Do Democrats really want a Civil War?

It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?
Lol, why do you think all the odds are in the republican side?
That was my same question. These are the same folks who are afraid of......everything.
Yuck it up Jimbo! ~S~
McCain was a stain on this nations honor and the Navy's honor.

He should have been courts martialed way before he got shot down and it would have saved Navy airmens lives.

When I think of real heroes, like the cops that ran into the Twin Towers just before it collapsed so they could save a few people, or of Pat Tillman who never had to serve, especially not as enlisted, but he signed up and sacrificed his life for his country, then I remember John Songbird McCain and I want to puke all over the floor.

F John McCain!
Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.

And these idiots are too stupid to even realize it. They are literally driving people into White Supremacist groups, while claiming to be the party that will unite the country together. The dumbest most useless crap humans on the left-wing.

Can't argue against the truth about Trump's racist remarks can you, so you are left with your weak ass name calling.

Oh stop puking on here like I care scum bag. You are trash. You maybe you are simply too stupid to know it, but you are.

And I don't give crap what you think of name calling, because everything I've said about you, is dead on right. You are left-wing version of a white supremacist. That's fact. You don't like it, you want to cry "oh you are name calling! wah!" I don't care.

Maybe you were half of a decent person, people wouldn't be calling you out for the turd that you are. You should be ashamed, and act like something more intelligent than an ape.

A pathetic sub-human like you, trying to insult me? Hah. What a joke.
Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.

And these idiots are too stupid to even realize it. They are literally driving people into White Supremacist groups, while claiming to be the party that will unite the country together. The dumbest most useless crap humans on the left-wing.


And if that cartoon was even half true, then I would agree with you.

But it's not. Every single time anyone disagrees with anything.... the left-wing calls them racists.

I've personally had this happen. I remember talking about being against the Affordable Care Act.... and having people say "You are just racists!".

How do you explain that?

ME: "I don't think more government involvement in health care is the answer"

"You are just racists against Obama!"

ME: "Accusing everyone you disagree with of racism, is just going to make people racists"

"See that proves you are racists!"

And now here you are trying to mock me.... as if that's not clear cut proof of exactly what I said?

Why do you think the White Supremacist groups grew so much all during Obama terms? It's not surprising to me.

Maybe you don't know what it is like to have a different view than your fellow left-wingers.

Take a look at what has been happening to Nancy Pelosi and Jeo Biden. Nancy and Joe are life long left-wingers. Yet both of them have been accused of being racists as well.

Doesn't that tell you something? When even people in your own ideology, and your own political party, are attacked for being racists, simply because they disagree on the Green New Deal, or some other point?

How much evidence of this do you need?

Considering that even John McCain was accused of racism, I don't think Americans pay attention to the Left's fake racism accusations. About two weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden were called racists by a few lunatic congresswomen.

Folks disagreed with Sen. McCain politically, he wasn't accused of racist remarks like Trump.
No. Mccain was called a racist.
Reminder: Voting Against the "Skinny Bill" Doesn't Erase John McCain's Record

So are you saying that makes it ok for Trump. Tell me how many Vietnamese tortured Trump during the war.

something to do with spurs...i'll have to get back to you on that,,,,,~S~
No Vietnamese ever tortured McCain. He injured himself because he pissed off in class and didn't know the precautions to take when he ejected from his fighter jet.

While other good patriotic prisoners were being tortured McCain was giving up all kinds of information, very important information like flight routes and altitudes and the Commies gave him all kinds of privileges. He walked around drinking sodas and whoring in a special compound for cooperative traitors.

When it looked like the war was coming to an end they faked up some torture scars so he could play the heroic victim.

Piss on John 'Songbird' McCain. I seriously enjoy the thought that he is burning in hell because of the innocent pilots that he got killed.

Burn him good and hot and never ever end.
You sound like a Liberal with all this fabricated nonsense.
Considering that even John McCain was accused of racism, I don't think Americans pay attention to the Left's fake racism accusations. About two weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden were called racists by a few lunatic congresswomen.

Folks disagreed with Sen. McCain politically, he wasn't accused of racist remarks like Trump.
No. Mccain was called a racist.
Reminder: Voting Against the "Skinny Bill" Doesn't Erase John McCain's Record

So are you saying that makes it ok for Trump. Tell me how many Vietnamese tortured Trump during the war.

something to do with spurs...i'll have to get back to you on that,,,,,~S~
No Vietnamese ever tortured McCain. He injured himself because he pissed off in class and didn't know the precautions to take when he ejected from his fighter jet.

While other good patriotic prisoners were being tortured McCain was giving up all kinds of information, very important information like flight routes and altitudes and the Commies gave him all kinds of privileges. He walked around drinking sodas and whoring in a special compound for cooperative traitors.

When it looked like the war was coming to an end they faked up some torture scars so he could play the heroic victim.

Piss on John 'Songbird' McCain. I seriously enjoy the thought that he is burning in hell because of the innocent pilots that he got killed.

Burn him good and hot and never ever end.

Can't argue against the truth about Trump's racist remarks can you, so you are left with your weak ass name calling.

Oh stop puking on here like I care scum bag. You are trash. You maybe you are simply too stupid to know it, but you are.

The stupid ass piece of shit is you Trump Humper.

And I don't give crap what you think of name calling, because everything I've said about you, is dead on right. You are left-wing version of a white supremacist. That's fact. You don't like it, you want to cry "oh you are name calling! wah!" I don't care.

