Do republican voters think the GOP actually gives a shit about them?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.
Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

IOW, a gram of image > a metric ton of actual performance.

And you liberiod schmucks wonder why fewer and fewer people take you seriously anymore.
I don't give a shit what politicians feel.

I care about what they do.

Do they destroy the terrorists Caliphate, or fund terrorism?

Do they try to make America great, or try to make America into a Socialist shithole?

Do they attempt a coup using Fascist tactics or not?

Fo they spy on opposition campaigns or not?
I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

You should understand that all the things you want to commies to do are not the constitutional responsibility of the federal government, those responsibilities belong to the States, if they chose to do them.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.
When it comes to government - less is more. Get out of the way.
Okay obviously too much government is a bad thing, but too little is just as worse. There’s a happy medium there. How this basic nuance escapes you is beyond me.
I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.
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As usual you hide behind this Steve-o meme rather than make an attempt explaining how I am wrong. It’s all you have I guess.
I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

You should understand that all the things you want to commies to do are not the constitutional responsibility of the federal government, those responsibilities belong to the States, if they chose to do them.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Okay your amateur interpretation of the constitution really means jack shit. Your own bold text is so vague and open to interpretation that you basically just sound really ignorant. By your logic, basically any of Trump’s policies violate the constitution. I mean think about this for a moment. The democrat push to invest in infrastructure spending is unconstitutional yet putting migrant kids into cages without due process is constitutional.

it is impossible to take you people seriously.
I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

You should understand that all the things you want to commies to do are not the constitutional responsibility of the federal government, those responsibilities belong to the States, if they chose to do them.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Okay your amateur interpretation of the constitution really means jack shit. Your own bold text is so vague and open to interpretation that you basically just sound really ignorant. By your logic, basically any of Trump’s policies violate the constitution. I mean think about this for a moment. The democrat push to invest in infrastructure spending is unconstitutional yet putting migrant kids into cages without due process is constitutional.

it is impossible to take you people seriously.

Poor little dumb fuck, I quoted the guy that wrote most of the Constitution, that's his explanation to the people at the time. They said it was written so the simplest farmer of the time could understand it, sorry you can't even make that grade. Perhaps you should go find that 6 year old now. LMAO

I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

You should understand that all the things you want to commies to do are not the constitutional responsibility of the federal government, those responsibilities belong to the States, if they chose to do them.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Okay your amateur interpretation of the constitution really means jack shit. Your own bold text is so vague and open to interpretation that you basically just sound really ignorant. By your logic, basically any of Trump’s policies violate the constitution. I mean think about this for a moment. The democrat push to invest in infrastructure spending is unconstitutional yet putting migrant kids into cages without due process is constitutional.

it is impossible to take you people seriously.

Poor little dumb fuck, I quoted the guy that wrote most of the Constitution, that's his explanation to the people at the time. They said it was written so the simplest farmer of the time could understand it, sorry you can't even make that grade. Perhaps you should go find that 6 year old now. LMAO

Absolutely none of this explains why democratic policies are unconstitutional but republican ones aren’t but you already knew that. You have no idea what you are talking about.
I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

Ill say...why yes..yes they do. If you doubt it then this little reminder...

I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

You should understand that all the things you want to commies to do are not the constitutional responsibility of the federal government, those responsibilities belong to the States, if they chose to do them.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Okay your amateur interpretation of the constitution really means jack shit. Your own bold text is so vague and open to interpretation that you basically just sound really ignorant. By your logic, basically any of Trump’s policies violate the constitution. I mean think about this for a moment. The democrat push to invest in infrastructure spending is unconstitutional yet putting migrant kids into cages without due process is constitutional.

it is impossible to take you people seriously.

Poor little dumb fuck, I quoted the guy that wrote most of the Constitution, that's his explanation to the people at the time. They said it was written so the simplest farmer of the time could understand it, sorry you can't even make that grade. Perhaps you should go find that 6 year old now. LMAO

Absolutely none of this explains why democratic policies are unconstitutional but republican ones aren’t but you already knew that. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't see anything unconstitutional about getting uncle sugar out of tax payer pockets, staying out of State business and protecting our country and its borders. Do you?

I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

You should understand that all the things you want to commies to do are not the constitutional responsibility of the federal government, those responsibilities belong to the States, if they chose to do them.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Okay your amateur interpretation of the constitution really means jack shit. Your own bold text is so vague and open to interpretation that you basically just sound really ignorant. By your logic, basically any of Trump’s policies violate the constitution. I mean think about this for a moment. The democrat push to invest in infrastructure spending is unconstitutional yet putting migrant kids into cages without due process is constitutional.

it is impossible to take you people seriously.

Poor little dumb fuck, I quoted the guy that wrote most of the Constitution, that's his explanation to the people at the time. They said it was written so the simplest farmer of the time could understand it, sorry you can't even make that grade. Perhaps you should go find that 6 year old now. LMAO

Absolutely none of this explains why democratic policies are unconstitutional but republican ones aren’t but you already knew that. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't see anything unconstitutional about getting uncle sugar out of tax payer pockets, staying out of State business and protecting our country and its borders. Do you?

