Diff between drugs and alcohol


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Alchohol wasl lega until prohibition - had some sort of legal status

Drug s are something you inject or snort
NONE of any refs in Wash st legalaizing drugs has gotten to first base.

Last try waswas an amysbay failuure. Drugs wont get legal statuseve period.
Califorenia measure got P UN K E D
Main issuein Was str is privatizong liqior
NONE of any refs in Wash st legalaizing drugs has gotten to first base.

Last try waswas an amysbay failuure. Drugs wont get legal statuseve period.
Califorenia measure got P UN K E D
Main issuein Was str is privatizong liqior

^This post is proof that alcohol is a dangerous drug. That's the only possible explanation:lol:
Man... pretty early to be hitting the sauce, don't ya think?

Question for anyone... does anyone know the differences between Alcohol withdrawal and heroin withdrawal?

I'll answer for you. If you are physically addicted to alcohol... when you detox... you can die a pretty horrible death... seizures that can't be controlled(statis seizures),etc. Most people who go into treatment will be placed on a slow, metered withdrawal via IV drip.

Heroin and other Opioids? You get sick.... Really sick. Similar to flu symptoms but magnified severely. You also have severe restlessness all over your body and a host of other symptoms... but it's not potentially fatal. You wish you were dead... but you aren't going to die.

How do i know this?... one co-worker of mine is an alcoholic. He's been detoxed medically 4 times.

The Opioid withdrawal? personal experience. I was on Pain medication for a long time. I had a back problem that required a fusion surgery and spent two years trying to avoid having my spine fused. By the time I finally did get the fusion, I had been on Vicodin EX for over two years. i had complications with the surgery and my recovery was slow. my surgeon referred me to a Pain Management Clinic, because because of the tolerance I built up to the vicodin, it wasn't effective in treating my pain. They put me on a Fentanyl Patch. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is many times more powerful than vicodin. I was on that for about 6 months and doing physical therapy. After that period of time, I noticed that i really didn't have much pain anymore, but was afraid to take the patch off for fear of the pain returning. in short, I didn't know whether the lack of pain was due to the therapy and the natural healing of my body, or the patch.

The last straw was when I had the other members of my band over to have a practice because we scheduled a gig for the first time since I had the surgery. I was so slow and sloppy in my guitar playing that I couldn't keep up. That night after the guys left. I peeled off the patch and flushed the rest down the toilet. I cold turkeyed myself and went through 4 days of a living hell. But I came out the other side with a totally different perspective on addiction. Addiction isn't a "weakness". It's a physical and/or psychological dependence on a drug. Addicts aren't always some street person who made bad decisions. I will tell you this... during my self detox... if someone would have had a syringe full of heroin handy... i would have taken it.. I know I would have. That's the power of the drug.

Alcohol is a drug... just like heroin, Meth, cocaine or any other. If you think that it's different.. you are deluding yourself.

Finally.. when i was a younger man... I smoked a little pot here and there... withdrawal symptoms? ummmm... none.
Man... pretty early to be hitting the sauce, don't ya think?

Question for anyone... does anyone know the differences between Alcohol withdrawal and heroin withdrawal?

I'll answer for you. If you are physically addicted to alcohol... when you detox... you can die a pretty horrible death... seizures that can't be controlled(statis seizures),etc. Most people who go into treatment will be placed on a slow, metered withdrawal via IV drip.

Heroin and other Opioids? You get sick.... Really sick. Similar to flu symptoms but magnified severely. You also have severe restlessness all over your body and a host of other symptoms... but it's not potentially fatal. You wish you were dead... but you aren't going to die.

How do i know this?... one co-worker of mine is an alcoholic. He's been detoxed medically 4 times.

The Opioid withdrawal? personal experience. I was on Pain medication for a long time. I had a back problem that required a fusion surgery and spent two years trying to avoid having my spine fused. By the time I finally did get the fusion, I had been on Vicodin EX for over two years. i had complications with the surgery and my recovery was slow. my surgeon referred me to a Pain Management Clinic, because because of the tolerance I built up to the vicodin, it wasn't effective in treating my pain. They put me on a Fentanyl Patch. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is many times more powerful than vicodin. I was on that for about 6 months and doing physical therapy. After that period of time, I noticed that i really didn't have much pain anymore, but was afraid to take the patch off for fear of the pain returning. in short, I didn't know whether the lack of pain was due to the therapy and the natural healing of my body, or the patch.

