn't know what's going on and is certainly not engrossed by it. My brother doesn't even vote. I can't go a few hours without knowing what's going in. I like to be involved as much as I can in things. Calling my Congressman and Senators,Governor etc etc.
You cannot discuss, negotiate, or compromise with the left they are depraved lying traitors who must be defeated.
You cannot discuss, negotiate, or compromise with the right they are depraved lying traitors who must be defeated.
Righteous outrage feels good and is therefore addictive. There is little more to understand than this.
What percentage, would you say, of the people on these boards are complete and utter degenerates?
You cannot discuss, negotiate, or compromise with the left they are depraved lying traitors who must be defeated.
You cannot discuss, negotiate, or compromise with the right they are depraved lying traitors who must be defeated.
People have fallen asleep to much with our Political Class. And by far it is the Right who have. When not bothered with talking Politics, it is so peaceful. However not getting involved has caused this massive imbalance we see today. Saul Alinsky tactics has us on the edge of becoming another type of state. Those tactics can work to get you there, but what to do after is something different.
Or even just consuming news related to politics. I've noticed that one thing the right and left have in common is that they are ALL MISERABLE FUCKS. People who generally enjoy their lives don't sit around bashing other people for believing differently. They don't buy into Chicken Little prophecies or ridiculous conspiracy theories, and they sure as hell don't derive pleasure from the unhappiness/suffering of others.

Personally, I find I enjoy my life more when I just don't pay attention to all the bullshit these cocksuckers are spewing. On both sides. It's good to make fun of, but that's about it.
I think about the psychological/sociological/anthropological aspects of this stuff all the time.

There has to be some reason so many people are willing to (a) adhere themselves to a group no matter how myopic and hypocritical they have to be, (b) proudly exhibit noxious behaviors that we would not allow from our children, and (c) constantly spew out the most vicious personal insults and name-calling that they can conjure.

Surely it isn't meant to be constructive in any way, so it must be filling some kind of need.

And yeah, it's difficult to imagine that someone with these kinds of needs is not pretty unhappy.
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You cannot discuss, negotiate, or compromise with the left they are depraved lying traitors who must be defeated.
You cannot discuss, negotiate, or compromise with the right they are depraved lying traitors who must be defeated.
People have fallen asleep to much with our Political Class. And by far it is the Right who have. When not bothered with talking Politics, it is so peaceful. However not getting involved has caused this massive imbalance we see today. Saul Alinsky tactics has us on the edge of becoming another type of state. Those tactics can work to get you there, but what to do after is something different.
People have fallen asleep to much with our Political Class. And by far it is the Right who have.

Saul Alinsky tactics has us on the edge of becoming another type of state. Those tactics can work to get you there, but what to do after is something different.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
I used to find it funny how the liberals are so retarded because they have their heads shoved up their ass, but this guy, who cites Saul "the Lucifer lover" Alinsky, is just an evil mother fucker. I said it before I said it again, we should go out in the streets as Saul says, and bring blood to those who want to bring it to US. I am all for a preemptive strike against EVIL.

In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace.... "Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.' This means revolution." p.3

The stupidity of the left knows, no bounds.


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