If You Want To Keep Your Social Safety Net, You Can

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.
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All ideas are welcome to reduce expenditures and still provide services, and enhance revenues without burdening the economy.

One thing we cannot afford at this point though is increasing expenditures. If we could get things in balance, then that could become possible.

Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, bevause they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens.
That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.
Calling increasing deficits a start is just funnier than shit.
Where was that done?

I know that The President has a 15 year budget plan to address neglected areas of Government responsibility and then reduce spending year by year until we reach a balanced budget within 15 years , so exactly what are you talking about?

Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, bevause they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens.
That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.
Calling increasing deficits a start is just funnier than shit.
I am going to pose a question here in the form of an analogy using a fishing scenario:

“Once you have reached the end of your reel, having hooked such a large fish, will you ever be able to reel it back?”

The trick is not to allow such a large fish to expend your reel, or you risk both rod and reel, and the fish too.
Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:
Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:
So you want to force people to pay in to SS and then volunteer not to take it to prove what?
Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

Outright abolition of agencies and programs needs to take place....Timidly trimming around the margins while leaving them in place, only leaves open the door for the liberoidals to ramp up the spending again when they regain power.
Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:
So you want to force people to pay in to SS and then volunteer not to take it to prove what?

Not what I said & oh, by the way; I wasn't asking U.
Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:
So you want to force people to pay in to SS and then volunteer not to take it to prove what?

Not what I said & oh, by the way; I wasn't asking U.
Then what were you saying?

BTW- you’re on a public forum retard. If you want private conversations with someone use PM’s.
Who has said that? No one. Only you, because you have no ideas.

All that I said is that we cannot afford additional expenditures because we do not have the revenue and we are already a Socialist Nation.

We have a tremendous amount of Social Spending already going on. Either you want to try to preserve that Social Safety Net by being more responsible with our dollars and budget, or you are OK with allowing things to deteriorate.

You can’t cut a check for the rest of the world and take care of US Citizens too. 47% of our population does not pay taxes. So we are not in a position to offer “More Free Stuff” to who ever wants it.

The “War on Poverty” Cost The US Taxpayer $22 Trillion, and we had to go $22 Trillion in debt to expand our Social Safety Net Dramatically to do that.

At some point, you have to throttle things back to preserve and manage what you have.

Perhaps you have never had to balance a check book so you don’t understand this concept.

Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:
Last edited:
There can be consolation of services and elimination of some bureaucracies.

I was not writing a thesis, just a short essay to discuss responsible budgeting and the Overwhelming Expenses of Socialism.

I cannot possibly include all ways that we can reduce expenditures. Only point out that we must and what the alternative is if we do not.

Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

Outright abolition of agencies and programs needs to take place....Timidly trimming around the margins while leaving them in place, only leaves open the door for the liberoidals to ramp up the spending again when they regain power.
Who has said that? No one. Only you, because you have no ideas.

All that I said is that we cannot afford additional expenditures because we do not have the revenue and we are already a Socialist Nation.

We have a tremendous amount of Social Spending already going on. Either you want to try to preserve that Social Safety Net by being more responsible with our dollars and budget, or you are OK with allowing things to deteriorate.

You can’t cut a check for the rest of the world and take care of US Citizens too. 47% of our population does not pay taxes. So we are not in a position to offer “More Free Stuff” to who ever wants it.

The “War on Poverty” Cost The US Taxpayer $22 Trillion, and we had to go $22 Trillion in debt to expand our Social Safety Net Dramatically to do that.

At some point, you have to throttle things back to preserve and manage what you have.

Perhaps you have never had to balance a check book so you don’t understand this concept.

Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:

Yes, anyone, including you can point out problems; nothing to it.

So, no one in your family is offering to give up the potential for utilizing their SS. I didn't think so.

Seems like your thread is merely a bitchfest & nothing else.

We already know we have problems with gubmint spending; nothing new to see here. Move along ..........
Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.
Yellow vests arose in reaction to decades of French neoliberal economic policies personified by King Macron:

Yellow vests movement - Wikipedia

"The yellow vests movement or yellow jackets movement (French: Mouvement des gilets jaunes, pronounced [muvmɑ̃ de ʒilɛ ʒon]) is a populist,[55] grassroots[56] political movement for economic justice[57] that began in France in November 2018.

"After an online petition posted in May had attracted nearly a million signatures, mass demonstrations began on 17 November.[58]

"The movement is motivated by rising fuel prices, high cost of living, and claims that a disproportionate burden of the government's tax reforms were falling on the working and middle classes,[59][60][61] especially in rural and peri-urban areas.[25][62]

"The protesters have called for lower fuel taxes, reintroduction of the solidarity tax on wealth, a minimum wage increase, the implementation of Citizens' initiative referendums[35] and Emmanuel Macron's resignation as President of France and his government."

btw, neither Venezuela nor France has nationalized their banks, so how exactly can you claim either country is "socialist"?
Who has said that? No one. Only you, because you have no ideas.

