Does #Blacklivesmatters Move You To Be More Understanding , Or Is It Turning You Against Blacks?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Thanksgiving Day, and all I see is black people. I expect to hear it from the tards here, about how I'm a racist for even noticing this. The way the mainstreamers are propping up black folks on every station. It made me want to watch Harry Potter or SpongeBob.....not this BullShit.

Watching CBS, NBC, and even Fox, almost wall to wall stories about blacks. Blacks hosting the Macy's Day Parade. Blacks hosting the football game. Blacks in the commercials. We're being bombarded with African-American propaganda. (I haven't seen this many blacks since I went to my brother-in-law's funeral. My wife is black, and so I was the only white person there)

Great timing. Don't you think?

Strange how this all happening a few days after Chicago saw fit to release a 13 month old video of a young black being murdered by a cop for walking down the middle of a busy street, brandishing a knife. Why in the heck didn't they charge this cop before now?

Obama's town decided to bring the focus back to stuff that mattered.
:alirulz:Stop covering the fact that our president wants to bring Syrians by the thousands into this country...and risk the lives of Americans. It's back to protesters and assholes interrupting the peace at libraries and shopping centers.

Blacklivesmatters threatened students at Dartmouth. Charges won't be brought against them because nobody wants to be kicked out of their cushy jobs. These agitators have political power, and a corrupt media willing to press it to the hilt. Dartmouth Students Stage Hostile #BlackLivesMatter Protest in School Library

Dartmouth students lead profane Black Lives Matter protest

Black-clad protesters gathered in front of Dartmouth Hall Thursday night, forming a crowd roughly one hundred fifty strong.

Ostensibly there to denounce the removal of shirts from a display in Collis, Dartmouth’s student center the Black Lives Matter collective began to sing songs and chant their eponymous catchphrase. The band then marched into Baker-Berry Library.

“F*** you, you filthy white f***s!”

“F*** you and your comfort!”

“F*** you, you racist s***!”

These shouted epithets were the first indication that many students had of the coming storm. The sign-wielding, obscenity-shouting protesters proceeded through the usually quiet backwaters of the library. They surged first through first-floor Baker-Berry, then up the stairs to the normally undisturbed floors of the building, before coming back down to the ground floor of Novak Café.

Throngs of protesters converged around fellow students who had not joined in their long march. They confronted students who bore “symbols of oppression” such as “gangster hats” and Beats-brand headphones…

Students who refused to listen to or join their outbursts were shouted down:“Stand the f*** up!” “You filthy racist white piece of s***!” Men and women alike were pushed and shoved by the group.

“If we can’t have it, shut it down!” they cried. Another woman was pinned to a wall by protesters who unleashed their insults, shouting “filthy white b****!” in her face.

In the immediate aftermath of the demonstration, social media was abuzz with comments condemning the protesters for their tactics.

Let me ask you; Does this make you want to understand blacks any more than you did a few years ago?

After seeing what turned out to be a total scam on the University of Missouri campus over safety-zones for black students, does your love for black people grow with every incident? The college president resigning over nothing other than a few hundred protesters raising Hell in front of TV cameras. A small portion of the football team said they wouldn't play if the president didn't resign, but the media made it sound like the whole team wanted to protest. Nonsense. Even some of the black players didn't want to participate in that crap. They wanted to play.

They demanded that the president be fired. So he did, and was replaced by a Gay:gay:, half-black interim president, who immediately told everyone that this problem was not over, that it would take years to deal with. Then the Democrats said that they would have protests all over America's college campuses...

:disbelief:....but for what?? The guy quit!!! What else do you people want?
Well, they figure this is only a start. This is a systemic problem that needs to be addressed now.

America is racist.....and we need to have it rubbed in our faces.

So,.......does this make you want to go out and give a big hug to the first black person you see????
Not me.
I learned a long time ago that everyone should be judged by their actions, not by the color of their skin.

So, it looked like months of protests to bring attention to the terrible institutional racism that is going on.

But then the Syrian Refugee crisis blew up and totally took over the media's focus. A real threat to our national security became center-stage and this superfluous nonsense took a backseat.

How many of you saw the tweets by #Blacklivesmatters supporters that were irate about the Syrian crisis taking their coverage away. Dammit, somebody messed up their coverage. Nobody cared about them anymore. You bastards in Paris stole our media coverage.


