Dishonest Democrats Ignored Everything Obama Did Wrong & Attacking Everything Trump Supposedly Does


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
After watching Obama screw up for 8 years I find it extremely offensive when I hear another liberal Democrat complaining about everything Trump says or does. Even after Trump took the time to personally call the widow of one of the guys who died in Niger a couple of weeks ago, these despicable Democrats parse words and make something negative about it.


I'm a retired 5th Special Forces Green Beret. Apparently 4 of the soldiers from 3rd Group died in an ambush. From reports, was implied that the soldier was what we call a "Tabber", but looking at the photo tells me that he wasn't special forces qualified. He's wearing a burgundy beret, which means he was not Special Forces qualified. He's wearing the 3rd Group flash and the De Oppresso Libre crest, but he isn't an operator. He was a support soldier. Probably supply, commo, or transportation. It just proves you cannot trust everything the press reports. Why he was out with a team I cannot imagine because that isn't normal SOP. Something about this story stinks to high heaven.

And Holy Shit, somehow, this Democrat says she overheard Trump's private phone conversation with the widow?
First of all, isn't anything this president does secret or private???
And exactly how did this woman end up in the car with this soldier's widow when Trump called her? That's some really excellent timing.
What I'm seeing here is a political opponent embellishing a story maliciously casting it in a negative light.

Trump took the time to give this grieving widow a call personally and all this asshole Democrat has to say is that he said that her dead husband was a volunteer, which to her means he knew what he was getting into. I don't believe a God Damned word she's saying. She claims now that she didn't hear the whole conversation, but I doubt she heard one word of it.

I'm getting really tired of these setups. These stories cast in a negative light. I really don't know what these people feel they can gain from it because it just appears to me that they're grasping at everything to bring him down. He could have done what Obama would have done and not called at all. Obama was too busy golfing and figuring out his brackets to bother with personally calling widows of the soldiers he put in harms way. Obama didn't do shit for the military unless he could put on a photo-op and get the credit for it.

Trump says soldier killed in Niger 'knew what he signed up for'

President Trump calls widow of soldier killed in Niger, says ‘he knew what he signed up for’

President Trump reportedly called the widow of a U.S. soldier who was killed in Niger and said “he knew what he signed up for,” according to a Florida congresswoman.

Rep. Frederica Wilson said she was in the car with Army Sgt. La David Johnson's pregnant wife Myeshia Johnson on Tuesday when Trump called and said the soldier "knew what he was signing up for...but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

Wilson toldABC, “It’s so insensitive. He should not have said that . He shouldn’t have said it."

Nearly two weeks after Johnson, 25, was killed in an ambush alongside three Green Berets, Trump called Myeshia Johnson on Tuesday afternoon.

Department of Defense launches investigation into Niger attack

The two spoke on speakerphone for five minutes, and Wilson said she wanted to "curse [Trump] out" after he made Myeshia Johnson cry, the Washington Post reported.

Minutes later, the widow met her husband’s remains at Miami International Airport, draped herself over his casket and sobbed as their two children, ages 2 and 6, stood nearby.

Wilson continued her attack on Trump on Twitter, writing, "Sgt. La David Johnson is a hero. @realDonaldTrump does not possess the character, empathy or grace to be president of the United States."

After Wilson blasted Trump's response, a White House official told reporter Ross Palombo, "The President's conversations with the families of American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice are private."


The body of Sgt. La David Johnson arrives at Miami International Airport on Tuesday.
Johnson, along with Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright, Sgt. Bryan Black, and Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, were members of a special forces unit helping and training Nigeriens in the fight against the region's terror groups.

They responded to reports of a raid in southwest Niger on Oct. 4 only to be ambushed by a group tied to the Islamic State.

It took two days to recover La David Johnson’s body, which was returned to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on Oct. 7 while Trump was golfing.

When a reporter later asked why it took Trump 12 days to acknowledge the death of the fallen U.S. fighters, the President said he wrote letters and planned to call the families “at some point.”
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The Ds and their media have done a very good job of preventing Trump from doing anything. That was their plan all along and it is working on a good percentage of Americans.
I heard the Democrat on CNN say that he was on speakerphone. Considering how low CNN's ratings are and how little belief anyone in America has of the democrats winning the WH in 2020, these types of stories will be the norm going forward. It's the communist manifesto. Can't win on substance, try and paint the opposing ideology in a bad light.

Notice since Trumps administration asked for details of what foreign donors were giving to certain extreme left wing protest groups, that the protests have stopped? Want to bet that has alot to do with foreign governments having their hands caught in the cookie jar? Yes, a concerted effort to harm American democracy.

How about the fires in California that have killed 40 and caused great damage? Why isn't the media (this includes FOX btw who have not said enough about this) reporting that the man arrested for this arson is an illegal immigrant? It would really destroy the narrative of these sanctuary cities and might even lead again to lawsuits if this man had been protected from deportation.

