Does Clinton Derangement Syndrome Exist?

Does Clinton Derangement Syndrome Exist? Or is there something deeper at work here? The attacks on everything and anything Clinton are irrefutably irrational. So what is at work in the political sphere where seemingly rational people exhibits signs of irrationality and paranoia, whenever the Clintons are mentioned?

How do you figure that? She is provably unethical and now lo and behold it is coming to light that she sold US favors to those who gave money to her husbands foundation which color me unsurprised only gives 15% of the money given to it to pursue its "charitable" goals. In other words the foundation supports their favorite charity, namely the Clintons.

Just imagine if this foundation, and these allegations were leveled at Bush and his SOS. Just imagine how shrill you would be in the condemnation of him, (and rightly so I might add) but when it's your baby Hillary, you give her a pass.

So, we know you're a Clinton fluffer, the question is...why?
The Clinton's are sleazy opportunists that lie as easily as most people breath.

She's a misanthropic, power hungry, harridan and he's a disgraced pig with a long history of sexual misconduct.

The only derangement is from their supporters.
Supporters = Remora
The question remains why the Clintons think Bill and Chelsea should run the foundations like business as usual while Hillary runs for potus and even serves? I think there is derangement syndrome, but it's fueled by their hubris.
Does Clinton Derangement Syndrome Exist? Or is there something deeper at work here? The attacks on everything and anything Clinton are irrefutably irrational. So what is at work in the political sphere where seemingly rational people exhibits signs of irrationality and paranoia, whenever the Clintons are mentioned?
How do you figure that? She is provably unethical...

Exactly what constitutes proof to a nutjob like you?

media attacks on the Clintons that suggest things while stating there is nothing there but suspicion, paranoia...

only in the wingnutty world of the hype of Left Wing Media does it seem the media has been friends of the Clintons

There are laws regarding libel, defamation and slander. When do you think Hillary is going to file a lawsuit against those news outlets to protect her good name?

Too friggin funny.

jesus, you're dense

So Hillary filed a lawsuit for....libel,....defamation,....slander? If she didn't you may want to question your motives in this thread.


media attacks on the Clintons that suggest things while stating there is nothing there but suspicion, paranoia...

only in the wingnutty world of the hype of Left Wing Media does it seem the media has been friends of the Clintons

There are laws regarding libel, defamation and slander. When do you think Hillary is going to file a lawsuit against those news outlets to protect her good name?

Too friggin funny.

jesus, you're dense

So Hillary filed a lawsuit for....libel,....defamation,....slander? If she didn't you may want to question your motives in this thread.

Why would Hillary file a lawsuit? You may want to question your own ability to walk and chew gum -- at the same time.

Fringe groups and haters have accused the Clintons of murder and drug dealing. No lawsuits have been filed. I guess they must be guilty


It most certainly does.

Personally I will agree with conservatives when they say Hillary's record on certain issues is questionable, but they like to pretend she is the face political corruption. Are you really going to tell me Cruz has some sort of record on integrity? He is a corrupt, lying scumbag, but any conservative here won't admit that. You can find dirt on ALL of the presidential candidates. Somehow they want us all to believe Hillary is the worst out of them all and it's retarded.

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