DNA Testing for Jew & Muslim

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Meh. There are many races that share common genes, this is nothing new. But Jews from all over the world share a gene that is EXCLUSIVE to Jews ONLY, and is scientifically proven, which means Jews can trace their ancestry thousands of years back to Biblical times and the same Jews that walked ancient Israel. Case closed.

Roudy----you are absolutely right----but most people in the world know
nothing about Population Genetics so the nothing presented in that
video does impress persons without brains eg eots and Sherri

"similar haplotypes" neither eots nor sherri know what those
words mean ------for the record---- "sharing similar haplotypes" is a comment
correct upon all persons walking the face of the earth. What the DNA
studies have revealed so far is------that the islamo nazi pig reconstructions
created by the arabist dogs that "palestinians" constitute an ancient
NATION in the land once called palestine-----as opposed to JOOOOOS
who according to the islamo nazi pig reconstructionists are "EUROPEAN'
INVADERS" is simply nonsensical dung that even some perverted
Sunday school teachers are willing to injest

Today---owing to the more than 1000 years of enslavement and rape of
the native Sudanese and subsaharan slaves abducted by the invading
arabs who are now the SHARIAH SHIT rulers in Khartoum-----any DNA
studies of that population will reveal INTENSIVE RELATIONSHIP

when evaluating arab vs any other population----in the middle east----
never forget the issue of RAPE AND ENSLAVEMENT AND CHILD-

anyone here want to guess how much admixture with Subsaharan
blacks there is in populations like the ---RULERS OF SAUDI ARABIA?
or the that matter-----the population of egypt-----which was the first
stopover in the slave trade from SUDAN----thence to Egypt----thence
to places even as far as Persia and MOGHUL INDIA?
Irose what is stated is basically the obvious. It is said that all human DNA is 97% identical. Research also shows that Jews are very closely related to Japanese than most other peoples, and I'm not kidding Now what? Do the Japanese get a slice of Israel? LOL
You see that douchebag eots, this is science, not your stupid ignorant posts.

this post does not support your assertion "Jews from all over the world share a gene that is EXCLUSIVE to Jews ONLY "
Sure it does, you're just too illiterate to comprehend it. Not your fault. Did you at least get an elementary school diploma?

Based on genotypes at 12 Y-STRs, we identify an extended CMH on the J-P58* background that predominates in both Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Cohanim and is remarkably absent in non-Jews

You see, wasn't that hard now was it. Here you are looking like a total FOOL in a thread you started, with your YouTube garbagio.

"remarkable absent" means occurring at a low frequency..not exclusive to
Wow! Douchebag eots alerted two MODs to a link that happened to be there! Talk about desperate! Hyuk Hyuk Hyuk!

I did no such thing liar
Really, well somehow two mods appeared on this thread out of nowhere after you whined that you were too incompetent to locate the link? Ya ok. Ha ha.

Truth be told Roudy, I got interested in this thread after YOU reported something, and I believe Alan found it on his own.

Any more public comments on moderation will cost points. Take to staff in a PM.
So, does that mean that only Orthodox Jews are considered 'real' Jews? And what of these "true converts" and the gene thing?

Did you read what I posted? Orthodox converts are the only converts that are considered Jews they can immigrate to Israel (alyiah) non-orthodox converts are not true converts, and are no recognized as such what about the "gene thing" Jews are people, not a true race, but most are genetically linked. People born Jews are Jews doesn't matter if they practice the religion or not.

But if you are born into a non-orthodox Jewish family you're not really Jewish?

Jroc, this dude is really frustrating, lol:D
So, if a woman who had converted to non-orthodox Judaism marries a non-Jew and then raises their child as a (non-orthodox) Jew, is he considered a 'real' Jew and allowed to emigrate from the US to Israel and all that?

If the woman converted an orthodox conversion she's considered Jewish, and so her children. What she actually chosing to do with her life is her own business.

CONVERSION has to be under orthodox laws. After that, you can do whatever you want.
There is no sqabble like a FAMILY FEUD.

And that is what the Israeli/Arab conflict seems to be to me.

Why the rest of the world must be involved in this family squabble I'll never know.
:eusa_eh: 'Cause the decendents of Issac and Ismael killing each other over their religious differences is making us ALL look stupid and un-evolved?

It's no wonder we get no visitors - religious wars have ALWAYS made the Monkeys look stupid from space.
So, does that mean that only Orthodox Jews are considered 'real' Jews? And what of these "true converts" and the gene thing?

Did you read what I posted? Orthodox converts are the only converts that are considered Jews they can immigrate to Israel (alyiah) non-orthodox converts are not true converts, and are no recognized as such what about the "gene thing" Jews are people, not a true race, but most are genetically linked. People born Jews are Jews doesn't matter if they practice the religion or not.

But if you are born into a non-orthodox Jewish family you're not really Jewish?

There's issue of conversion in Judaism is complex and seemingly irrational. But Judaism is a religion and religion fosters and relies on irrationality.