All that I said is that we cannot afford additional expenditures because we do not have the revenue and we are already a Socialist Nation.

We have a tremendous amount of Social Spending already going on. Either you want to try to preserve that Social Safety Net by being more responsible with our dollars and budget, or you are OK with allowing things to deteriorate.

You can’t cut a check for the rest of the world and take care of US Citizens too. 47% of our population does not pay taxes. So we are not in a position to offer “More Free Stuff” to who ever wants it.

The “War on Poverty” Cost The US Taxpayer $22 Trillion, and we had to go $22 Trillion in debt to expand our Social Safety Net Dramatically to do that.

At some point, you have to throttle things back to preserve and manage what you have.

Perhaps you have never had to balance a check book so you don’t understand this concept.

Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:

Yes, anyone, including you can point out problems; nothing to it.

So, no one in your family is offering to give up the potential for utilizing their SS. I didn't think so.

Seems like your thread is merely a bitchfest & nothing else.

We already know we have problems with gubmint spending; nothing new to see here. Move along ..........
Yeah, anyone can bitch but a real patriot would just keep paying in to this fucked up government shit and get over it. BTW- let's get some more government involved in our lives because fuck it you know. Move along.

Who has said that? No one. Only you, because you have no ideas.

All that I said is that we cannot afford additional expenditures because we do not have the revenue and we are already a Socialist Nation.

We have a tremendous amount of Social Spending already going on. Either you want to try to preserve that Social Safety Net by being more responsible with our dollars and budget, or you are OK with allowing things to deteriorate.

You can’t cut a check for the rest of the world and take care of US Citizens too. 47% of our population does not pay taxes. So we are not in a position to offer “More Free Stuff” to who ever wants it.

The “War on Poverty” Cost The US Taxpayer $22 Trillion, and we had to go $22 Trillion in debt to expand our Social Safety Net Dramatically to do that.

At some point, you have to throttle things back to preserve and manage what you have.

Perhaps you have never had to balance a check book so you don’t understand this concept.

Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:

Yes, anyone, including you can point out problems; nothing to it.

So, no one in your family is offering to give up the potential for utilizing their SS. I didn't think so.

Seems like your thread is merely a bitchfest & nothing else.

We already know we have problems with gubmint spending; nothing new to see here. Move along ..........
Yeah, anyone can bitch but a real patriot would just keep paying in to this fucked up government shit and get over it. BTW- let's get some more government involved in our lives because fuck it you know. Move along.


and, what R U gonna do about it, mighty brain? offer some solutions .......
Who has said that? No one. Only you, because you have no ideas.

All that I said is that we cannot afford additional expenditures because we do not have the revenue and we are already a Socialist Nation.

We have a tremendous amount of Social Spending already going on. Either you want to try to preserve that Social Safety Net by being more responsible with our dollars and budget, or you are OK with allowing things to deteriorate.

You can’t cut a check for the rest of the world and take care of US Citizens too. 47% of our population does not pay taxes. So we are not in a position to offer “More Free Stuff” to who ever wants it.

The “War on Poverty” Cost The US Taxpayer $22 Trillion, and we had to go $22 Trillion in debt to expand our Social Safety Net Dramatically to do that.

At some point, you have to throttle things back to preserve and manage what you have.

Perhaps you have never had to balance a check book so you don’t understand this concept.

Continually finding new ways to march towards Socialism and to The Left, is at best a Fool’s Errand. No organization, business, or individual can forever withstand continually escalating expenses. No Country, even with the power of taxation can afford to do so either.

Expenses must always be held responsibly in check. The only way to actually check the increasing growth of Government and the continual move towards Socialism on a Federal Level is to have a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment.

You would need a mechanism like that if your Representatives do not have the political will to hold expenditures down and in check
themselves, so this is what I personally advocate.

Cuts need to be made, like you have seen in President Trump’s Budget. That’s not even a balanced budget, but it’s a start and it shows the severity and seriousness of such an issue and the difficulty of interjecting the paradigm of responsible spending into a Government that has been irresponsible with our tax dollars.

The response to the suggestion of such cuts was an automatic recoil at the idea by Socialists who think that the march towards Socialism should have no end.

If you want to see what “No End” Socialism
is, what unbridled and unchecked government, who has continually moved towards Socialism looks like, just look at.......

Oh, you thought I was going to say Venezuela????


Just look at France. France is what happens when you continue to promise your citizens more and more free stuff and then suddenly realize that you cannot afford it. Yellow vests is what happens, when migrants and citizens who have been accustomed to generous government handouts, see those handouts scaled back.

France has the additional strain like all other EU Nations of supporting millions of immigrants as well as French citizens who are on public assistance, and they also have an additional strain of an economic downturn placed upon them caused by a broke and indebted government trying to generate more tax revenue by burdening their economy by gradualism, and ever increasing taxation and regulation.

They stress their government even more when they attempt to add more benefits or increase benefits that they cannot afford, leading one to ask, “Has anyone in The French Government ever had to balance a checkbook?”

