Report: Satellite detects Iran attempt to smuggle Fajr rockets to Gaza


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Hamas figures have said that the ceasefire will not deter the terror organization from attempting to arm itself with Iranian weapons, and Israel has already detected such an attempt.

British newspaper The Sunday Times reported that Israeli spy satellites have recognized a cargo ship, docked at an Iranian port, being loaded with missiles presumably bound for the Gaza Strip.

According to the report, a cargo ship docked at the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas was being loaded with rockets and other weapons and munitions. According to analysts, the shipment is in all likelihood heading for Gaza through the Red Sea, Sudan and then Egypt (which shares a border with Gaza).

The cargo, it seems, was prepared approximately one week ago, around the same time the ceasefire agreement to bring to Operation Pillar of Defense to an end was being decided on.

Israeli intelligence sources believe the weapons-laden cargo ship will pass through the well established Iranian weapons smuggling route to Gaza, through Sudan and the Red Sea. Sources told the British newspaper that they believe Iranian ships stationed in Eritrea will escort the ship from the moment it enters the Red Sea. "Regardless of the ceasefire agreement, we will attack and destroy any shipment of arms to Gaza once we have spotted it," an Israeli defense source said.

It appears that the ship's cargo includes Fajr-5 missiles, which terrorist groups have already fired at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem during Operation Pillar of Defense, and possibly Shahab-3 missiles, which can hit deep in Israeli territory.

In Sudan, according to assessment, the Fajr-5 missiles are broken down to four or five parts so they can be conveniently smuggled to Sinai and then brought into Gaza through tunnels.

Last month, Sudan claimed Israeli fighter planes had bombed a munitions factory in Khartoum, where it was argued Iran is building long range missiles. According to reports, Israel estimates that an alternative factory is already in the process of being built. According to an Israeli source, with much effort Iran has formed a strategic foothold in Sudan capable of threatening Israel from the south.

Report: Satellite detects Iran attempt to smuggle Fajr rockets to Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews
Lets see, a story in an israeli newspaper, suggesting a British newspaper (With No link to story) has obtained israeli satellite photos of something being loaded onto a ship in Iran

Why didnt they ask to see the "israeli photos" themselves?
Hamas figures have said that the ceasefire will not deter the terror organization from attempting to arm itself with Iranian weapons, and Israel has already detected such an attempt.

British newspaper The Sunday Times reported that Israeli spy satellites have recognized a cargo ship, docked at an Iranian port, being loaded with missiles presumably bound for the Gaza Strip.

According to the report, a cargo ship docked at the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas was being loaded with rockets and other weapons and munitions. According to analysts, the shipment is in all likelihood heading for Gaza through the Red Sea, Sudan and then Egypt (which shares a border with Gaza).

The cargo, it seems, was prepared approximately one week ago, around the same time the ceasefire agreement to bring to Operation Pillar of Defense to an end was being decided on.

Israeli intelligence sources believe the weapons-laden cargo ship will pass through the well established Iranian weapons smuggling route to Gaza, through Sudan and the Red Sea. Sources told the British newspaper that they believe Iranian ships stationed in Eritrea will escort the ship from the moment it enters the Red Sea. "Regardless of the ceasefire agreement, we will attack and destroy any shipment of arms to Gaza once we have spotted it," an Israeli defense source said.

It appears that the ship's cargo includes Fajr-5 missiles, which terrorist groups have already fired at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem during Operation Pillar of Defense, and possibly Shahab-3 missiles, which can hit deep in Israeli territory.

In Sudan, according to assessment, the Fajr-5 missiles are broken down to four or five parts so they can be conveniently smuggled to Sinai and then brought into Gaza through tunnels.

Last month, Sudan claimed Israeli fighter planes had bombed a munitions factory in Khartoum, where it was argued Iran is building long range missiles. According to reports, Israel estimates that an alternative factory is already in the process of being built. According to an Israeli source, with much effort Iran has formed a strategic foothold in Sudan capable of threatening Israel from the south.

Report: Satellite detects Iran attempt to smuggle Fajr rockets to Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews

For some reason, that doesn't surprise me at all.:cool:
For some reason, It doesn't surprise me you believe this swiss-cheese story
I am also not surprised that you automatically believe it's not true.

I have seen this told on more than one web, discussed. I take Israeli sources credible.

So Post a link, so far this is a report, about a report from an undisclosed source, supposedly reported in a UK newspaper
For some reason, It doesn't surprise me you believe this swiss-cheese story

Probably because you also believe it.

Weapons are usually loaded into shipping containers, kind of hard to know whats inside, unless, your wearing your X-ray specs!:lol:
Could you possibly ask your friend Tinnie what his magic computer that really isn't there is saying about when Hamas is going to start up again, Yusef Mohammed?
Mamnoon ممنون

Hamas Leader Expects Iran Support To Grow Eurasia Review
Whether this is true or not, the story in the OP, which is unlikely considering the lack of credibility of the source, I suspect arms and weapons will be sent to Gaza, and I see nothing objectionable in it. We just saw Israel murder 43 children in Gaza, and kill 160 Palestinians, and injure over 1000 civilians there in a 8 day so called military operation. It is only natural, when a people is under an Occupation that attacks and kills them in this fashion, their civilian population, that they will resist their Occupation.

I remind everyone Resistance to Occupation is 100% lawful under international law, and that Resistance may lawfully include armed resistance to the Occupation.

Arms and weapons enter Gaza completely lawfully under international law!