According to Orthodox Judaism the membership in the religion is mostly a genetic one. A person cannot convert out because he cannot change his lineage. If he does certain things he can remove himself from the communal "Jewish people" and if he wishes to rejoin may need, in rare cases, to "convert" back but he never stops being a Jewish in terms ofhhis personal obligation to follow Jewish law.

A person may choose to convert to Judaism. According to Orthodox law, the person is dissuaded because the process is tough and long and spiritually unnecessar . But someone who goes through it is 100% Jewish - so much so that a woman convert who has children passes the religious status to those children. Though one cannot change DNA a female convert can create a new valid genetic tie to pass Judaism matrilineally.

If you have other questions, I am happy to answer but think that the religion forum might bea better venue.
I assume that you zionist racists will be principled enough to leave the US. If you want to argue ownership of lands by genetics then duck off to Israel and let the native Americans have all the wealth you have accumulated from their land. Fucking hypocrites.
Meh. There are many races that share common genes, this is nothing new. But Jews from all over the world share a gene that is EXCLUSIVE to Jews ONLY, and is scientifically proven, which means Jews can trace their ancestry thousands of years back to Biblical times and the same Jews that walked ancient Israel. Case closed.

Roudy----you are absolutely right----but most people in the world know
nothing about Population Genetics so the nothing presented in that
video does impress persons without brains eg eots and Sherri

"similar haplotypes" neither eots nor sherri know what those
words mean ------for the record---- "sharing similar haplotypes" is a comment
correct upon all persons walking the face of the earth. What the DNA
studies have revealed so far is------that the islamo nazi pig reconstructions
created by the arabist dogs that "palestinians" constitute an ancient
NATION in the land once called palestine-----as opposed to JOOOOOS
who according to the islamo nazi pig reconstructionists are "EUROPEAN'
INVADERS" is simply nonsensical dung that even some perverted
Sunday school teachers are willing to injest

Today---owing to the more than 1000 years of enslavement and rape of
the native Sudanese and subsaharan slaves abducted by the invading
arabs who are now the SHARIAH SHIT rulers in Khartoum-----any DNA
studies of that population will reveal INTENSIVE RELATIONSHIP

when evaluating arab vs any other population----in the middle east----
never forget the issue of RAPE AND ENSLAVEMENT AND CHILD-

anyone here want to guess how much admixture with Subsaharan
blacks there is in populations like the ---RULERS OF SAUDI ARABIA?
or the that matter-----the population of egypt-----which was the first
stopover in the slave trade from SUDAN----thence to Egypt----thence
to places even as far as Persia and MOGHUL INDIA?
Irose what is stated is basically the obvious. It is said that all human DNA is 97% identical. Research also shows that Jews are very closely related to Japanese than most other peoples, and I'm not kidding Now what? Do the Japanese get a slice of Israel? LOL
They're selling Toyotas there so they already have their nose in the tent.
:eusa_eh: 'Cause the decendents of Issac and Ismael killing each other over their religious differences is making us ALL look stupid and un-evolved?

It's no wonder we get no visitors - religious wars have ALWAYS made the Monkeys look stupid from space.
Arabs are not related to "Ishmael". Do you think an illiterate Saudi Arabian desert theif murderer named Mohammad who lived in 700 AD somehow knew that he was related to Abraham who came 2000 years before him?! Please, not even with today's technological and scientific achievements can you go that far back.

The whole thing was a SCAM perpetrated by someone who hijacked Judaism and Christianity and falsely related himself by blood to "seal the deal".
Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes

Jewish and Middle Eastern non-Jewish populations share a common pool of Y-chromosome biallelic haplotypes
Again since we share 97% of each other's DNA, many people's share common cultures and genes with each other. Jews are more closely related to Chinese and Japanese than to Muslims or Arabs. Your post is as meaningless as eots, and deserves the same toilet flush.

Ten Lost Tribes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I assume that you zionist racists will be principled enough to leave the US. If you want to argue ownership of lands by genetics then duck off to Israel and let the native Americans have all the wealth you have accumulated from their land. Fucking hypocrites.
Yes, so would all Italians, Irish, Chinese, Mexicans, Arabs, etc. thanks for your input.

You bigots can't make up your minds can you? First you claim Jews aren't Jews, then you want them to leave back to Israel where they came from, just like the Nazis, then you claim it's not their land and you want them all dead. Fucking dipshit.
Roudy----you are absolutely right----but most people in the world know
nothing about Population Genetics so the nothing presented in that
video does impress persons without brains eg eots and Sherri

"similar haplotypes" neither eots nor sherri know what those
words mean ------for the record---- "sharing similar haplotypes" is a comment
correct upon all persons walking the face of the earth. What the DNA
studies have revealed so far is------that the islamo nazi pig reconstructions
created by the arabist dogs that "palestinians" constitute an ancient
NATION in the land once called palestine-----as opposed to JOOOOOS
who according to the islamo nazi pig reconstructionists are "EUROPEAN'
INVADERS" is simply nonsensical dung that even some perverted
Sunday school teachers are willing to injest