But then here comes Obama.

In the words of our eloquent leader; "THIS MUST STOP!!!"
Let's get back to the task at hand....dealing with all of the racists in America. Americans that have been thinking for decades that we had nipped that problem in the bud. No need for Affirmative-Action anymore. The scales have been evened out.

Course that's not how our president and his community agitators think. They feel that they should be given favors and jobs because they have dark skin. They should be placed in positions of power so they can abuse the people beneath them even worse than the white elitists that they will be replacing.

This is the transformation of America Obama was speaking of. :hmpf:

Would you have voted for him if you knew this was what he had in mind?:hellno:

I saw through it long ago, but I wonder how many of you are just now getting wise to it?

My final point in the form a of a question is this, you think this will help race relations in this country or has it been intentionally made worse by our president and his community-agitators?
Anybody with any brains knows the people rioting are being urged to do so by outside instigators. The outsiders are being financed by groups associated with people like George Soros and other progressives.

The same holds true with the mindless twits on the college campuses.

All another effort to divide America so badly that tyrants can take over and Change it the way they want - a Worker's Paradise with them sitting in their palaces.
I'm just sick of hearing about BLM. They act like a bunch of ignorant, petulant children and they are doing their "cause" (whatever the hell it is) more harm than good. The gays overplayed their hand and people got tired of that also
I'm just sick of hearing about BLM. They act like a bunch of ignorant, petulant children and they are doing their "cause" (whatever the hell it is) more harm than good. The gays overplayed their hand and people got tired of that also
They know that the only thing that will happens is the problem gets worse..

They didn't have enough racism in they're generating it.

Maybe they can get another cracker to waste 9 innocent church members again.....or perhaps a bunch of rednecks doing drivebys on the protesters.

They need examples.

It's tough when they have to make them up.
I don't think it has turned a single person against blacks. Of course it has upset a lot of people who were already against blacks. Can you show me a single post condemning Black Lives Matter by a person that didn't already have a reputation for condemning all blacks?

Fox News host Megyn Kelly got into a heated exchange with liberal guest Richard Fowler over a Black Lives Matter activist getting in the face of a Chicago police officer Tuesday night during a protest over the death of Laquan McDonald.

The 17-year-old black youth was shot in October 2014 by a white police officer, Jason Van Dyke, who was charged Tuesday with first-degree murder in the case. Authorities released a graphic dash-cam video of the incident the same day, which prompted the protest.

The drama with Fowler began after Kelly interrupted another guest, former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik, to draw viewers attention to “an extraordinary moment” unfolding on camera, that being the black protester engaged in an intense stare down with a white cop.

Kerik interjected to say “you’re going to have guys like this who want to instigate,” which led to Fowler jumping in to defend the protester’s action.

“What is he instigating, Bernie? I’m sorry. I’ve got to interrupt,” Fowler said.

His response prompted a highly irritated Kelly to chime in.

“Richard, look at him,” she said. “This is a cop out there accused of doing nothing wrong, trying to keep the peace.”

Fowler responded by saying the man was “having a silent protest with the police officer,” adding that this is “his First Amendment right.”

“He gets in his face and stairs him down,” Kelly said. “This cop hasn’t done anything wrong.”

“But that is his First Amendment right, Megyn and you, out of all people … this is his first amendment right,” Fowler replied. “I don’t understand.”

But Kelly wasn’t having any part of it..

“You think that’s fine?” she fired back. “You have no problem with this?”

Fowler again fell back on the action being a First Amendment right.

“It’s not a question of what his constitutional rights are, it’s a question of what’s appropriate,” Kelly said.

Fowler continued to excuse the protester’s inappropriate behavior.

“I see nothing wrong with this,” he said, before noting that it took 13 months to charge Van Dyke.​

Fox News host Megyn Kelly got into a heated exchange with liberal guest Richard Fowler over a Black Lives Matter activist getting in the face of a Chicago police officer Tuesday night during a protest over the death of Laquan McDonald.

The 17-year-old black youth was shot in October 2014 by a white police officer, Jason Van Dyke, who was charged Tuesday with first-degree murder in the case. Authorities released a graphic dash-cam video of the incident the same day, which prompted the protest.

