Do you want Obama to send troops to fight ISIS?

they probably are running , the Iraqi soldiers are helping the USA simply as a job as they collect paychecks while being trained . Probably the same situation when they are really expected to fight in battle Charwin .
What a fail... The result of the war being waged is defined by people who 'think that' their nation loses. Welcome to the XXI century, the times of information wars.
Sending troops would be a greater fail because people don't believe in their troops, so low level of their fighting spirit is guaranteed.
Nearly two-thirds of voters say U.S. allies losing fight against Islamic State - Washington Times

A lot has been said about isis and it seems we the people of the United States are united with the point on the future of isis.
It is clear that they must be killed (no variants).

To solve the problem we train Iraqis troops to do all the dirty job (doesn't work cause muslims sympathize muslims, even the most radical ones) and at the moment we are not officially involved into a War with isis.

What do you think, should we send our troops to fight isis or should we wait for something?

What is more important - lives of our soldiers or lives of the innocent refusing to negotiate with terrorists?

Not our problem. Instead of depicting the latest boogeyman as a threat to the entire world to justify our meddling, we need to get our troops out of the middle east. Maybe if we quit dropping bombs on them they'd quit being pissed at us. Let's try that for a little while.
Nearly two-thirds of voters say U.S. allies losing fight against Islamic State - Washington Times

A lot has been said about isis and it seems we the people of the United States are united with the point on the future of isis.
It is clear that they must be killed (no variants).

To solve the problem we train Iraqis troops to do all the dirty job (doesn't work cause muslims sympathize muslims, even the most radical ones) and at the moment we are not officially involved into a War with isis.

What do you think, should we send our troops to fight isis or should we wait for something?

What is more important - lives of our soldiers or lives of the innocent refusing to negotiate with terrorists?

  1. Do you want Obama to send troops to fight ISIS?

    Yes, posthaste! I'd rather do it over there than here. I'd like to see those estimated 40,000 losers be destroyed by enough troops on the ground to do the job. And from what I understand, there are plenty of our own troops who want the opportunity.
can't think of their names but I see them on telly every other day . All the good Generals and experienced military have been purged or retired . Seems that mrobamas generals that I'm aware of are all his 'yes' boys .

Yes, who else would he appoint.
thing is that he gets rid of the good and replaces the good with the BAD AAthena . There is a purpose behind that and its not a good purpose for the USA !!
No infantry.....we've spent enough lives on them.....I would support more forward-observers for air strikes....a large percentage of missions are coming back without dropping their ordnance.
agree with the observers and the pin prick bombing but USA troops are needed on the ground if 'Islamic state' is going to be wiped out . Also need ability to kill so practical ROE is also needed . Eventually USA troops on the ground is going to happen , best to do it sooner rather than later imo !!
agree with the observers and the pin prick bombing but USA troops are needed on the ground if 'Islamic state' is going to be wiped out . Also need ability to kill so practical ROE is also needed . Eventually USA troops on the ground is going to happen , best to do it sooner rather than later imo !!

3rd ID would go through that rabble in two weeks all the way into Syria. But truth be told, the Iraqis don't seem inclined to fight for their own country....we killed their best troops, all that's left are the slow, stupid ones who are mostly sunni. When ISIS goes into southern Iraq I'll believe they're a menace to us.
yep , I don't think that 'Islamic state' would be a problem for USA . One observation though is that the USA should stop arming and supplying the caliphate . New poll says that the USA now approves of troops in the fight . --- Half Now Back Ground Troops To Fight The Islamic State - --- just some info !!

Obozo pissed away our victory there and should be tried and hanged for treason for that alone. Now it will cost us another 2K casualties to get back what we'd already won....unacceptable.
agree with the observers and the pin prick bombing but USA troops are needed on the ground if 'Islamic state' is going to be wiped out . Also need ability to kill so practical ROE is also needed . Eventually USA troops on the ground is going to happen , best to do it sooner rather than later imo !!

3rd ID would go through that rabble in two weeks all the way into Syria. But truth be told, the Iraqis don't seem inclined to fight for their own country....we killed their best troops, all that's left are the slow, stupid ones who are mostly sunni. When ISIS goes into southern Iraq I'll believe they're a menace to us.

We could take them out easily, but then what? That is the problem. Either we pay to defend them forever or leave and wait for the next ISIS.
We could take them out easily, but then what? That is the problem. Either we pay to defend them forever or leave and wait for the next ISIS.

Then we stay and help them build a stable military and government with sunni representation. That's how ISIS got traction....Maliki broke his promises to bring them into the mix and share in their own oil revenues...that Iranian piece of shit is why the country fell apart. If we decide to save Iraq, we best be prepared to stay as long as we've stayed in Japan and Germany......50-60 years. ugh.
aww , been in Germany 60 some years , same with the Koreans , Japan . That hasn't made me or my family any poorer . Good having bases all over the world in some people opinions , hasn't been a war that has affected the USA in a long time out side of Pearl Harbor . Besides that Americans are shifting to support troops on the ground if my poll is accurate . Feinstein is even getting nervous and she's an old lady Brian !!
We could take them out easily, but then what? That is the problem. Either we pay to defend them forever or leave and wait for the next ISIS.

Then we stay and help them build a stable military and government with sunni representation. That's how ISIS got traction....Maliki broke his promises to bring them into the mix and share in their own oil revenues...that Iranian piece of shit is why the country fell apart. If we decide to save Iraq, we best be prepared to stay as long as we've stayed in Japan and Germany......50-60 years. ugh.

No thanks. I have no interest in paying to help a shithole country on the other side of the world filled with people that hate us.
aww , been in Germany 60 some years , same with the Koreans , Japan . That hasn't made me or my family any poorer . Good having bases all over the world in some people opinions , hasn't been a war that has affected the USA in a long time out side of Pearl Harbor . Besides that Americans are shifting to support troops on the ground if my poll is accurate . Feinstein is even getting nervous and she's an old lady Brian !!

I'd call them all back and put them on our borders. Immigration problem fixed. Having them here would spark our economy.
looks like you might be part of the minority that's against USA troops on the ground if my poll is accurate !! And yeah , no one is asking for your permission , eventually your regime will be out of power Brian .
aww , been in Germany 60 some years , same with the Koreans , Japan . That hasn't made me or my family any poorer . Good having bases all over the world in some people opinions , hasn't been a war that has affected the USA in a long time out side of Pearl Harbor . Besides that Americans are shifting to support troops on the ground if my poll is accurate . Feinstein is even getting nervous and she's an old lady Brian !!

As long as get a piece of Iraqi oil revenue I'd think about my count they already owe us about $4T and change.
looks like you might be part of the minority that's against USA troops on the ground if my poll is accurate !! And yeah , no one is asking for your permission , eventually your regime will be out of power Brian .

So you want to make the mistake worse? Cause nothing will be made better, that is for sure. What about all our debt?

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