Do Republicans Not Understand How Moronic It Is To Blame Obama For Today's Economy Yet Won't Give..


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...any blame to Bush for it? You have this mantra that liberals love to blame Bush for everything yet when it is so obvious something is Bush's fault you still say that bullshit.

Now it's debatable how much Bush had to do with the Great Recession but I think it is safe to say he at least contributed a small part to it (TIME has a great article on that). Despite that, you put most of the blame on Obama for the economy that he inherited and it's just fucking stupid.

According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created close to 3 million private jobs. Not only that, but we have seen twice as many private sector jobs created in his first term than in both of Bush's. These are facts. The stock market has never been better. You can whine about them being false but they are very much true.

I think it's absolutely ridiculous to say this recovery has been "slow". The economy lost 8 million jobs to that recession. What kind of job growth are you repubs expecting? What would be suitable for you? A million jobs a month? Do you not see how ridiculous that sounds? Do you really expect any economy from any part of the globe to get a million jobs a month? That seems to be what you clowns are demanding. I mean how many jobs should we be creating every month? Why is it Obama's fault we haven't your magic number? Nowadays, we have regained all the jobs we lost. Yes, you can whine about it not keeping up with population growth if you want but it is still true.

Oh, and some of you love to bring up the small number of parttime jobs created under Obama. Tell me, if job creators are wealthier than they have ever been, why is it that you don't put any blame on them for the economic mess this country suffered? Why don't you ask them where all the full time jobs are?

Obama 8217 s Numbers July 2014 Update
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Another Billy Zippo troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Fixing to get your ass beaten again so you can run away like a coward?
Obama has been president for 6 years. For the first 2 years he could and did enact any legislation he wanted. If the present economy isn't Obama's fault, whose fault is it? Bush? He's been out of office for 6years. For the last two years of his term he had a solid Democrat majority in Congress.
We have the worst recovery on record. That is simply a fact. We have the fewest people working since the 1970s. That is a fact. The gains in household wealth have accrued at the top. That is a fact. Income inequality is worse now than it was 6 years ago. That is a fact.
And all of thsoe things are directly traceable to Obama's policies.
Another Billy Zippo troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Fixing to get your ass beaten again so you can run away like a coward?
Obama has been president for 6 years. For the first 2 years he could and did enact any legislation he wanted. If the present economy isn't Obama's fault, whose fault is it? Bush? He's been out of office for 6years. For the last two years of his term he had a solid Democrat majority in Congress.
We have the worst recovery on record. That is simply a fact. We have the fewest people working since the 1970s. That is a fact. The gains in household wealth have accrued at the top. That is a fact. Income inequality is worse now than it was 6 years ago. That is a fact.
And all of thsoe things are directly traceable to Obama's policies.
Oh, sure it was dumb of Obama to extend Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, but that is literally the only thing by Obama that has contributed to the rising inequality. Of course he did help the lower classes by giving the middle class the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Bush was too much of a moron to understand the vitality of the middle class.

How moronic do you think you sound by putting all the blame on the democratic congress. God it's so pathetic and transparent.
Another Billy Zippo troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Fixing to get your ass beaten again so you can run away like a coward?
Obama has been president for 6 years. For the first 2 years he could and did enact any legislation he wanted. If the present economy isn't Obama's fault, whose fault is it? Bush? He's been out of office for 6years. For the last two years of his term he had a solid Democrat majority in Congress.
We have the worst recovery on record. That is simply a fact. We have the fewest people working since the 1970s. That is a fact. The gains in household wealth have accrued at the top. That is a fact. Income inequality is worse now than it was 6 years ago. That is a fact.
And all of thsoe things are directly traceable to Obama's policies.
Oh, sure it was dumb of Obama to extend Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, but that is literally the only thing by Obama that has contributed to the rising inequality. Of course he did help the lower classes by giving the middle class the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Bush was too much of a moron to understand the vitality of the middle class.

How moronic do you think you sound by putting all the blame on the democratic congress. God it's so pathetic and transparent.
So Obama's extension of the Bush tax cuts for the middle class was bad, but his tax cuts for the middle class were good? And we know this because middle class wealth and income are stagnating, right?
Geez, Billy. Do you even bother to think first? Can you?
Another Billy Zippo troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Fixing to get your ass beaten again so you can run away like a coward?
Obama has been president for 6 years. For the first 2 years he could and did enact any legislation he wanted. If the present economy isn't Obama's fault, whose fault is it? Bush? He's been out of office for 6years. For the last two years of his term he had a solid Democrat majority in Congress.
We have the worst recovery on record. That is simply a fact. We have the fewest people working since the 1970s. That is a fact. The gains in household wealth have accrued at the top. That is a fact. Income inequality is worse now than it was 6 years ago. That is a fact.
And all of thsoe things are directly traceable to Obama's policies.
Oh, sure it was dumb of Obama to extend Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, but that is literally the only thing by Obama that has contributed to the rising inequality. Of course he did help the lower classes by giving the middle class the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Bush was too much of a moron to understand the vitality of the middle class.

