Do we owe Muslims another apology?

If god were so merciful he wouldn’t have created hell. He would make all of mankind believers . Why are some chosen and others not?

Who said God did or does? Maybe your error is based upon a bias to see things a certain way to validate your beliefs.
Then why does god create deformed babies?
Perhaps they are not deformed viewed in the absolute.
If god were so merciful he wouldn’t have created hell. He would make all of mankind believers . Why are some chosen and others not?

Who said God did or does? Maybe your error is based upon a bias to see things a certain way to validate your beliefs.
Then why does god create deformed babies?
Perhaps they are not deformed viewed in the absolute.
Do I have to post some pictures of hideously deformed children? Maybe some with painful rare diseases? A just god wouldn't do that.
If god were so merciful he wouldn’t have created hell. He would make all of mankind believers . Why are some chosen and others not?

Who said God did or does? Maybe your error is based upon a bias to see things a certain way to validate your beliefs.
Then why does god create deformed babies?
Perhaps they are not deformed viewed in the absolute.
Do I have to post some pictures of hideously deformed children? Maybe some with painful rare diseases? A just god wouldn't do that.
Have to? Certainly, not for this poster, who does not have a view that is absolute. If there is a point, it is only that if one believes in 'God', one knows that what one knows is incomplete compared with 'God'. On the other hand, if one does not believe in 'God', well, then, 'God' doesn't create anything.
Your method of proof or not of 'God' through this question is unreliable.
All of you should apologize for not ending up as Allah wished.

Shall I tell thee of a worse (case) than theirs for retribution with Allah? Worse (is the case of him) whom Allah hath cursed, him on whom His wrath hath fallen! Worse is he of whose sort Allah hath turned some to apes and swine, and who serveth idols. Such are in worse plight and further astray from the plain road. - (Quran 5:60)

Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures (Quran 98 6)

O you who have been given the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Believe in what We have revealed (to Muhammad SAW) confirming what is (already) with you, before We efface faces (by making them like the back of necks; without nose, mouth, eyes, etc.) and turn them hindwards, or curse them as We cursed the Sabbath-breakers. And the Commandment of Allah is always executed (Quran 4 47)
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If god were so merciful he wouldn’t have created hell. He would make all of mankind believers . Why are some chosen and others not?

Who said God did or does? Maybe your error is based upon a bias to see things a certain way to validate your beliefs.
Then why does god create deformed babies?
Perhaps they are not deformed viewed in the absolute.
Haha....ooookay...yeah, and those pigs Manson killed deserved it, from a certain point of view...give me a break...

You sound just like a Muslim, right before he blows himself up at bus stop.
WE owe them nothing, except a good wiping out of their fake 'religion'.

It is not fake. That is the problem.

A fake God, yes. An immoral ideology, for sure. Fake harm from it, no.


It's a purely political ideology, nothing religious about it, despite the window dressing draped around it, like the Nazis draping paganism around their ideology.

Yes and no. Mostly, yes.

Purely political would indicate electing heads.

Allah and Islam is more like slavery to an imaginary God whom they never elected and can never question. That is why submission is demanded and not a vote.

Christianity is about the same, only we brought it to heel.


No, Christianity isn't "about the same".

Christianity doesn't promote warfare and subjugation/death of all non-believers. Nor does it insist that it was intended to replace all competing institutions of government and social/political organization.

Islam is a death cult masquerading as a religion.

Many times, Muslims accept the taxpayer's funded crates and pallets of cash and barrels and containers of food and supplies that Americans have given them.

This free gift has torn billions of dollars from the bank accounts of Hard Working Americans.

It seems that the Politicians and Military and the Police are happy to take our money away from us and dump it out at the feet of the Muslims in the Middle East and here in America.

Do Muslims consider this a form of forced apology ? ? - Have we been forced at gunpoint to apologize to the Muslim world ? Or are the Politicians, Police and Military just really excited and really eager to funnel, sift, and strain and profit and rake out a portion for themselves and make extra money - by getting paid to count and handle and hand out Your tax money to every Muslim they can find on the planet who will take it ?

