Ant-semite and Conspiraciist Trash heap

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
The most oft used source I see here from the Wack Job anti-cough-zionists is GlobalResearch, an off the wall site favored by alot of 9/11-truthers as well.

Aside from Porn, these LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) websites are about the most popular: Rense, Whatreallyhappened, PrisonPlanet, etc.
GlobalResearch has a more credible sounding name but is the same Conspiracy and anti-Jew Porn for dopes. - RationalWiki may best be described as a left-wing equivalent to WingNutDaily. It is the website of the Montreal based non-profit The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), founded by Michel Chossudovsky. The website describes itself as an "independent research and media organization". takes pride in being a reliable "alternative news" source serving as a major repository of a broad range of "news articles, in-depth reports and analysis on issues which are barely covered by the mainstream media" (such as the New World Order). Its politico-economic stance is strongly anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-militarist, internationalist but anti-globalization. Its view of science, the economy and geopolitics seems to be broadly Conspiracist.

Many of's articles discuss legitimate humanitarian or environmental concerns, but the site has a strong undercurrent of reality warping and bullshtt throughout its pages.

Despite presenting itself as a source of scholarly analysis, mostly consists of Polemics many of which accept (and use) Conspiracy theories, Pseudoscience and Propaganda.

The prevalent Conspiracist strand relates to global power-elites (primarily governments and corporations) and their New World Order. Specific featured Conspiracy theories include those addressing 9/11, vaccines, Zionism, global warming, and David Kelly. Analyses of these issues tend follow the lines of the site's political biases.

Apparently, contributors to consider information sourced from anyone who seems aligned to their ideology as reliable; during the 2011 Libyan civil war the site was an apologist for Muammar al-Gaddafi, reproducing his propaganda and painting him as a paragon of a modern leader.
Some dare call it

Secrets revealed!
Agent provocateur
America Under Siege
Area 51
Mars Anomaly Research
Red mercury

Shakespeare authorship
The Catcher in the Rye
William Cooper
v - t - e
MANY Frigging Clowns here use this POS as a source.

In fact, there is NOT ONE serious non-bigoted/non-wacked Israel policy critic here. NOT ONE.
This place is a Garbage heap for Stupid Bigots.
The better posters having Fled to more Civil debate sites leaving the Stormfront rejects here. (or forced here)
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