How moronic do you think you sound by putting all the blame on the democratic congress. God it's so pathetic and transparent.
So Obama's extension of the Bush tax cuts for the middle class was bad, but his tax cuts for the middle class were good? And we know this because middle class wealth and income are stagnating, right?
Geez, Billy. Do you even bother to think first? Can you?
I never said Bush's tax cut for the middle class was bad, I said it was smaller. He obviously favored the wealthy.
Another Billy Zippo troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Fixing to get your ass beaten again so you can run away like a coward?
Obama has been president for 6 years. For the first 2 years he could and did enact any legislation he wanted. If the present economy isn't Obama's fault, whose fault is it? Bush? He's been out of office for 6years. For the last two years of his term he had a solid Democrat majority in Congress.
We have the worst recovery on record. That is simply a fact. We have the fewest people working since the 1970s. That is a fact. The gains in household wealth have accrued at the top. That is a fact. Income inequality is worse now than it was 6 years ago. That is a fact.
And all of thsoe things are directly traceable to Obama's policies.
Oh, sure it was dumb of Obama to extend Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, but that is literally the only thing by Obama that has contributed to the rising inequality. Of course he did help the lower classes by giving the middle class the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Bush was too much of a moron to understand the vitality of the middle class.

How moronic do you think you sound by putting all the blame on the democratic congress. God it's so pathetic and transparent.
So Obama's extension of the Bush tax cuts for the middle class was bad, but his tax cuts for the middle class were good? And we know this because middle class wealth and income are stagnating, right?
Geez, Billy. Do you even bother to think first? Can you?
I never said Bush's tax cut for the middle class was bad, I said it was smaller. He obviously favored the wealthy.
You didnt say any of that.
How did Obama's tax cut benefit the middle class if they are in worse shape now than the day he took office?
Another Billy Zippo troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Fixing to get your ass beaten again so you can run away like a coward?
Obama has been president for 6 years. For the first 2 years he could and did enact any legislation he wanted. If the present economy isn't Obama's fault, whose fault is it? Bush? He's been out of office for 6years. For the last two years of his term he had a solid Democrat majority in Congress.
We have the worst recovery on record. That is simply a fact. We have the fewest people working since the 1970s. That is a fact. The gains in household wealth have accrued at the top. That is a fact. Income inequality is worse now than it was 6 years ago. That is a fact.
And all of thsoe things are directly traceable to Obama's policies.
Oh, sure it was dumb of Obama to extend Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, but that is literally the only thing by Obama that has contributed to the rising inequality. Of course he did help the lower classes by giving the middle class the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Bush was too much of a moron to understand the vitality of the middle class.

How moronic do you think you sound by putting all the blame on the democratic congress. God it's so pathetic and transparent.
So Obama's extension of the Bush tax cuts for the middle class was bad, but his tax cuts for the middle class were good? And we know this because middle class wealth and income are stagnating, right?
Geez, Billy. Do you even bother to think first? Can you?
I never said Bush's tax cut for the middle class was bad, I said it was smaller. He obviously favored the wealthy.
You need remedial math. Any cut based on a percentage is going to be larger for the person paying the most.
Its only Moronic if you believe they believe it. It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the point of they will say anything to blame Obama for everything.

See? Now it all makes sense
Another Billy Zippo troll thread.
Hey, Billy. Fixing to get your ass beaten again so you can run away like a coward?
Obama has been president for 6 years. For the first 2 years he could and did enact any legislation he wanted. If the present economy isn't Obama's fault, whose fault is it? Bush? He's been out of office for 6years. For the last two years of his term he had a solid Democrat majority in Congress.
We have the worst recovery on record. That is simply a fact. We have the fewest people working since the 1970s. That is a fact. The gains in household wealth have accrued at the top. That is a fact. Income inequality is worse now than it was 6 years ago. That is a fact.
And all of thsoe things are directly traceable to Obama's policies.
Oh, sure it was dumb of Obama to extend Bush's awful tax cuts for the wealthy, but that is literally the only thing by Obama that has contributed to the rising inequality. Of course he did help the lower classes by giving the middle class the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Bush was too much of a moron to understand the vitality of the middle class.

How moronic do you think you sound by putting all the blame on the democratic congress. God it's so pathetic and transparent.
So Obama's extension of the Bush tax cuts for the middle class was bad, but his tax cuts for the middle class were good? And we know this because middle class wealth and income are stagnating, right?
Geez, Billy. Do you even bother to think first? Can you?
I never said Bush's tax cut for the middle class was bad, I said it was smaller. He obviously favored the wealthy.
You need remedial math. Any cut based on a percentage is going to be larger for the person paying the most.
Billy TripleNada is slow on the uptake.
It is a wonder that Liberals never hear themselves talking (or writing).