Why would Muslims anywhere think that they should stay with their children or be responsible ?
Joe Blow in America working at the local factory will take care of the bills.

How many Joe Blow's who refuse to pay have to be killed, imprisoned and have all of their property confiscated in order to complete the apology that the Politicians, Police, and Military are wanting to make.

How big of an apology would fill up their bank accounts. ?

No, Christianity isn't "about the same".

Christianity doesn't promote warfare and subjugation/death of all non-believers. Nor does it insist that it was intended to replace all competing institutions of government and social/political organization.

Islam is a death cult masquerading as a religion.

What are Inquisitions if not exactly what you describe as not being Christian?

I cannot believe you cannot see the exact thing as Jihad.

Why are you trying to use an immoral double standard which is a Christian forte?

Christianity doesn't promote warfare and subjugation/death of all non-believers.
Well, not anymore, anyway. Thank goodness for scientific enlightenment!

Gender wars and gay wars are still a staple of Christianity and their homophobic and misogynous ways.

If secular forces had not brought Christianity to heel, they would be even more identical to Islam.

Both religions are a disgrace to moral people.



Many times, Muslims accept the taxpayer's funded crates and pallets of cash and barrels and containers of food and supplies that Americans have given them.

This free gift has torn billions of dollars from the bank accounts of Hard Working Americans.

It seems that the Politicians and Military and the Police are happy to take our money away from us and dump it out at the feet of the Muslims in the Middle East and here in America.

Do Muslims consider this a form of forced apology ? ? - Have we been forced at gunpoint to apologize to the Muslim world ? Or are the Politicians, Police and Military just really excited and really eager to funnel, sift, and strain and profit and rake out a portion for themselves and make extra money - by getting paid to count and handle and hand out Your tax money to every Muslim they can find on the planet who will take it ?

Why would Muslims anywhere think that they should stay with their children or be responsible ?
Joe Blow in America working at the local factory will take care of the bills.

How many Joe Blow's who refuse to pay have to be killed, imprisoned and have all of their property confiscated in order to complete the apology that the Politicians, Police, and Military are wanting to make.

How big of an apology would fill up their bank accounts. ?

I hear you.


No, Christianity isn't "about the same".

Christianity doesn't promote warfare and subjugation/death of all non-believers. Nor does it insist that it was intended to replace all competing institutions of government and social/political organization.

Islam is a death cult masquerading as a religion.

What are Inquisitions if not exactly what you describe as not being Christian?

I cannot believe you cannot see the exact thing as Jihad.

Depends on the Inquisition. There were more than one, and they were all different; the Spanish Inquisition was a defensive one, removing what it considered genuine existential threats to the state, and not entirely unjustified; in any case not many killed relative to how many the former Muslims rulers killed, so it can't be considered comparable to anything in Islamo-Land. All non-Christians got the same deal, a much better one than Muslims ever gave non-Muslims. The Portuguese Inquisition was pretty much along the same lines as the Spanish. The Roman Inquisition was more theological in nature, but it didn't kill hardly anybody after the stink raised by the campaign against the Cathars, who were fond of murdering priests to begin with and not the hapless noble innocents they're portrayed as in Protestant propaganda. The entire death toll for all of them combined?- maybe 6,000 to 9,000 tops, over some 400 years.

Witch burnings? A pagan thing, usually done by superstitious peasants in times of stress,wars, and instability, by locals, and not a Church campaign; the Church's position for most of its existence is that 'witchcraft' was a pagan superstition and didn't exist, whatever some local ruler or hysteria might claim otherwise.

So no, not even remotely similar to 'Jihad', even with the Crusaders, which were self-defense reactions to Muslim armies and pirates and constant attacks.
Christianity doesn't promote warfare and subjugation/death of all non-believers.
Well, not anymore, anyway. Thank goodness for scientific enlightenment!

Gender wars and gay wars are still a staple of Christianity and their homophobic and misogynous ways.

If secular forces had not brought Christianity to heel, they would be even more identical to Islam.

Both religions are a disgrace to moral people.

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