The drama with Fowler began after Kelly interrupted another guest, former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik, to draw viewers attention to “an extraordinary moment” unfolding on camera, that being the black protester engaged in an intense stare down with a white cop.

Kerik interjected to say “you’re going to have guys like this who want to instigate,” which led to Fowler jumping in to defend the protester’s action.

“What is he instigating, Bernie? I’m sorry. I’ve got to interrupt,” Fowler said.

His response prompted a highly irritated Kelly to chime in.

“Richard, look at him,” she said. “This is a cop out there accused of doing nothing wrong, trying to keep the peace.”

Fowler responded by saying the man was “having a silent protest with the police officer,” adding that this is “his First Amendment right.”

“He gets in his face and stairs him down,” Kelly said. “This cop hasn’t done anything wrong.”

“But that is his First Amendment right, Megyn and you, out of all people … this is his first amendment right,” Fowler replied. “I don’t understand.”

But Kelly wasn’t having any part of it..

“You think that’s fine?” she fired back. “You have no problem with this?”

Fowler again fell back on the action being a First Amendment right.

“It’s not a question of what his constitutional rights are, it’s a question of what’s appropriate,” Kelly said.

Fowler continued to excuse the protester’s inappropriate behavior.

“I see nothing wrong with this,” he said, before noting that it took 13 months to charge Van Dyke.​

Are you saying a cop has never stared down an innocent black kid?
I grew up playing any sport, Basketball Football Baseball Soccer Golf Volleyball all of it. I campedmy whole life in front of TV anytime not working to watch any and all. I used to live for March Madness.

I don't care to watch much anymore. I was already down to only College BBall and FBALL and Golf. Add BLM into the leftist media and into the games? ah......see ya. 10000's of un-educated blacks get free college, free everything for 5 years and this is not enough? Whitey is racist? Get outa here.

Big money, commercials, clock, rule changes, officials had already ruined the NFL for me since mid 90's? Now I got to watch them parade a hoodie out to ramp up dissent? Or Obama stoke racial fire?
I grew up playing any sport, Basketball Football Baseball Soccer Golf Volleyball all of it. I campedmy whole life in front of TV anytime not working to watch any and all. I used to live for March Madness.

I don't care to watch much anymore. I was already down to only College BBall and FBALL and Golf. Add BLM into the leftist media and into the games? ah......see ya. 10000's of un-educated blacks get free college, free everything for 5 years and this is not enough? Whitey is racist? Get outa here.

Big money, commercials, clock, rule changes, officials had already ruined the NFL for me since mid 90's? Now I got to watch them parade a hoodie out to ramp up dissent? Or Obama stoke racial fire?

So you blame blacks for big money, commercials, clock, rule changes, and officials? I suspect all those things are determined by someone other than the people in Black Lives Matter. Of course only a right winger could make that mistake.
So you blame blacks for big money, commercials, clock, rule changes, and officials? I suspect all those things are determined by someone other than the people in Black Lives Matter. Of course only a right winger could make that mistake.

All of those things soured me first, just one example. BLM is just another nail in the coffin.

MLB 94' strike canceled WS sent me packing from lifetime MLB.

20mil salaries to walk up down court (one reason) drove me out of NBA. Maybe watch last two minutes of elimination playoff game.......if close.

I could go on and on. 30 years of hard core Black racism thru leftist media has ended all for me.
I don't think it has turned a single person against blacks. Of course it has upset a lot of people who were already against blacks. Can you show me a single post condemning Black Lives Matter by a person that didn't already have a reputation for condemning all blacks?
I really think you should rethink that.

Even longtime Democrats are getting tired of this silliness.
"Does #Blacklivesmatters Move You To Be More Understanding , Or Is It Turning You Against Blacks?"

Those with an unwarranted hostility toward African-Americans come by their racism as a result of ignorance, fear, and stupidity; their errant perception of BLM is an example of that ignorance, fear, and stupidity.
"Does #Blacklivesmatters Move You To Be More Understanding , Or Is It Turning You Against Blacks?"

Those with an unwarranted hostility toward African-Americans come by their racism as a result of ignorance, fear, and stupidity; their errant perception of BLM is an example of that ignorance, fear, and stupidity.

Or they're getting tired of non productive human beings telling the productive that somehow it is them in the wrong.

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