Has it occurred to you that the very expression, " cuts for the rich..." is STUPID? Poor people (i.e., almost half the American adult population) pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES! How the fuck to you suppose ANYONE could give them a "tax cut"? Is it not TOO FUCKING OBVIOUS FOR WORDS that any tax cuts are going to disproportionately affect the PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES?????

It's like saying that all of American's medical resources go to benefit SICK AND INJURED PEOPLE!

What the fuck to you expect?

And as for whose fault the current non-recovery is, can you not see that the President sets the tone for investment and prosperity? And when the President is so openly hostile to prosperous businesses - especially those that manufacture things - that people are going to let that influence the choices they make? When the president (and his Congress) shove crap down the throat of the American people, it affects hiring decisions, spending decisions, investment decisions, and decisions about whether and how to save money - all of which contribute to an economy that is stagnant, when not actually losing ground.

Open your eyes. You sound like a zealot believer in some whacked-out religion rather than someone looking for an understanding of why our economy is in such a sad shape.
...any blame to Bush for it? You have this mantra that liberals love to blame Bush for everything yet when it is so obvious something is Bush's fault you still say that bullshit.

If Obama crapped in his pants, would he own that, or would that be W too?
Its only Moronic if you believe they believe it. It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the point of they will say anything to blame Obama for everything.

See? Now it all makes sense

With Obama's record, I see why you want to keep deflecting to Bush. Voters aren't buying that anymore.
Its only Moronic if you believe they believe it. It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the point of they will say anything to blame Obama for everything.

See? Now it all makes sense

With Obama's record, I see why you want to keep deflecting to Bush. Voters aren't buying that anymore.

This topic is about Bush and Obama. I cant deflect to the topic of discussion lol
Its only Moronic if you believe they believe it. It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the point of they will say anything to blame Obama for everything.

See? Now it all makes sense

With Obama's record, I see why you want to keep deflecting to Bush. Voters aren't buying that anymore.

This topic is about Bush and Obama. I cant deflect to the topic of discussion lol

I was referring to you, the discussion and liberals in general. You are deflecting because Obama sucks. It's funny how liberals read words, and you don't really grasp them.
Its only Moronic if you believe they believe it. It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the point of they will say anything to blame Obama for everything.

See? Now it all makes sense

With Obama's record, I see why you want to keep deflecting to Bush. Voters aren't buying that anymore.

This topic is about Bush and Obama. I cant deflect to the topic of discussion lol

I was referring to you, the discussion and liberals in general. You are deflecting because Obama sucks. It's funny how liberals read words, and you don't really grasp them.

Is there something about a thread about Bush and Obama that is confusing you? Because I cant deflect to something that IS the topic...I'm ON topic fool
Its only Moronic if you believe they believe it. It makes perfect sense if you look at it from the point of they will say anything to blame Obama for everything.

See? Now it all makes sense

With Obama's record, I see why you want to keep deflecting to Bush. Voters aren't buying that anymore.

This topic is about Bush and Obama. I cant deflect to the topic of discussion lol

I was referring to you, the discussion and liberals in general. You are deflecting because Obama sucks. It's funny how liberals read words, and you don't really grasp them.
I understand what you mean, but seriously, CC and Billy are about as dumb as liberals can come.
It is a wonder that Liberals never hear themselves talking (or writing).

Has it occurred to you that the very expression, " cuts for the rich..." is STUPID? Poor people (i.e., almost half the American adult population) pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES! How the fuck to you suppose ANYONE could give them a "tax cut"? Is it not TOO FUCKING OBVIOUS FOR WORDS that any tax cuts are going to disproportionately affect the PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES?????

It's like saying that all of American's medical resources go to benefit SICK AND INJURED PEOPLE!

What the fuck to you expect?

And as for whose fault the current non-recovery is, can you not see that the President sets the tone for investment and prosperity? And when the President is so openly hostile to prosperous businesses - especially those that manufacture things - that people are going to let that influence the choices they make? When the president (and his Congress) shove crap down the throat of the American people, it affects hiring decisions, spending decisions, investment decisions, and decisions about whether and how to save money - all of which contribute to an economy that is stagnant, when not actually losing ground.

Open your eyes. You sound like a zealot believer in some whacked-out religion rather than someone looking for an understanding of why our economy is in such a sad shape.
Why are you talking about the poor? I made no mention of them you ass clown. Tax cuts for the wealthy are bad because they do very little to stimulate economic growth and the wealthy are responsible for most our country's revenue.

I am so sick and tired of this bullshit of what Obama says effects economic growth. That is so fucking stupid. It's policy dumbass. He extended Bush's tax cuts. Corporations were thrilled.

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