Do you want Obama to send troops to fight ISIS?

I don't understand those saying it's none of our business, we should just leave it to those in the midst of it to fight. What if we had said that about Hitler? If monsters are knocking at your door and you cannot adequately fight them off/defend yourself, then others should help defeat the beast because if they don't, sooner or later the beast will be knocking on their door.

Germany was a military superpower. ISIS is a glorified street gang.

See the difference?

No, they aren't. They are deranged islamic terrorists, recruiting worldwide to their cause, inch by inch moving forward. You think they're nothing more than a street gang. They get a kick out of how much many under-estimate them. You know, think of them as jv and all.


They would have no chance against our army. They beat iraq because Iraqis run.

And if the armies over there continue to turn and run . . .then what?

The thing with isis is that it isn't just a kill them problem solved thing. It's the ideology that needs to be defeated and that can't be done with guns. Of course, burning every last living one of the mofo's couldn't hurt.
I don't understand those saying it's none of our business, we should just leave it to those in the midst of it to fight. What if we had said that about Hitler? If monsters are knocking at your door and you cannot adequately fight them off/defend yourself, then others should help defeat the beast because if they don't, sooner or later the beast will be knocking on their door.

Germany was a military superpower. ISIS is a glorified street gang.

See the difference?

No, they aren't. They are deranged islamic terrorists, recruiting worldwide to their cause, inch by inch moving forward. You think they're nothing more than a street gang. They get a kick out of how much many under-estimate them. You know, think of them as jv and all.


They would have no chance against our army. They beat iraq because Iraqis run.

And if the armies over there continue to turn and run . . .then what?

The thing with isis is that it isn't just a kill them problem solved thing. It's the ideology that needs to be defeated and that can't be done with guns. Of course, burning every last living one of the mofo's couldn't hurt.

Going over there and fighting will just create more of them like it did the first time.
think that these err , guys are just waiting to be eaten last , or maybe they are going to wait and let their kids fight the 'islamic' states . Aww , maybe draft age and afraid of a reinstated draft !!
think that these err , guys are just waiting to be eaten last , or maybe they are going to wait and let their kids fight the 'islamic' states . Aww , maybe draft age and afraid of a reinstated draft !!

No it's clear our war in Iraq made the area worse. We have learned from that. You clearly have not.
like I have said , you are just putting off the inevitable , too bad for your kids Brian !!
like I have said , you are just putting off the inevitable , too bad for your kids Brian !!

What is the inevitable? After Syria and Iraq they will go after iran. Why stop them before that? I'm sure Saudi arabia can stop them if they wanted. It's not our problem.
fun watching , and the inevitable is that yes , the USA will eventually put soldiers on the ground .
fun watching , and the inevitable is that yes , the USA will eventually put soldiers on the ground .
Who do you think really needs that? Proxy war has just been tuned up. Sending new packs of troops is rather useless and will hit our budget again, anyway with this POTUS America has no chance to beat ISIS.
agree for the most part but I think that eventually the 'Islamic state' , caliphate will threaten the west including Israel and the USA . I think that the sooner that the USA and western world neutralizes the 'Islamic state' the better . Just common sense to me Qorthon
aww , been in Germany 60 some years , same with the Koreans , Japan . That hasn't made me or my family any poorer . Good having bases all over the world in some people opinions , hasn't been a war that has affected the USA in a long time out side of Pearl Harbor . Besides that Americans are shifting to support troops on the ground if my poll is accurate . Feinstein is even getting nervous and she's an old lady Brian !!

As long as get a piece of Iraqi oil revenue I'd think about my count they already owe us about $4T and change.

:lol: More oil pipe-dreaming from you idiot's. :lol: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & Wolfowitz said we would liberate Iraq for $40 Billion & reap benefits from their oil. Now that we lost $4 Trillion on that lie, you want to do it again. It will cost over $100 Trillion to occupy Iraq for the 50+ years it takes to fix it doing it the Repubtards way. All Repubtards know how to do is spend money, cause massive debt & inflation. They suck at math & economics.
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most Americans economy was fine before mrobama and we had those troops all over the world !! Border should be fixed by civilian border patrol , walls , patrols , electronic monitoring Brian .
You are a retard, Republicans destroyed the economy. They ran oil price up to $147. Democrats brought oil down to $42 before Republicans just regained control of Congress & drove Oil Price back over $60
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agree for the most part but I think that eventually the 'Islamic state' , caliphate will threaten the west including Israel and the USA . I think that the sooner that the USA and western world neutralizes the 'Islamic state' the better . Just common sense to me Qorthon
Common sense says iraq needs to take care of them if you want the problem actually eliminated.
All wars and military conflicts are begun by some idiot politician. Until wars are fought by the politicians as with their being among the first 'boots on the ground' I think we should abandon nations ruled by politicians in command of militaries. Let the military be in charge if they're going to be fighting the wars. Bet two things would happen 1) we'd have far fewer wars, 2) we'd actual win wars once more.
i think that the USA and allies actually eliminated the enemy both in japan and Germany in the mid 40s and I think that the USA should eliminate the enemy Islamic state / caliphate pretty soon Brian !!
Ever willing to compromise, let's add a line to the Constuitution about eligibility for being President that reads like, "Must have command experience in a war, or have held high-officer rank if no war service."

Why you'd allow a sillyvillian to be Commander-in-Chief boggles the mind.
might be ok for the time frame of this regime but I think its best to remain civilian control , civilian control is Constitutional .
i think that the USA and allies actually eliminated the enemy both in japan and Germany in the mid 40s and I think that the USA should eliminate the enemy Islamic state / caliphate pretty soon Brian !!

That's really not comparable. I don't recall german and Japanese terrorists after the war. Also those were real countries, not a terrorist organization.
gotta kill them all , keep an armed presence force in the areas , same as Germany and japan and keep killing the enemy if needed Brian !!

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