No everything you have said is a lie and it has been proven.

Maybe you were half of a decent person, people wouldn't be calling you out for the turd that you are. You should be ashamed, and act like something more intelligent than an ape.

A pathetic sub-human like you, trying to insult me? Hah. What a joke.

The joke is you, a weak ass, coward ass, POS. Crawl back in your hole and play with that blow up doll you treasure so much.
Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.

And these idiots are too stupid to even realize it. They are literally driving people into White Supremacist groups, while claiming to be the party that will unite the country together. The dumbest most useless crap humans on the left-wing.


And if that cartoon was even half true, then I would agree with you.

But it's not. Every single time anyone disagrees with anything.... the left-wing calls them racists.

I've personally had this happen. I remember talking about being against the Affordable Care Act.... and having people say "You are just racists!".

How do you explain that?

ME: "I don't think more government involvement in health care is the answer"

"You are just racists against Obama!"

ME: "Accusing everyone you disagree with of racism, is just going to make people racists"

"See that proves you are racists!"

And now here you are trying to mock me.... as if that's not clear cut proof of exactly what I said?

Why do you think the White Supremacist groups grew so much all during Obama terms? It's not surprising to me.

Maybe you don't know what it is like to have a different view than your fellow left-wingers.

Take a look at what has been happening to Nancy Pelosi and Jeo Biden. Nancy and Joe are life long left-wingers. Yet both of them have been accused of being racists as well.

Doesn't that tell you something? When even people in your own ideology, and your own political party, are attacked for being racists, simply because they disagree on the Green New Deal, or some other point?

How much evidence of this do you need?

It seems to be the case.

Some of their leaders openly call for violence against Republicans, and no one censors them from within their own party.

They are doxing Trump supporters, dehumanizing Republicans as White Supremacists and Nazis, they are ignoring all the violence from their own violent radicals known as Antifa.

They have judges that make asinine ignorant ruling that tie up our government until it can get appealed to the Supreme Court.

With all the violent rhetoric from them,, actual violence from some of them and none of them calling for it all to stop from their party, I cannot escape the conclusion that they want the violence for some bizarre reason.

If a civil war starts, the odds are all on the Republicans side, so are they suicidal or what?


The sickest I’d the sick trumpkins do. Feel free to go to Russia if you’re unhappy

You’re welcome
Go to Russia. Publicize that the border is wide open. Invite those good people here.

Excellent idea.
Go to Russia. Publicize that the border is wide open. Invite those good people here.

Excellent idea.

Seriously??? Do you not understand that the Russians are already here and attempting to influence our presidential election, AGAIN?

Meanwhile Moscow Mitch whines on the Senate floor because his precious feelz are hurt.

You can't make this shit up.
Go to Russia. Publicize that the border is wide open. Invite those good people here.

Excellent idea.

Seriously??? Do you not understand that the Russians are already here and attempting to influence our presidential election, AGAIN?

Meanwhile Moscow Mitch whines on the Senate floor because his precious feelz are hurt.

You can't make this shit up.
I certainly hope SO. Isn't Tulsi Gabbard a Russian agent? Our last hope might be Russian help in defeating the enemy democrats. In 1776 France stepped up to help us. In 2020 I pray that Russia does the same.
Frankly you and your ilk are fanning the flames of racism not Trump.

And these idiots are too stupid to even realize it. They are literally driving people into White Supremacist groups, while claiming to be the party that will unite the country together. The dumbest most useless crap humans on the left-wing.

That has to be the most shallow, ridiculous and ignorant reaction to what I have said that I have seen in a very long time.

Go to Russia. Publicize that the border is wide open. Invite those good people here.

Excellent idea.

Seriously??? Do you not understand that the Russians are already here and attempting to influence our presidential election, AGAIN?

Meanwhile Moscow Mitch whines on the Senate floor because his precious feelz are hurt.

You can't make this shit up.
So's China. China wants you to vote Democrat.
So's Mexico. Who also wants you to vote Democrat.
You don't care about them.
All I have to say is : "Go ahead and try to break bad you leftist fucks, so you can be dirt-napped where you should be."
Florida School Shooter IDed as 19-Yr-Old Nikolas Cruz

Go ahead! I bet the National Guard takes 80% of you out.
Thanks for proving you're an imbecile and that I was right when you idiotically posted the wrong Cruz.


Your another brainwashed liberal moron.

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What a pity you can't prove me wrong.


There’s nothing to prove. You repeat what the liberal media tells you. Your a brainwashed liberal.

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Those who can, do. Those who can't, make up stupid excuses for why they can't.


So you must be good at making excuses. The Democrats don’t have a moral compass, all they care about there agenda to destroy America by any means possible.

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I’m a Democrat and I would enjoy a Civil War with Republicans

We would kick their Redneck asses

Think again dipshit. You wouldn’t stand a chance. We have the firepower and know how to use it. Democrats would be shooting themselves. Who do you think, Vets, retired police and the people who have been shooting guns since they were 5 going to side with. Be careful what you wish for dumbass

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I’m a Democrat and I would enjoy a Civil War with Republicans

We would kick their Redneck asses
You realize the redneck racists were all Democrats, right? Including the anti-busing racist Democrats that Biden "worked with" not too long ago.

The Midwest don’t like Democrats. Any state with gun friendly laws hates Democrats. I live in NJ and dislike the Democratic Party.

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