Um well none of that has anything to do with protecting our borders because now immigrants are living here indefinitely sanctioned by the Trump administration. It’s stupid and makes no sense whatsoever but no one ever accused republicans of being smart.
You should understand that all the things you want to commies to do are not the constitutional responsibility of the federal government, those responsibilities belong to the States, if they chose to do them.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Okay your amateur interpretation of the constitution really means jack shit. Your own bold text is so vague and open to interpretation that you basically just sound really ignorant. By your logic, basically any of Trump’s policies violate the constitution. I mean think about this for a moment. The democrat push to invest in infrastructure spending is unconstitutional yet putting migrant kids into cages without due process is constitutional.

it is impossible to take you people seriously.

Poor little dumb fuck, I quoted the guy that wrote most of the Constitution, that's his explanation to the people at the time. They said it was written so the simplest farmer of the time could understand it, sorry you can't even make that grade. Perhaps you should go find that 6 year old now. LMAO

Absolutely none of this explains why democratic policies are unconstitutional but republican ones aren’t but you already knew that. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't see anything unconstitutional about getting uncle sugar out of tax payer pockets, staying out of State business and protecting our country and its borders. Do you?

Um well none of that has anything to do with protecting our borders because now immigrants are living here indefinitely sanctioned by the Trump administration. It’s stupid and makes no sense whatsoever but no one ever accused republicans of being smart.

Perhaps if the commies would get out of the way of revamping asylum laws that wouldn't be the case. They also need to fund another 1000 immigration judges to get rid of the backlog. And it has everything to do with protecting our border, if people were returned swiftly it would be a deterrent to stop others from coming.

I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.
Jonathon Gruber was caught numerous times describing how snowflakes are not only easily manipulated ignorant sheep but that the Democrats COUNT on their stupidity to get away with what they do.
- Despite hearing this for themselves, the stupid sheep DEFENDED him, as they defend criminal Dems every time they get busted committing crimes...

Democrats call others racist, sexist, homophobes, anti-Semites, etc...and then their own e-mails get released to the public, exposing it is the DEMOCRATS who are the racists, sexist, homophobes, and anti-Semites...and the ignorant, easily manipulated snowflake sheep claim it never happened and defend them.

Obama gets busted spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices...and the ignorant, easily manipulated snowflake sheep deny the facts, defend him, and now insist that - despite being caught spying on almost everyone else in the country - Obama would never spy on an opposing party Presidential candidate & his team...

Barry earned the 'award' for the administration most criminally non-compliant with the FOIA & Federal Records Act in US history...but the ignorant, easily manipulated snowflake sheep insist the most criminal President ever is the most successful President in the last t0 years who they have been unable to find or manufacture any crime, any evidence, or any witnesses...

Barry and the Democrats economically enslaved millions of Americans because their power comes from suffering Americans who are dependent on welfare, food stamps, and other tax payer- funded freebies...and now they are trying to undermine the strongest economy ever seen...and promise to reverse this success to return America to the good ol' days of economic slavery & dependence rather than independence....

...because both Democrats and snowflakes know with this economy not one of their candidates have a snowball's chance in he'll of beating Trump...which is why they have just perpetrated the 1st complete single-party partisan Impeachment, in direct opposition to the will of the majority of Americans, in US history....

....and the ignorant, easily manipulated snowflake sheep are defending them and cheering them on...
Okay your amateur interpretation of the constitution really means jack shit. Your own bold text is so vague and open to interpretation that you basically just sound really ignorant. By your logic, basically any of Trump’s policies violate the constitution. I mean think about this for a moment. The democrat push to invest in infrastructure spending is unconstitutional yet putting migrant kids into cages without due process is constitutional.

it is impossible to take you people seriously.

Poor little dumb fuck, I quoted the guy that wrote most of the Constitution, that's his explanation to the people at the time. They said it was written so the simplest farmer of the time could understand it, sorry you can't even make that grade. Perhaps you should go find that 6 year old now. LMAO

Absolutely none of this explains why democratic policies are unconstitutional but republican ones aren’t but you already knew that. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't see anything unconstitutional about getting uncle sugar out of tax payer pockets, staying out of State business and protecting our country and its borders. Do you?

Um well none of that has anything to do with protecting our borders because now immigrants are living here indefinitely sanctioned by the Trump administration. It’s stupid and makes no sense whatsoever but no one ever accused republicans of being smart.

Perhaps if the commies would get out of the way of revamping asylum laws that wouldn't be the case. They also need to fund another 1000 immigration judges to get rid of the backlog. And it has everything to do with protecting our border, if people were returned swiftly it would be a deterrent to stop others from coming.


Lol oh so there are literally thousands of kids being detained right now and thousands more will detained until this policy stops and that doesn’t matter because? I mean even if doing this was a deterrent, we are still having thousands of them live here INDEFINITELY either way. Are you even listening to yourself? Your knee jerk reaction to defend Trump no matter what is so pathetic.

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