The last straw was when I had the other members of my band over to have a practice because we scheduled a gig for the first time since I had the surgery. I was so slow and sloppy in my guitar playing that I couldn't keep up. That night after the guys left. I peeled off the patch and flushed the rest down the toilet. I cold turkeyed myself and went through 4 days of a living hell. But I came out the other side with a totally different perspective on addiction. Addiction isn't a "weakness". It's a physical and/or psychological dependence on a drug. Addicts aren't always some street person who made bad decisions. I will tell you this... during my self detox... if someone would have had a syringe full of heroin handy... i would have taken it.. I know I would have. That's the power of the drug.

Alcohol is a drug... just like heroin, Meth, cocaine or any other. If you think that it's different.. you are deluding yourself.

Finally.. when i was a younger man... I smoked a little pot here and there... withdrawal symptoms? ummmm... none.

Having DETOXED both heroin addicts and alcoholics in the NAV, given my druthers I'd rather go though heroin withdrawls that alcohol withdrawls.

The pain and suffering harden alcoholics go though on the path to DETOX is horrible.

They have to be put on watch to guard against suicide, they're often terrified and apparently also in a lot of pain.
the difference is i've never seen anyone high on pot get into a bar fight or drive the wrong way on a highway.

I have never seen anyone high on pot get into a bar fight, driving the wrong way on the freeway is another story. So is driving about 15 miles an hour on the freeway. I've seen more than a few fires started by the pot addled. By far the most prevalent crime of pot users is child neglect and endangerment.
Man... pretty early to be hitting the sauce, don't ya think?

Question for anyone... does anyone know the differences between Alcohol withdrawal and heroin withdrawal?

I'll answer for you. If you are physically addicted to alcohol... when you detox... you can die a pretty horrible death... seizures that can't be controlled(statis seizures),etc. Most people who go into treatment will be placed on a slow, metered withdrawal via IV drip.

Heroin and other Opioids? You get sick.... Really sick. Similar to flu symptoms but magnified severely. You also have severe restlessness all over your body and a host of other symptoms... but it's not potentially fatal. You wish you were dead... but you aren't going to die.

How do i know this?... one co-worker of mine is an alcoholic. He's been detoxed medically 4 times.

The Opioid withdrawal? personal experience. I was on Pain medication for a long time. I had a back problem that required a fusion surgery and spent two years trying to avoid having my spine fused. By the time I finally did get the fusion, I had been on Vicodin EX for over two years. i had complications with the surgery and my recovery was slow. my surgeon referred me to a Pain Management Clinic, because because of the tolerance I built up to the vicodin, it wasn't effective in treating my pain. They put me on a Fentanyl Patch. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is many times more powerful than vicodin. I was on that for about 6 months and doing physical therapy. After that period of time, I noticed that i really didn't have much pain anymore, but was afraid to take the patch off for fear of the pain returning. in short, I didn't know whether the lack of pain was due to the therapy and the natural healing of my body, or the patch.

The last straw was when I had the other members of my band over to have a practice because we scheduled a gig for the first time since I had the surgery. I was so slow and sloppy in my guitar playing that I couldn't keep up. That night after the guys left. I peeled off the patch and flushed the rest down the toilet. I cold turkeyed myself and went through 4 days of a living hell. But I came out the other side with a totally different perspective on addiction. Addiction isn't a "weakness". It's a physical and/or psychological dependence on a drug. Addicts aren't always some street person who made bad decisions. I will tell you this... during my self detox... if someone would have had a syringe full of heroin handy... i would have taken it.. I know I would have. That's the power of the drug.

Alcohol is a drug... just like heroin, Meth, cocaine or any other. If you think that it's different.. you are deluding yourself.

Finally.. when i was a younger man... I smoked a little pot here and there... withdrawal symptoms? ummmm... none.

Having DETOXED both heroin addicts and alcoholics in the NAV, given my druthers I'd rather go though heroin withdrawls that alcohol withdrawls.

The pain and suffering harden alcoholics go though on the path to DETOX is horrible.

They have to be put on watch to guard against suicide, they're often terrified and apparently also in a lot of pain.

The difference is in the level of addiction. Not everyone who has a glass of wine with dinner is the same kind of alcoholic that will suffer a painful detox, but it doesn't take much to get to a painful level of heroin addiction.