Today---owing to the more than 1000 years of enslavement and rape of
the native Sudanese and subsaharan slaves abducted by the invading
arabs who are now the SHARIAH SHIT rulers in Khartoum-----any DNA
studies of that population will reveal INTENSIVE RELATIONSHIP

when evaluating arab vs any other population----in the middle east----
never forget the issue of RAPE AND ENSLAVEMENT AND CHILD-

anyone here want to guess how much admixture with Subsaharan
blacks there is in populations like the ---RULERS OF SAUDI ARABIA?
or the that matter-----the population of egypt-----which was the first
stopover in the slave trade from SUDAN----thence to Egypt----thence
to places even as far as Persia and MOGHUL INDIA?
Irose what is stated is basically the obvious. It is said that all human DNA is 97% identical. Research also shows that Jews are very closely related to Japanese than most other peoples, and I'm not kidding Now what? Do the Japanese get a slice of Israel? LOL
They're selling Toyotas there so they already have their nose in the tent.
Ha ha, you're not kidding!

Some writers have speculated that the Japanese people themselves may be direct descendants of part of the Ten Lost Tribes.
In 1878, Scottish immigrant to Japan Nicholas McLeod published a bokk titled Epitome of the ancient history of Japan. [59] The following passage is an example from the book in which McLeod draws correlations between his observations on Japan and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
The civilized race of the Aa. Inus, the Tokugawa and the Machi No Hito of the large towns, by dwelling in the tent or tabernacle shaped houses first erected by Jin Mu Tenno, have fulfilled Noah's prophecy regarding Japhet, "He shall dwell in the tents of Shem."(McLeod, 1878. p.*7)
There are authors that cite some parallels between Japanese and Israelite rituals, culture, traditions, and language in an attempt to support this possibility.[60][61] A Japanese translator of McLeod's book and ordained minister has published a number of works on the topic. [62] One article, entitled "Mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes: Japan" by Arimasa Kubo[63], asserts that many traditional customs and ceremonies in Japan are very similar to those of ancient Israel, and postulates that perhaps these rituals came from the religion and customs of the Jews through members of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel who might have come to ancient Japan.
Joseph Eidelberg's "The Biblical Hebrew Origin of the Japanese People" makes a similar case:
Late in his life, Joseph Eidelberg began analyzing ancient traditions, religious ceremonies, historical names, haiku poems, Kana writings and Japanese folk songs, discovering thousands of words with similar pronunciations, sounds and translations between Hebrew and Japanese. These discoveries are history in the making, giving credible new information on the meanings of many unknown Japanese words, numbers, songs and cultural traditions*– and this book is the first time that these remarkable similarities are combined into a single consistent theory.[64]

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roudy sherri claims a close association with an IRANIAN. What a joke is she------of all the people I have encountered ------I have never encountered more racist persons than IRANIANS. For them ----anyone "subsaharan" is an "ABED" forever. Of course, sherri, in her best sunday school teacher style, has claimed that I am "full of shit" simply because I know that fact.

If the Italians, Irish etc feel they should have somebody else's land based on some notion of genetics or descendants from the owners a coule of millennia earlier I gree they too should fuck off. But I don't see the Italians laying claim to the old roman empire based on genetics, unlike you fascist bastards.

I remember somebody claiming that a race had the right to do these sorts of things before, the Germans claiming Europe for Aryan race, seems that the Jews didn't like this concept so much when it was used against them but love it whole heatedly when they use it for themselves. as I say the zionists are racist scum and hypocrites.

If the Italians, Irish etc feel they should have somebody else's land based on some notion of genetics or descendants from the owners a coule of millennia earlier I gree they too should fuck off. But I don't see the Italians laying claim to the old roman empire based on genetics, unlike you fascist bastards.

I remember somebody claiming that a race had the right to do these sorts of things before, the Germans claiming Europe for Aryan race, seems that the Jews didn't like this concept so much when it was used against them but love it whole heatedly when they use it for themselves. as I say the zionists are racist scum and hypocrites.

It was the British, who OWNED the BRITISH MANDATE of PALESTINE who recognized Israels historical right to the Land. The JEWS ACCEPTED THE RESOLUTION that would make them live alongside the Arabs.

If the Italians, Irish etc feel they should have somebody else's land based on some notion of genetics or descendants from the owners a coule of millennia earlier I gree they too should fuck off. But I don't see the Italians laying claim to the old roman empire based on genetics, unlike you fascist bastards.

I remember somebody claiming that a race had the right to do these sorts of things before, the Germans claiming Europe for Aryan race, seems that the Jews didn't like this concept so much when it was used against them but love it whole heatedly when they use it for themselves. as I say the zionists are racist scum and hypocrites.
Try telling a Greek, or an Italian, or an Iranian that they're not descendants of the ancient Greeks or ancient Romans or ancient Persians, and the land they're on doesn't belong to them, you fucking idiot.
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