Listen, there are plenty of things Trump has said in the past I didn't agree with. Its been stated before that if he spoke only about policies and agenda issues he would avoid the controversies. This story aside, as I can't even accept it is true without evidence; he speaks how he speaks, and it is what it is. Most voters are now pragmatic enough to realize, "if this guy is going to do what he said he would do, we can take the names. Better than sticks and stones".

Substance is what voters care about. Jobs. Fair trade deals or no trade deals. Jobs. Tax reform. Lower regulations and government interference in the lives of citizens. Freedom of religious expression. Support for the military and uniformed police. These are some of the things people care about. All the other fabrications and "noise" mean little to the average family.
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I can't think of anything The Great Obama did wrong
I can't think of anything The Great Obama did wrong
illegal abuse of power with the NSA
illegal abuse of power with the IRS
illegal abuse of power with the DOJ
illegal abuse of power with the FBI
Iran nuke deal
race relations
far left supreme court judges
national debt
The Ds and their media have done a very good job of preventing Trump from doing anything. That was their plan all along and it is working on a good percentage of Americans.
They refuse to do their jobs, and these stories are all that keeps a majority of Americans a from wanting to kick their lying worthless asses out of Washington.
I heard the Democrat on CNN say that he was on speakerphone. Considering how low CNN's ratings are and how little belief anyone in America has of the democrats winning the WH in 2020, these types of stories will be the norm going forward. It's the communist manifesto. Can't win on substance, try and paint the opposing ideology in a bad light.

Notice since Trumps administration asked for details of what foreign donors were giving to certain extreme left wing protest groups, that the protests have stopped? Want to bet that has alot to do with foreign governments having their hands caught in the cookie jar? Yes, a concerted effort to harm American democracy.

How about the fires in California that have killed 40 and cost great damage? Why isn't the media (this includes FOX btw who have not said enough about this) reporting that the man arrested for this arson is an illegal immigrant? It would really destroy the narrative of these sanctuary cities and might even lead again to lawsuits if this man had been protected from deportation.

Listen, there are plenty of things Trump has said in the past I didn't agree with. Its been stated before that if he spoke only about policies and agenda issues he would avoid the controversies. This story aside, as I can't even accept it is true without evidence; he speaks how he speaks, and it is what it is. Most voters are now pragmatic enough to realize, "if this guy is going to do what he said he would do, we can talk the names. Better than sticks and stones".

Substance is what voters care about. Jobs. Fair trade deals or no trade deals. Jobs. Tax reform. Lower regulations and government interference in the lives of citizens. Freedom of religious expression. Support for the military and uniformed police. These are some of the things people care about. All the other fabrications and "noise" mean little to the average family.
Fuck'n A
I can't think of anything The Great Obama did wrong
illegal abuse of power with the NSA
illegal abuse of power with the IRS
illegal abuse of power with the DOJ
illegal abuse of power with the FBI
Iran nuke deal
race relations
far left supreme court judges
national debt

You need to look up what "illegal" means
Show me any convictions

Iran nuke deal, Obamacare, great Supreme Court appointments are all what made Obama Great
I can't think of anything The Great Obama did wrong
illegal abuse of power with the NSA
illegal abuse of power with the IRS
illegal abuse of power with the DOJ
illegal abuse of power with the FBI
Iran nuke deal
race relations
far left supreme court judges
national debt

You need to look up what "illegal" means
Show me any convictions

Iran nuke deal, Obamacare, great Supreme Court appointments are all what made Obama Great
I wonder where all those indictments are...........................
I can't think of anything The Great Obama did wrong
illegal abuse of power with the NSA
illegal abuse of power with the IRS
illegal abuse of power with the DOJ
illegal abuse of power with the FBI
Iran nuke deal
race relations
far left supreme court judges
national debt

You need to look up what "illegal" means
Show me any convictions

Iran nuke deal, Obamacare, great Supreme Court appointments are all what made Obama Great
I wonder where all those indictments are...........................
Buried in the swamp
What would have happened if The Great Obama had followed the advice of Republicans?

The stock market would have collapsed
The auto industry would be gone
30 million would be without healthcare
Bin Laden would still be laughing at us
The dollar would be worthless
Iran would be testing their nukes
What would have happened if The Great Obama had followed the advice of Republicans?

The stock market would have collapsed
The auto industry would be gone
30 million would be without healthcare
Bin Laden would still be laughing at us
The dollar would be worthless
Iran would be testing their nukes

Iran IS testing nukes
The Ds and their media have done a very good job of preventing Trump from doing anything. That was their plan all along and it is working on a good percentage of Americans.