Nearly every Socialist Nation eventually fails, because they can’t balance their checkbooks. The only ones that survive have had to scale back Socialism and moderate it. They are still in the red, but they slow the bleeding at least, when they moderate expenditures. Slowing and then stopping the bleeding will save The Patient.

America is already at that point. We essentialily are already a Socialist Nation. You may call America Socialist Lite for context but we have a great deal of Socialism already in America.

So when President Trump tells you “We will never be a Socialist Nation”. He means we will never be a Venezuela or Cuba or a failed Soviet Union. He means Socialism has to be held in check, scaled back but never eliminated because we do need a Social Safety Net.

If you want to preserve that Social Safety Net, you have to defend The Border. You have to preserve Social Safety Net Dollars for Citizens

That is not a racial issue. It’s an issue of survival, but not just for America, but for the little bit of Socialism we do have. “More Free Stuff” is not an option. It is a reckless political slogan.

You cannot have Socialism and open borders. You cannot have Socialism and unrestrained spending.

So to the Left, I say, “If you like The Little bit of Socialism we do have, then you better get your head out of the sand and help The Right fight to defend it, help us to keep it towards the black instead of constantly operating in the red.”

Call it SocialismCare if you like. If you want that to last, if you want to keep your Socialism, you can, but then you better be responsible with the revenue we have to pay for and maintain those Socialist Systems. The alternative is becoming France, and the failure to respond to a wake up call like that, is Venezuela.

But common sense isn’t common these days. We’d rather call each other names instead, myself included. Am I right?

Of course I am.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:

Yes, anyone, including you can point out problems; nothing to it.

So, no one in your family is offering to give up the potential for utilizing their SS. I didn't think so.

Seems like your thread is merely a bitchfest & nothing else.

We already know we have problems with gubmint spending; nothing new to see here. Move along ..........
Yeah, anyone can bitch but a real patriot would just keep paying in to this fucked up government shit and get over it. BTW- let's get some more government involved in our lives because fuck it you know. Move along.


and, what R U gonna do about it, mighty brain? offer some solutions .......
Vote to end it.
Who has said that? No one. Only you, because you have no ideas.

All that I said is that we cannot afford additional expenditures because we do not have the revenue and we are already a Socialist Nation.

We have a tremendous amount of Social Spending already going on. Either you want to try to preserve that Social Safety Net by being more responsible with our dollars and budget, or you are OK with allowing things to deteriorate.

You can’t cut a check for the rest of the world and take care of US Citizens too. 47% of our population does not pay taxes. So we are not in a position to offer “More Free Stuff” to who ever wants it.

The “War on Poverty” Cost The US Taxpayer $22 Trillion, and we had to go $22 Trillion in debt to expand our Social Safety Net Dramatically to do that.

At some point, you have to throttle things back to preserve and manage what you have.

Perhaps you have never had to balance a check book so you don’t understand this concept.

So, please share with us here at USMB who within your family has given up their potential to claim SS?

We will wait. :21:

Yes, anyone, including you can point out problems; nothing to it.

So, no one in your family is offering to give up the potential for utilizing their SS. I didn't think so.

Seems like your thread is merely a bitchfest & nothing else.

We already know we have problems with gubmint spending; nothing new to see here. Move along ..........
Yeah, anyone can bitch but a real patriot would just keep paying in to this fucked up government shit and get over it. BTW- let's get some more government involved in our lives because fuck it you know. Move along.


and, what R U gonna do about it, mighty brain? offer some solutions .......
Vote to end it.

oh, sure; lemme know next time they put that ONE on the ballot Jr. ..........
Who has said that? No one. Only you, because you have no ideas.

All that I said is that we cannot afford additional expenditures because we do not have the revenue and we are already a Socialist Nation.

We have a tremendous amount of Social Spending already going on. Either you want to try to preserve that Social Safety Net by being more responsible with our dollars and budget, or you are OK with allowing things to deteriorate.

You can’t cut a check for the rest of the world and take care of US Citizens too. 47% of our population does not pay taxes. So we are not in a position to offer “More Free Stuff” to who ever wants it.

The “War on Poverty” Cost The US Taxpayer $22 Trillion, and we had to go $22 Trillion in debt to expand our Social Safety Net Dramatically to do that.

At some point, you have to throttle things back to preserve and manage what you have.

Perhaps you have never had to balance a check book so you don’t understand this concept.

Yes, anyone, including you can point out problems; nothing to it.

So, no one in your family is offering to give up the potential for utilizing their SS. I didn't think so.

Seems like your thread is merely a bitchfest & nothing else.

We already know we have problems with gubmint spending; nothing new to see here. Move along ..........
Yeah, anyone can bitch but a real patriot would just keep paying in to this fucked up government shit and get over it. BTW- let's get some more government involved in our lives because fuck it you know. Move along.


and, what R U gonna do about it, mighty brain? offer some solutions .......
Vote to end it.

oh, sure; lemme know next time they put that ONE on the ballot Jr. ..........
It's there every two years. You just choose to back the wrong people.

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