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Whether this is true or not, the story in the OP, which is unlikely considering the lack of credibility of the source, I suspect arms and weapons will be sent to Gaza, and I see nothing objectionable in it. We just saw Israel murder 43 children in Gaza, and kill 160 Palestinians, and injure over 1000 civilians there in a 8 day so called military operation. It is only natural, when a people is under an Occupation that attacks and kills them in this fashion, their civilian population, that they will resist their Occupation.

I remind everyone Resistance to Occupation is 100% lawful under international law, and that Resistance may lawfully include armed resistance to the Occupation.

Arms and weapons enter Gaza completely lawfully under international law!

Weapons can't be smuggled into Gaza. They have to be processed under International rules. Go check it out.
Better stick to yer baby killin' schtick.
Whether this is true or not, the story in the OP, which is unlikely considering the lack of credibility of the source, I suspect arms and weapons will be sent to Gaza, and I see nothing objectionable in it. We just saw Israel murder 43 children in Gaza, and kill 160 Palestinians, and injure over 1000 civilians there in a 8 day so called military operation. It is only natural, when a people is under an Occupation that attacks and kills them in this fashion, their civilian population, that they will resist their Occupation.

I remind everyone Resistance to Occupation is 100% lawful under international law, and that Resistance may lawfully include armed resistance to the Occupation.

Arms and weapons enter Gaza completely lawfully under international law!


How is launching rockets into civilian areas resisting?
Whether this is true or not, the story in the OP, which is unlikely considering the lack of credibility of the source, I suspect arms and weapons will be sent to Gaza, and I see nothing objectionable in it. We just saw Israel murder 43 children in Gaza, and kill 160 Palestinians, and injure over 1000 civilians there in a 8 day so called military operation. It is only natural, when a people is under an Occupation that attacks and kills them in this fashion, their civilian population, that they will resist their Occupation.

I remind everyone Resistance to Occupation is 100% lawful under international law, and that Resistance may lawfully include armed resistance to the Occupation.

Arms and weapons enter Gaza completely lawfully under international law!


How is launching rockets into civilian areas resisting?

The occupying nation cannot put it's civilian's in the occupied territory
Whether this is true or not, the story in the OP, which is unlikely considering the lack of credibility of the source, I suspect arms and weapons will be sent to Gaza, and I see nothing objectionable in it. We just saw Israel murder 43 children in Gaza, and kill 160 Palestinians, and injure over 1000 civilians there in a 8 day so called military operation. It is only natural, when a people is under an Occupation that attacks and kills them in this fashion, their civilian population, that they will resist their Occupation.

I remind everyone Resistance to Occupation is 100% lawful under international law, and that Resistance may lawfully include armed resistance to the Occupation.

Arms and weapons enter Gaza completely lawfully under international law!

Weapons can't be smuggled into Gaza. They have to be processed under International rules. Go check it out.
Better stick to yer baby killin' schtick.


You seem to be operating with some misconceptions about international law, the Blockade and the Quartet's pronouncements do not constitute international law.

Under international law, an Occupied people have the right to resist their Occupation and such Resistance includes armed resistance to that Occupation.

International law snactions arms entering the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Israel is armed by the US, Palestinians have the right to be armed under international law, too!

Whether this is true or not, the story in the OP, which is unlikely considering the lack of credibility of the source, I suspect arms and weapons will be sent to Gaza, and I see nothing objectionable in it. We just saw Israel murder 43 children in Gaza, and kill 160 Palestinians, and injure over 1000 civilians there in a 8 day so called military operation. It is only natural, when a people is under an Occupation that attacks and kills them in this fashion, their civilian population, that they will resist their Occupation.

I remind everyone Resistance to Occupation is 100% lawful under international law, and that Resistance may lawfully include armed resistance to the Occupation.

Arms and weapons enter Gaza completely lawfully under international law!


How is launching rockets into civilian areas resisting?

The occupying nation cannot put it's civilian's in the occupied territory

Another point, the rockets are launched in response to Israeli strikes and targeted assassinations and other unlawful acts that very often are themselves unlawful attacks on civilians in Gaza.

There are two issues here, the occupied people and their rights to resist occupation and the issue of whether their acts of resistance are lawful under intl law. They have a right to arms, but they are supposed to abide by intl law in the use of those arms, teh same way Israel supposed to abide by intl law in her use of weapons inside Gaza.

Whether this is true or not, the story in the OP, which is unlikely considering the lack of credibility of the source, I suspect arms and weapons will be sent to Gaza, and I see nothing objectionable in it. We just saw Israel murder 43 children in Gaza, and kill 160 Palestinians, and injure over 1000 civilians there in a 8 day so called military operation. It is only natural, when a people is under an Occupation that attacks and kills them in this fashion, their civilian population, that they will resist their Occupation.

I remind everyone Resistance to Occupation is 100% lawful under international law, and that Resistance may lawfully include armed resistance to the Occupation.

Arms and weapons enter Gaza completely lawfully under international law!


Your belief that Gazans need offensive weapons flies in the face of your professed "love" for "Palestinian" kids. Surely you must know that Israel will vigorously defend against Hamas attacks and that in all likelihood many more kids will die. Of course, as with Hamas, that may well be your intention.
Your belief that Gazans need offensive weapons flies in the face of your professed "love" for "Palestinian" kids. Surely you must know that Israel will vigorously defend against Hamas attacks and that in all likelihood many more kids will die. Of course, as with Hamas, that may well be your intention.

enough of your threats to kill children

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