You’re right, the Dems are trying to keep Trump from moving his agenda forward, but they are not the problem. Everybody knew they would try to obstruct. No, the real problem is the GOP leadership, namely Trump himself, Mitch McConnell, and Paul Ryan. They have control of both houses of congress and the executive office, yet are incapable of even getting a bill to vote on regarding BOcare and tax reforms. Why don’t they bring bills up for vote? Because the party is not unified, and they do not have all the GOP Congress people voting with them. That is a leadership issue.
And Holy Shit, somehow, this Democrat says she overheard Trump's private phone conversation with the widow?
First of all, isn't anything this president does secret or private???
And exactly how did this woman end up in the car with this soldier's widow when Trump called her? That's some really excellent timing.
What I'm seeing here is a political opponent embellishing a story maliciously casting it in a negative light.

Trump took the time to give this grieving widow a call personally and all this asshole Democrat has to say is that he said that her dead husband was a volunteer, which to her means he knew what he was getting into. I don't believe a God Damned word she's saying. She claims now that she didn't hear the whole conversation, but I doubt she heard one word of it.

I'm getting really tired of these setups. These stories cast in a negative light. I really don't know what these people feel they can gain from it because it just appears to me that they're grasping at everything to bring him down. He could have done what Obama would have done and not called at all. Obama was too busy golfing and figuring out his brackets to bother with personally calling widows of the soldiers he put in harms way. Obama didn't do shit for the military unless he could put on a photo-op and get the credit for it.
"I'm getting really tired of these setups. These stories cast in a negative light. I really don't know what these people feel they can gain from it because it just appears to me that they're grasping at everything to bring him down."

The rest of the country is sick to death of it as well, except the liberals of course, who keep getting echoing applause int heir little ideological bubbles and have no idea what the rest of the country thinks.

They have made Trump 'teflon' and immune to their bullshit as a result.
What would have happened if The Great Obama had followed the advice of Republicans?

The stock market would have collapsed
The auto industry would be gone
30 million would be without healthcare
Bin Laden would still be laughing at us
The dollar would be worthless
Iran would be testing their nukes

Iran IS testing nukes

Damn boi!

You just make shit up
And Holy Shit, somehow, this Democrat says she overheard Trump's private phone conversation with the widow?
First of all, isn't anything this president does secret or private???
And exactly how did this woman end up in the car with this soldier's widow when Trump called her? That's some really excellent timing.
What I'm seeing here is a political opponent embellishing a story maliciously casting it in a negative light.

Trump took the time to give this grieving widow a call personally and all this asshole Democrat has to say is that he said that her dead husband was a volunteer, which to her means he knew what he was getting into. I don't believe a God Damned word she's saying. She claims now that she didn't hear the whole conversation, but I doubt she heard one word of it.

I'm getting really tired of these setups. These stories cast in a negative light. I really don't know what these people feel they can gain from it because it just appears to me that they're grasping at everything to bring him down. He could have done what Obama would have done and not called at all. Obama was too busy golfing and figuring out his brackets to bother with personally calling widows of the soldiers he put in harms way. Obama didn't do shit for the military unless he could put on a photo-op and get the credit for it.
"I'm getting really tired of these setups. These stories cast in a negative light. I really don't know what these people feel they can gain from it because it just appears to me that they're grasping at everything to bring him down."

The rest of the country is sick to death of it as well, except the liberals of course, who keep getting echoing applause int heir little ideological bubbles and have no idea what the rest of the country thinks.

They have made Trump 'teflon' and immune to their bullshit as a result.
The more they curse him the more they solidify their opposition.

And this just another orchestrated petty attack from the Hillary crowd. Ben Rhodes, the Obamacare architect, found time to attack as well. Fake News.
And Holy Shit, somehow, this Democrat says she overheard Trump's private phone conversation with the widow?
First of all, isn't anything this president does secret or private???
And exactly how did this woman end up in the car with this soldier's widow when Trump called her? That's some really excellent timing.
What I'm seeing here is a political opponent embellishing a story maliciously casting it in a negative light.

Trump took the time to give this grieving widow a call personally and all this asshole Democrat has to say is that he said that her dead husband was a volunteer, which to her means he knew what he was getting into. I don't believe a God Damned word she's saying. She claims now that she didn't hear the whole conversation, but I doubt she heard one word of it.

I'm getting really tired of these setups. These stories cast in a negative light. I really don't know what these people feel they can gain from it because it just appears to me that they're grasping at everything to bring him down. He could have done what Obama would have done and not called at all. Obama was too busy golfing and figuring out his brackets to bother with personally calling widows of the soldiers he put in harms way. Obama didn't do shit for the military unless he could put on a photo-op and get the credit for it.
"I'm getting really tired of these setups. These stories cast in a negative light. I really don't know what these people feel they can gain from it because it just appears to me that they're grasping at everything to bring him down."

The rest of the country is sick to death of it as well, except the liberals of course, who keep getting echoing applause int heir little ideological bubbles and have no idea what the rest of the country thinks.

They have made Trump 'teflon' and immune to their bullshit as a result.
they've cried wolf too many times on too many trivial things.

i've tried to tell people like eddie and others that when you cry FOUL at every single little thing people tune you out. the huge risk there is if something is real and needs attention, likely to slide by and no one will take you seriously due to the 100,000 false alarms previous to this one.

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