Different Body Types = Different Diet Types


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
Over the millenniums, people in different parts of the world have evolved different types of bodies. I found that I can not eat a diet that leans heavily towards fruits and vegetables as it was killing me. I might add that some people can eat a low fat diet with lots of fruits and veggies and do just fine. If that works for them, then more power to them. It does not work for me and was very damaging to my body.

The issue is how you evolved to survive winter. Everybody jokes about German opera, saying things like, "It ain't over until the Fat Lady sings." Though there is some truth about that in Wagner's operas, the real truth was that the Germanic people who fought their way westward from the arctic winter like Ural Mountain area two thousand years ago had evolved differently in the horrible cold regions near those mountains.

If they ate any excess carbs their body would store the extra calories as fat so that they would survive the harsh winters when food might not be found for a month or longer. Body fat can keep you going as long as there is water to drink. With all of the snow, there was plenty of water but not always food, so the Germanic tribes that swept into western Europe were fat people or people easily prone to gaining weight. The skinny ones did not make it through the winter if the tribe did not have meat to eat for three or four weeks. It was either that or eat their children. Germanic fables allude to the eating of their children, and they did when absolutely necessary. After all, they were barbarians.

Once the tribes swept into the present day countries of Western and Central Europe they gradually evolved strains of skinny people, but the DNA for winter survival still exists in about half of the Germanic people. For them, if they eat carbs, their body does its damn best to store any excess over what is needed for daily energy as body fat. Those people can get fat far easier than skinny people. The skinny people tell the fat people that they are just pigs about eating even though the fat people may be on chronic waves of dieting. Almost all diets do not work for them, unless they restrict refined carbs.

I know, because I found that out myself. For years I had a weight problem. No matter how much I suffered, I could not lose weight. Being a historian, I finally decided to try eating what my ancestors from three thousand years ago used to eat. I changed my diet to one that had leaves in it like lettuce and some cabbage. I added carrots and other high fiber root vegetables like turnips and radishes, but avoided potatoes and refined grain and the carb rich things that could be made from flour. The roving Germans did not have white flour and potatoes three thousand years ago, but they did have lots of meat as most of the tribes near the forested mountains survived on hunting.

I started eating about 16 to 24 ounces of meat and eggs daily. I was consuming 3000 calories or more a day, and miraculously I started losing weight. My blood "bad cholesterol" fell from a very high reading when I was eating all those carb loaded vegetables to a "low normal" and has stayed there for over ten years now.

My American relatives who ate the AMA recommended high veggie diet all died of heart attacks in their late fifties and early sixties. Those damn fruits and vegetables killed them.

I am almost sixty two now and people tell me that I look like I am only in my forties. Best of all with the weight loss, my blood pressure that was out of control is now normal. Also, my doctor was telling me that I was pre-diabetic 12 years ago and there is no indication of that now that I am avoiding excess carbs. The carbs appear to cause "type two diabetes" in people with my body type.

I had switched to a diet that was beneficial to my ancestors and it saved my life. I can now eat steaks and roasts and bacon and eggs and all kinds of meat, and over 5000 calories a day and rapidly lose weight if I am active. All of the things that the medical profession told me about that "I needed to eat" were totally wrong and what they are instructing people of my body type to eat was killing them. Damn the AMA. They have killed hundreds of millions with their false diet advice!

My conclusion is that for people with my body type, switch to what I call "My Ancestors Diet" and live. Otherwise, the doctors are going to kill you with what they recommend you eat.

This only seems to work for people with my powerful Germanic hunter body type. I have noted that real skinny people do not seem to benefit from it like I have. I have turned about twenty people on to my diet, and it worked for them. We are all "skinny" now while eating thousands of calories a day in meat and fat. I sometimes call it the bacon and eggs for breakfast diet. I do supplement with vitamin pills, just in case I am missing a vitamin or two because of the lack of fruits and veggies.

Oh, my skinny doctor who was always telling me to lose weight by switching to a fruit-veggie diet just died of a heart attack. He was two years younger than me. I am sticking to my bacon and eggs and roasts and hamburger patties and sausages. To hell with fruit, veggies and bread and crap like that! Fruits and vegetables are not for everybody and the AMA needs to realize that and drastically alter their recommendations so that they stop killing people.
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My grandparents all smoked and lived to around 90. Go figure. Im half Irish half Italian. Trying to live without carbs turns me into a monster. Been there/done that. My family was ready to send me away to the bitch farm.

Thought this was interesting:

Women are getting shorter and fatter, according to research into the future of the human race.

They are also likely to evolve healthier hearts and lower cholesterol, and will start the menopause later than they do now, researchers say.

The predictions come from a study which claims to have the strongest evidence yet that humans are continuing to evolve.

Read more: Why women of the future will be shorter, fatter and healthier | Mail Online

Why women of the future will be shorter, fatter and healthier | Mail Online
Ooooh. A real man!!!!!

I have the genealogical history of 13 generations to look back over. Even including the 17th century up through the 20th the males in my direct lineage survived into the late eighties or early nineties, often ending with a fatal horseback riding or other accident. They were always hard working farmers or contractor types, in masonry and carpentry.

Suddenly, in the last two generations cancer and strokes have been our early terminators. My father, mother, and also eldest sister and grandmother died at age 76, all four of stroke or complications to stroke. Cancer took several aunts at much earlier age. While only my father is in my direct male lineage, I’m getting fair warning of a possible likely problem from my genetic inheritance.

I have relatively low blood pressure, heart-beat rate and favorable cholesterol readings showing up in blood tests. But for a while I had an elevated heart rate ranging into the nineties almost all the time and higher when I exercised, with a reduction back to normal much slower than it should’ve been. Keeping track of those things as often as possible allows for making adjustments to things I can control in my so-called life-style.

I got my heart beat back down to the 59-61 range by changing my sleeping habits. Sleep apnea contributes to overweight and obesity. After falling asleep waiting for traffic signals to turn green I went to the local hospital for a sleep study, and they said I was waking up hundreds of times in a night, as a result of stopping breathing, and my oxygen saturation was very low. This means that the heart beat gets set much higher during the “sleep” cycle to provide oxygen to the body.

I got the CPAC machine but found that it woke me up too much for real comfort from sweating around the mask, and the hose getting wrapped around body parts, and the constant noise from it was annoying.

I got away from the CPAC with a thick pillow under my head, and by keeping a small pillow between my knees as a subconscious tool to prevent sleeping on my back where I’m most comfortable. When I do get on my back, once again, I snore, wake up gasping for breath, which is the source of the sleep apnea. If the pillow had not worked to keep me on my side, next I would’ve sewn a small ball onto the back of my pajama top as a cue to keep me on my side. The wife and I changed the sides of the bed we’d kept to for 40 years because I sleep better on my left than my right side because of an old injury.

To keep track of my heart-beat and blood pressure I have a small monitor, which cost me about $25 on my office desk. Daily I take three readings, throw out the outlier, and record them in a daily log, the purpose of which is to induce some discipline to keeping those things under my control as much as possible, but also to monitor long term changes, and for my doctor to see those too.
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