Do Your Pets Try to Talk?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
No, I dont mean like Mr Ed the Talking Horse, I mean something more like this

Some animals learn that they can get attention from human beings by imitating our sounds of speech and other things like yelling.

IT is hilarious but can be confusing.

My cat has learned to make sounds like "Hey!" and he can get me to come to him from another room by doing it. Fortunately he doesnt do it all that often. He also makes a low purring sound that sounds like someone muttering quietly. Sometimes he gets me to asking my wife what she said, and she says she did nt asay anything and what is my hearing problem anyway?

Then later on when the wife is gone my cat will laugh at me and say "Hah, gotcha fat boy!" /just kidding
We know the dog who loves to sing:

And my friend's cat says something like "Mamma" to attract her attention. Also a couple of my dogs would purr when I was petting them.
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And my friend's cat says something like "Mamma" to attract her attention. Also a couple of my dogs would purr when I was petting them.
Had a friend whose cat could that too.

It is amazing what animals can learn to do by imitation.
My golden retriever not only talks, but he knows more than I do about myriad subjects.

When I ask him "Which dynasty ruled in China between 222 and 280?", he says "WU!"

When I ask him "What physicist showed experimentally that parity is not conserved in beta decay, thus demonstrating that the principle of parity conservation does not hold for weak interactions" he says "WU!"

When i ask him "The best selling book written by the rapper RZA that served as a non fiction Sidhartha for the hip hop generation is called The Tao of what?" (and by this time, he's really getting into the rhythm of things) he responds "Wu! WUWUWUWU!!"
I have a 14 yr old Aussie...she's a barkomatic, or, as we affectionately say - a recreational barker. There is no question about what she is saying. There is also little doubt about the expletive laden diatribes she delivers about other dogs. That's our Hazel....

Then, there is Rosalee, a mutt of uncertain but fascinating heritage that certainly includes something northern. She's mastered the art of yodeling and finds barking boring. She woo-woo's, hoots, comments and moans depending on her mood.

For some reason..both seem to find it extremely important to try to converse with me when I'm on the phone....
I had 3 cockateils that talked. Drove me crazy. They are LOUD.

Two were the ''white'' and 1 gray.

My little Chihuahua has a wide range of sounds she makes to let us know what she wants.
I think animals have a broader range of communication than the stereotypical meow, or woof.
Beagles are one of the worst. But they are not as bad as a cockatoo that cries like an infant. My advice is to never have any kind of talking bird when you have a newborn baby in the home.

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