Drinking loquor is lega l you are 221

Drugs aea a crime against th LAW

Drinking loquor is lega l you are 221

Drugs aea a crime against th LAW

Laws made by men. Personally, I don't give a shit either way. I don't do drugs, I drink in moderation and can take it or leave it.

But I am not the type of person who makes judgments on people for their personal choices(or sins, if you will). The way I look at it is that those choices are between the sinner and God.
Nerve cells are usually covered with a separate fatty cell layer. The development of this covering usually occurs some time after birth, one of the reasons that newborns need some nine to fifteen months before they learn to walk. Conduction of impulses down these nerve cells before the fatty insulating cells are in place are at best funky.
Alcohol nonspecifically penetrates these fatty nerve insulating cells rendering their impulse transmissions once again, funky. So do methocarbamal and carisoprodol, generics for Robaxin and Soma, used medicinally as skeletal muscle relaxants to quiet injured muscles down, reducing the spasm and the pain. They are also used frequently as adjuncts to increase the high experienced with other drugs of abuse.
Morphine and its derivatives, heroin, oxycodone, meperidine, directly block the transmission of pain impulses in the brain. It also depresses the brain center that regulates breathing. Enough morphine on board and breathing stops. Simple as that. Kaput. Finito. Mourir.
The benzodiazepines, oxazepam, diazepam, lorazepam, chlordiazepoxide, alprazalalazam, block anxiety. Apparently they resemble an endogenously produced substance, something the brain produces normally on its own, that modulates and controls the organism's fear and anxiety levels.
The brain is a highly sophisticated organ. It takes in and correlates all of the sensory input presented to it by the organism's environment. Whether its warm, wet, cold, light, dark, the ground is level, whether the fruit hanging from the nearby tree is ripe and edible, ancient ancestrally whether the nearby female primate is in season and receptive, or whether that leopard crouching nearby in the grass is sleeping off a previous meal or is hungrily eyeing you and its time to get the Hell out of where you presently are and proceed rapidly to a much safer place.
Some of the drugs of abuse, specifically LSD, interfere precisely with the brain's correlation and interpretation of reality. That's why some of its early users thought they were perfectly fine sitting down in the middle of a six lane in front of some onrushing eighteen wheelers and they somehow were not going to be hurt as a result.
Evolution is a wonderful thing. You stay alive long enough to pass your genetic information on to another generation, or if you're silly, frivolous, and wasteful with your time and activity, and end up being splatted on a road surface somewhere or a meal for some lucky leopard, you don't. Nature used to deal with Democrats and Liberals rather harshly. Today we, unfortunately, are forced to tolerate them.
Libs dont like laws

Call them bad laws......................
Nerve cells are usually covered with a separate fatty cell layer. The development of this covering usually occurs some time after birth, one of the reasons that newborns need some nine to fifteen months before they learn to walk. Conduction of impulses down these nerve cells before the fatty insulating cells are in place are at best funky.
Alcohol nonspecifically penetrates these fatty nerve insulating cells rendering their impulse transmissions once again, funky. So do methocarbamal and carisoprodol, generics for Robaxin and Soma, used medicinally as skeletal muscle relaxants to quiet injured muscles down, reducing the spasm and the pain. They are also used frequently as adjuncts to increase the high experienced with other drugs of abuse.
Morphine and its derivatives, heroin, oxycodone, meperidine, directly block the transmission of pain impulses in the brain. It also depresses the brain center that regulates breathing. Enough morphine on board and breathing stops. Simple as that. Kaput. Finito. Mourir.
The benzodiazepines, oxazepam, diazepam, lorazepam, chlordiazepoxide, alprazalalazam, block anxiety. Apparently they resemble an endogenously produced substance, something the brain produces normally on its own, that modulates and controls the organism's fear and anxiety levels.
The brain is a highly sophisticated organ. It takes in and correlates all of the sensory input presented to it by the organism's environment. Whether its warm, wet, cold, light, dark, the ground is level, whether the fruit hanging from the nearby tree is ripe and edible, ancient ancestrally whether the nearby female primate is in season and receptive, or whether that leopard crouching nearby in the grass is sleeping off a previous meal or is hungrily eyeing you and its time to get the Hell out of where you presently are and proceed rapidly to a much safer place.
Some of the drugs of abuse, specifically LSD, interfere precisely with the brain's correlation and interpretation of reality. That's why some of its early users thought they were perfectly fine sitting down in the middle of a six lane in front of some onrushing eighteen wheelers and they somehow were not going to be hurt as a result.
Evolution is a wonderful thing. You stay alive long enough to pass your genetic information on to another generation, or if you're silly, frivolous, and wasteful with your time and activity, and end up being splatted on a road surface somewhere or a meal for some lucky leopard, you don't. Nature used to deal with Democrats and Liberals rather harshly. Today we, unfortunately, are forced to tolerate them.

