Disruptive student behavior in Virginia


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011

Disruptive student behavior throughout Virginia is being addressed by the Legislature. Republicans want stricter punishments; largely, suspensions, while Democrats are concerned that students with disabilities and Black Students are the ones being suspended the most.

What is the solution? Disruptive student behavior is on the rise. Should schools dismiss any and all accountability? Any punishment is still not going to be acceptable to Democrats if the statistics continue to show the majority of disruptions being committed by any group besides Whites.

I’d be concerned if statistics showed number of disruptive incidents committed by Whites being dismissed compared to the number of disruptive incidents committed by non-whites had a higher rate of punishment. Let’s see those statistics.
Republicans want stricter punishments; largely, suspensions, while Democrats are concerned that students with disabilities and Black Students are the ones being suspended the most.
When President Obama was in office, some people convinced him that students of two certain ethnicities (no need to be specific) were being unfairly suspended for "defiance."

So his administration banned the use of suspension for that particular offense. (I guess that states would have to obey the directive in order to receive federal assistance.)

Here in Los Angeles, the number of suspensions immediately dropped to almost zero.

Instead of suspensions, the punishment is now "restorative justice."

If a student cusses out a teacher, for example, the student is not suspended. Instead, a meeting is scheduled for both the teacher and the student. Each person pours his/her heart out to the other. Maybe the student explains that family problems have been severe recently. Maybe the teacher says that being told to go blank yourself was hurtful. The two then shake hands and are now buddies for life.
When President Obama was in office, some people convinced him that students of two certain ethnicities (no need to be specific) were being unfairly suspended for "defiance."

So his administration banned the use of suspension for that particular offense. (I guess that states would have to obey the directive in order to receive federal assistance.)

Here in Los Angeles, the number of suspensions immediately dropped to almost zero.

Instead of suspensions, the punishment is now "restorative justice."

If a student cusses out a teacher, for example, the student is not suspended. Instead, a meeting is scheduled for both the teacher and the student. Each person pours his/her heart out to the other. Maybe the student explains that family problems have been severe recently. Maybe the teacher says that being told to go blank yourself was hurtful. The two then shake hands and are now buddies for life.
Restorative Justice is another failed Liberal program. What Restorative Justice does in reality is shift all of the Accountability onto the School and removes any real accountability for the student aside from having to sit in some bullshit session where the student can manipulate the process by airing “feelings”. “Hey student, please, tell us how you felt when you were:

  • Bothering the student(s) next you during class
  • Talking on your cellphone during class
  • Physically assaulting students around you
  • Making loud outbursts in class disrupting the teacher
  • Eating during class when you know eating is only to be done outside the classroom.
  • Writing graffiti on desks and walls
  • destroying school property
A holistic approach is needed


Disruptive student behavior throughout Virginia is being addressed by the Legislature. Republicans want stricter punishments; largely, suspensions, while Democrats are concerned that students with disabilities and Black Students are the ones being suspended the most.

What is the solution? Disruptive student behavior is on the rise. Should schools dismiss any and all accountability? Any punishment is still not going to be acceptable to Democrats if the statistics continue to show the majority of disruptions being committed by any group besides Whites.

I’d be concerned if statistics showed number of disruptive incidents committed by Whites being dismissed compared to the number of disruptive incidents committed by non-whites had a higher rate of punishment. Let’s see those statistics.
Sounds like government overreach to me. Why not let the locally-elected, school boards make these calls, just don't tie their hands with state regulations. The state should just collect and compare data across all of VA and publish it so everyone can see the outliers.
Sounds like government overreach to me. Why not let the locally-elected, school boards make these calls, just don't tie their hands with state regulations. The state should just collect and compare data across all of VA and publish it so everyone can see the outliers.
The Government Overreach is a worthy yet seperate debate and I would tend to agree with you. I think the core problem of the rise in disruptions and ineffectiveness of Restorative Justice will continue whether it is addressed at the Local, State, or Federal Level.

