Do politicians in other nations recruit thirdworlders and force their natives to pay their way?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Why or why not?
This is a genuine question. I can’t figure out why other countries aren’t following the U.S. model if it’s so beneficial for the good folks / taxpayers funding and running the nations.
My view is here. Rather than Repost it, here is a link.

If You Want To Keep Your Social Safety Net, You Can

To answer your question, yes. Look at The EU, France and Great Britain whose citizens want to leave The EU due to forced immigration if refugees forced upon them by The EU and all the additional expenses and issues that erupted out of that.

The EU made a fatal mistake by overburdening their Social Safety Nets, and out pacing their ability to manage immigration, in a divisive multicultural environment.

To use a fishing term:

“Once you have reached the end of your reel, with such a large fish you’ve hooked, will you ever be able to reel it back?”
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My view is here. Rather than Repost it, here is a link.

If You Want To Keep Your Social Safety Net, You Can

To answer your question, yes. Look at The EU, France and Great Britain whose citizens want to leave The EU due to forced immigration if refugees forced upon them by The EU and all the additional expenses and issues that erupted out of that.

The EU made a fatal mistake by overburdening their Social Safety Nets, and out pacing their ability to manage immigration, in a divisive multicultural environment.

To use a fishing term:

“Once you have reached the end of your reel, with such a large fish you’ve hooked, will you ever be able to reel it back?”

Awesome post.
The thing is; we aren’t just recruiting and taking in “refugees”....through policy and legislation we are straight up encouraging a massive overrun of our own people. I just can’t see any other nation pushing such a thing on such a mass scale. I just can’t see how the end result of such actions can in any way result in anything positive for this nation. I swear there must be something hidden deep that I just can’t see or wrap my head around.
Why or why not?
This is a genuine question. I can’t figure out why other countries aren’t following the U.S. model if it’s so beneficial for the good folks / taxpayers funding and running the nations.

Only western nations under the present ruling globalists follow this model. It’s imposed. Vote to stop it all you like.
Why or why not?
This is a genuine question. I can’t figure out why other countries aren’t following the U.S. model if it’s so beneficial for the good folks / taxpayers funding and running the nations.

Only western nations under the present ruling globalists follow this model. It’s imposed. Vote to stop it all you like.

Are you saying there is no stopping it?
It’s happening all over the world. Politicians are outright, going out and migrating millions of people in to their countries who do not come from cultures that can easily be assimilated.

This creates a massive Social Upheavel and is destabilizing to all Nations.

The UN is pushing this, just like they are pushing vegetarianism and a Meat Tax, worldwide. The global Meat Tax is to generate money to fight so called Climate Change.

Mass Migration is part of the same philosophy. To redistribute populations which in their minds would reduce CO2 by placing these populations in more energy efficient nations.

Once in that Nation if you have influence and control of that government, you can impose Carbon Taxes and all kinds of Climate Change Agendas on them.

The idea is, that if you cannot force
Nations to redistribute wealth through things like Carbon Taxes, to Foreign Countires to combat fictitious climate change and income inequalities, then they will send the foreign peoples in to your country instead and you will be forced to take care of them anyways.

It also has a political affect by Making a nation weaker, and it’s population more accepting of Socialism and Globalist Rule.

The best way to get Socialism installed is
to import people who are Socialists and are comfortable living under Socialist Rule. That is called “Getting a Trojan Horse through your Gates”

These people are not only accepting of Socialism, In fact, they'll outright demand Socialism once they cross your border. They’ll even vote for it, if you let them.

My view is here. Rather than Repost it, here is a link.
If You Want To Keep Your Social Safety Net, You Can

To answer your question, yes. Look at The EU, France and Great Britain whose citizens want to leave The EU due to forced immigration if refugees forced upon them by The EU and all the additional expenses and issues that erupted out of that.

The EU made a fatal mistake by overburdening their Social Safety Nets, and out pacing their ability to manage immigration, in a divisive multicultural environment.

To use a fishing term:

“Once you have reached the end of your reel, with such a large fish you’ve hooked, will you ever be able to reel it back?”

Awesome post.
The thing is; we aren’t just recruiting and taking in “refugees”....through policy and legislation we are straight up encouraging a massive overrun of our own people. I just can’t see any other nation pushing such a thing on such a mass scale. I just can’t see how the end result of such actions can in any way result in anything positive for this nation. I swear there must be something hidden deep that I just can’t see or wrap my head around.
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Why or why not?
This is a genuine question. I can’t figure out why other countries aren’t following the U.S. model if it’s so beneficial for the good folks / taxpayers funding and running the nations.

Only western nations under the present ruling globalists follow this model. It’s imposed. Vote to stop it all you like.

Are you saying there is no stopping it?

Well you could vote for a wall :) I’m sure DC will respect that.

if you are British you could vote to take control of your own borders and leave the EU. The elites will totally respect and comply with your vote.
Why or why not?
This is a genuine question. I can’t figure out why other countries aren’t following the U.S. model if it’s so beneficial for the good folks / taxpayers funding and running the nations.

Only western nations under the present ruling globalists follow this model. It’s imposed. Vote to stop it all you like.

Are you saying there is no stopping it?

Well you could vote for a wall :) I’m sure DC will respect that.

if you are British you could vote to take control of your own borders and leave the EU. The elites will totally respect and comply with your vote.
Why or why not?
This is a genuine question. I can’t figure out why other countries aren’t following the U.S. model if it’s so beneficial for the good folks / taxpayers funding and running the nations.

Only western nations under the present ruling globalists follow this model. It’s imposed. Vote to stop it all you like.

Are you saying there is no stopping it?

Anything can be stopped. But the farther it goes the more extreme it has to be. Some places are already past the point of no return probably.

BUT, BUT, BUT....our politicians keep telling us that we natives benefit by fostering desperate, low iQ, indecent thirdworlders....What’s weird is; when we ask them specifically..”How do we benefit?” They all say the same thing.....”slave labor and tacos”.
Why or why not?
This is a genuine question. I can’t figure out why other countries aren’t following the U.S. model if it’s so beneficial for the good folks / taxpayers funding and running the nations.

I believe the ultimate cuck capital - Sweden is doing that. They practically have their women waiting for their Muslim conquerors.
Why or why not?
This is a genuine question. I can’t figure out why other countries aren’t following the U.S. model if it’s so beneficial for the good folks / taxpayers funding and running the nations.

Um, yeah, they do. Germany, for instance, has a whole system of what are called
Gastarbeiter (Guest Workers) from Turkey and Poland to do the kinds of jobs Mexicans do here.
BUT, BUT, BUT....our politicians keep telling us that we natives benefit by fostering desperate, low iQ, indecent thirdworlders....What’s weird is; when we ask them specifically..”How do we benefit?” They all say the same thing.....”slave labor and tacos”.

Exactly. As if we have a shortage of immigrants. But we need to stop arguing with the liberal regime and it’s drones and just defeat them.
Doesn’t matter if we “need” immigrants or not. We don’t *want* them and that should be the final word no matter how much. our condescending elites disagree.

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