WTF? I see... only liberals do drugs... Fuckin' idiot.
Man... pretty early to be hitting the sauce, don't ya think?

Question for anyone... does anyone know the differences between Alcohol withdrawal and heroin withdrawal?

I'll answer for you. If you are physically addicted to alcohol... when you detox... you can die a pretty horrible death... seizures that can't be controlled(statis seizures),etc. Most people who go into treatment will be placed on a slow, metered withdrawal via IV drip.

Heroin and other Opioids? You get sick.... Really sick. Similar to flu symptoms but magnified severely. You also have severe restlessness all over your body and a host of other symptoms... but it's not potentially fatal. You wish you were dead... but you aren't going to die.

How do i know this?... one co-worker of mine is an alcoholic. He's been detoxed medically 4 times.

The Opioid withdrawal? personal experience. I was on Pain medication for a long time. I had a back problem that required a fusion surgery and spent two years trying to avoid having my spine fused. By the time I finally did get the fusion, I had been on Vicodin EX for over two years. i had complications with the surgery and my recovery was slow. my surgeon referred me to a Pain Management Clinic, because because of the tolerance I built up to the vicodin, it wasn't effective in treating my pain. They put me on a Fentanyl Patch. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is many times more powerful than vicodin. I was on that for about 6 months and doing physical therapy. After that period of time, I noticed that i really didn't have much pain anymore, but was afraid to take the patch off for fear of the pain returning. in short, I didn't know whether the lack of pain was due to the therapy and the natural healing of my body, or the patch.

The last straw was when I had the other members of my band over to have a practice because we scheduled a gig for the first time since I had the surgery. I was so slow and sloppy in my guitar playing that I couldn't keep up. That night after the guys left. I peeled off the patch and flushed the rest down the toilet. I cold turkeyed myself and went through 4 days of a living hell. But I came out the other side with a totally different perspective on addiction. Addiction isn't a "weakness". It's a physical and/or psychological dependence on a drug. Addicts aren't always some street person who made bad decisions. I will tell you this... during my self detox... if someone would have had a syringe full of heroin handy... i would have taken it.. I know I would have. That's the power of the drug.

Alcohol is a drug... just like heroin, Meth, cocaine or any other. If you think that it's different.. you are deluding yourself.

Finally.. when i was a younger man... I smoked a little pot here and there... withdrawal symptoms? ummmm... none.

Nerve cells have the ability to either up regulate themselves or down regulate themselves. They add or drop receptors for impulse transmission: For instance, an alcoholic bathes his nerve cells in a constant depressant environment. So the nerve cells up regulate themselves to compensate for the constant presence of depressant by adding additional receptors above normal. Suddenly remove the depressant and its like experiencing a Ritalin injection, you start climbing walls. Same sort of thing with the opiates, Morphine, and Alprazalalazam. Cocaine and Ritalin, methylphenidate, are stimulants, so the brain and the nerve cells down regulate themselves, dropping receptors. When the stimulant supply is abruptly cut off, the individual collapses somnolent. If you live long enough, everything returns to normal eventually.
WTF? I see... only liberals do drugs... Fuckin' idiot.

I hold out to you the example of one Bob Beckel. Democratic Strategist and Fox News commentator. A man who admittedly did a lot of drugs during his youth, adolescence and early adulthood, who despite doing some lengthy rehab time is stilla committed Democrat. This, despite the wisdom given by one Winston Churchill:
"Its good for a young man of twenty to be a Liberal, because it proves he has a heart.
But its equally bad for that same young man at fourty to not be a Conservative, because it proves he has no brain."
Perhaps the constant environmental bathing of his developing nervous system with drugs of abuse in his youth prevented the final development of the glial cell wrappings of Mr Beckel's brain and nervous system, leaving him permanently impaired, and a Democrat. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait for autopsy to find out.

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