Disruptive student behavior throughout Virginia is being addressed by the Legislature. Republicans want stricter punishments; largely, suspensions, while Democrats are concerned that students with disabilities and Black Students are the ones being suspended the most.

What is the solution? Disruptive student behavior is on the rise. Should schools dismiss any and all accountability? Any punishment is still not going to be acceptable to Democrats if the statistics continue to show the majority of disruptions being committed by any group besides Whites.

I’d be concerned if statistics showed number of disruptive incidents committed by Whites being dismissed compared to the number of disruptive incidents committed by non-whites had a higher rate of punishment. Let’s see those statistics.

After school pushed the in-home schooling there's no reason to not suspend disruptive students. Let the parents deal with them.
After school pushed the in-home schooling there's no reason to not suspend disruptive students. Let the parents deal with them.
At a minimum, parents need to be held accountable for the student’s behavior as well.

Schools eliminated prayer, corporal punishment, provide free food to students and families, and are now doing away with acknowledging academic achievement because it makes other students feel left out.

What more should schools do?

Disruptive student behavior throughout Virginia is being addressed by the Legislature. Republicans want stricter punishments; largely, suspensions, while Democrats are concerned that students with disabilities and Black Students are the ones being suspended the most.

What is the solution? Disruptive student behavior is on the rise. Should schools dismiss any and all accountability? Any punishment is still not going to be acceptable to Democrats if the statistics continue to show the majority of disruptions being committed by any group besides Whites.

I’d be concerned if statistics showed number of disruptive incidents committed by Whites being dismissed compared to the number of disruptive incidents committed by non-whites had a higher rate of punishment. Let’s see those statistics.
Disruptive behavior starts at home.

Where I used to live (FL) I argued with the PD over arresting juveniles for some pretty serious crimes. They refused to arrest, detain, or charge because, in their words...
"the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) will just release them."
Of course I said "How stupid is that? You refuse to do your job because they won't do theirs?"
My suggestion to them was make the arrest, charge, then drop the kid off at DJJ and force the parents to come get them. Absent that, hold them at the PD and force the parents to come get them.

The problem begins at home and home is the only place to fix it.
When the kid acts out charge them AND THE PARENTS with the crime.
Force the parents into court to account for their parenting.
If parents refuse to comply, permanent expulsion.

It won't fix every problem but it will address many and when those borderline types see their friends in court, expelled...they may hesitate.
Restorative Justice is another failed Liberal program. What Restorative Justice does in reality is shift all of the Accountability onto the School and removes any real accountability for the student aside from having to sit in some bullshit session where the student can manipulate the process by airing “feelings”. “Hey student, please, tell us how you felt when you were:

  • Bothering the student(s) next you during class
  • Talking on your cellphone during class
  • Physically assaulting students around you
  • Making loud outbursts in class disrupting the teacher
  • Eating during class when you know eating is only to be done outside the classroom.
  • Writing graffiti on desks and walls
  • destroying school property
I see...
This isn't about schools or students...
Just another MAGAT bitch session.
My mistake.
I see...
This isn't about schools or students...
Just another MAGAT bitch session.
My mistake.
The Restorative Justice Program is not resulting in less disruptions in schools. Disruptions are increasing. I’ve observed its failures firsthand for almost 20 years having kids in one of the Country’s most liberal school districts. I’ve been calling out the failures of these policies long before MAGA ever became a slogan.
The Restorative Justice Program is not resulting in less disruptions in schools. Disruptions are increasing. I’ve observed its failures firsthand for almost 20 years having kids in one of the Country’s most liberal school districts. I’ve been calling out the failures of these policies long before MAGA ever became a slogan.
You don't care about schools.
You don't care about solutions
This is just another MAGAT bitch fest.
You don't care about schools.
You don't care about solutions
This is just another MAGAT bitch fest.
A Prog and their solutions. We have been solutioned out the wazoo. The costs of Public Schools are not worth what we are getting that graduate in many areas. They wouldn't be worth that price even if the graduations rates were legit in knowledge of the students. The results are in with each student having individualism. And it has failed. Progs are spending us into oblivion. When we get poor enough, there will be the final solution as people het the government they deserve.
The schools should punish those students. If you get out of line too much you get punished regardless.

