Do you want Obama to send troops to fight ISIS?

gotta kill them all , keep an armed presence force in the areas , same as Germany and japan and keep killing the enemy if needed Brian !!

No reason we should pay for that. No thanks. How many troops have died in Germany after ww2? Completely different.
no one is asking your permission , I just predict that something similar to what I preach will eventually happen Brian .
no one is asking your permission , I just predict that something similar to what I preach will eventually happen Brian .

And I predict it will make the disaster we have already created worse. Also we can't afford it!
good question Cfrank , who knows for sure , If he did send troops he'd likely be more concerned with not killing the enemy in an efficient manner .
sounds like you are skeered [scared] . Your fear is whats keeping you and your ilk from making sound decisions Brian .
sounds like you are skeered [scared] . Your fear is whats keeping you and your ilk from making sound decisions Brian .

No actually history supports it will just be made worse. Also how you going to pay for it?
we pay for lots of things , welfare , health care , obamaphones , foreign aid , yada , yada , yada so we can pay for whats going to happen sometime in the near future . We'll pay one way or the other . Watch and see Brian !!
and gets tiresome , war is going to happen , its just common sense if you watch the 'Islamic state and calphate' . You and your ever shrinking group of 'no war' supporters and ilk will just have to eventually accept reality Brian .
we pay for lots of things , welfare , health care , obamaphones , foreign aid , yada , yada , yada so we can pay for whats going to happen sometime in the near future . We'll pay one way or the other . Watch and see Brian !!

Yes many of those things help people. You are suggesting throwing money away.
like I say , gets tiresome , you values are not my values . You are not a practical or thoughtful person in my opinion Brian .
like I say , gets tiresome , you values are not my values . You are not a practical or thoughtful person in my opinion Brian .

No clearly you aren't practical. We already did what you want. It's a proven disaster. You don't learn from mistakes.
its gonna happen eventually , do you have any kids or grandkids , maybe they'll be the ones doing it Brian .
I hope your right because no way should our troops be sent to fight those monsters.

Let the rest of the Muslim world fight those shitbags.

Their tactics are monstrous but their fighters aren't anything special...the Kurds whipped them without any help from Dear Leader. Our 3rd ID would go through them like shit through a goose. They claim they want us to come fight them knowing our leftists will fully support them. If we do go back in, it has to be two weeks of what we did in Desert Storm....hit them like a ton of bricks...they'd collapse and run.
the monster 'Islamic state' / caliphate is only going to get bigger and stronger the longer they are allowed to grow Claudette !!

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