Schools are too easy on kids anymore anyway. School is about reading, writing, learning math and so on. But school is also a major development tool for children that helps prepare them for adult life in ways their parents can't.

It does so by teaching children how to function in society. When you're at school you have schedules, you have to learn how to complete tasks, how to work with a larger group and conform, how to be responsible for yourself, and so on. Just like you do at work as an adult with a bunch of other people.

At home you can do whatever you want. But in public, or school or work it isn't about you, it's about working with others and doing what needs to be done. School teaches children that. And much like at work or in public if you cause problems at school there are consequences.

Kids causing problems at school also negatively effects surrounding kids. Either by disrupting school and making them feel uneasy, or they want to join in on being disruptive.

And honestly kids with disabilities should be taught separately like they were at my school. They have specific teachers that were trained in how to deal with them and were able to help them better without having to treat a class multiple different ways they aren't trained for. School kids with disabilities are the minority, they shouldn't be impacting school for the majority of kids.

Kids today desperately need to learn to be strong, smart, intelligent, decent and responsibility. That includes rules and guidelines that are enforced by schools.
A Prog and their solutions. We have been solutioned out the wazoo. The costs of Public Schools are not worth what we are getting that graduate in many areas. They wouldn't be worth that price even if the graduations rates were legit in knowledge of the students. The results are in with each student having individualism. And it has failed. Progs are spending us into oblivion. When we get poor enough, there will be the final solution as people het the government they deserve.
Enjoy your bitchfest.
MAGA has no solutions
In fact, when it comes to solutions, MAGA opposes all.
Because if you fix the problems the only thing for MAGA to bitch about is MAGA.
You don't care about schools.
You don't care about solutions
This is just another MAGAT bitch fest.
I just showed how I have been close to the problem for almost 20 years and you try a bullshit diversion tactic saying that I don’t care. It is yourself that doesn’t give a crap about students and schools. What you care most about is pulling about out your MAGA paint brush..
Here in Los Angeles, the number of suspensions immediately dropped to almost zero.
...which has caused attacks on teachers and other students to spike. Not punishing bad behavior is the dumbest fucking thing democrats ever invented.
I just showed how I have been close to the problem for almost 20 years and you try a bullshit diversion tactic saying that I don’t care. It is yourself that doesn’t give a crap about students and schools. What you care most about is pulling about out your MAGA paint brush..
You showed me nothing.
You whined
You cried
You bitched
You moaned
You blamed
You proposed nothing to resolve the issue.


If you're not fixing the problem, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
When President Obama was in office, some people convinced him that students of two certain ethnicities (no need to be specific) were being unfairly suspended for "defiance."

So his administration banned the use of suspension for that particular offense. (I guess that states would have to obey the directive in order to receive federal assistance.)

Here in Los Angeles, the number of suspensions immediately dropped to almost zero.

Instead of suspensions, the punishment is now "restorative justice."

If a student cusses out a teacher, for example, the student is not suspended. Instead, a meeting is scheduled for both the teacher and the student. Each person pours his/her heart out to the other. Maybe the student explains that family problems have been severe recently. Maybe the teacher says that being told to go blank yourself was hurtful. The two then shake hands and are now buddies for life.
Doesn't often work out that way, but sometimes...
You showed me nothing.
You whined
You cried
You bitched
You moaned
You blamed
You proposed nothing to resolve the issue.


If you're not fixing the problem, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I proposed PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY for the students. What are you proposing? How close are you to the problem? Do you have kids in America’s public school system or have you had kids in this country’s public school system? If not, you are in no position to tell me to STFU.

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