Did Obama have a signature moment that got him elected in 2008?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
All of a sudden he got elected..

Didn't have any JFK stuff like in the1960 debates.

Or Reagan : "There he goes again."
Nope with Obama it was thousands of moments in which the press could have taken the gloves off and asked him some Tough Questions, and chose to throw soft balls instead.

We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing someone to ride Bumper stickers like Hope and change, into office, while ignoring the ample Evidence that the man we are electing is NOT the package his Campaign was selling us.

IMO anyways.
I would say his signature moment that got him elected would be when he recieved the most votes on election day.
All of a sudden he got elected..

Didn't have any JFK stuff like in the1960 debates.

Or Reagan : "There he goes again."

Let's face it--Barack Obama is black--and there was a great white guilt in this country--whom kicked Hillary Clinton to the curb--because a black man could give a perfectly pronounced speech--surrounded by Greek Columns--staged lighting--and tell the masse's what they wanted to hear. Fully supported and defended by NBC, MSNBC--CBS--CNN--and ABC--he became not a leader--but a ROCK STAR--thereby appealing to the youth in this country who overwhelming voted for Obama.

For me, it was this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AOJBiklP1Q]YouTube - ‪Obama v Clinton on the Individual Mandate Mobile‬‏[/ame]

His stand against corporatist federal policy was inspiring.

And a total fucking lie.
Nope with Obama it was thousands of moments in which the press could have taken the gloves off and asked him some Tough Questions, and chose to throw soft balls instead.

We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing someone to ride Bumper stickers like Hope and change, into office, while ignoring the ample Evidence that the man we are electing is NOT the package his Campaign was selling us.

IMO anyways.

No, WE should not be ashamed, because we "As in me and you and alot of other people" did not elect the dumbass into office.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vJcVgJhNaU&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪OBAMA CAUGHT SAYING ACORN AND FRIENDS WILL SHAPE HIS PRESIDENTIAL AGENDA‬‏[/ame]
I would say his signature moment that got him elected would be when he recieved the most votes on election day.

Yeah, and the acorn voter fraud thing had nothing to do with that. Or the 48% of entitlement program recipients voting for the welfare giver in chief. For christ sake acorn had the dallas cowboys front line voting for Obama in where?.....Arkansas was it? So much voter fraud, but more fraud to come in 2012 once acorn re-establishes other another name.
Most of you just dont get it, it's not about Dem or GOP, there are puppet masters pulling the strings now, global puppet masters at that, and no matter what you do, they will play the cards that they play and you might appear to have a choice, but you really dont, unless you vote for someone that is not a DC insider or has been corrupted by washington that is. And we all know who that is and why such a sickening smear campaign was launched against this person.
Voters on both sides need to put this partisan shit behind them, because this next election decides our future as a country, do you want an overbearing government, or your individual freedoms? You cant have both you dumb shits.
All it is going to take is one more huge incident "On a scale 5 times 9/11" for alot of you to forfeit the rest of your freedoms, and dont think our corrupted gubment wont be willing to do it, because they will. You're all a bunch of pawns, creating distractions for one another with the headlines that big gubment wants you to concentrate on by arguing stupid shit against each other, while the big machine keeps rolling along laughing at every one of you.
Remember, a woman asked Ben Franklin what type of government they gave the people, and Ben Franklin said "A republic, if you can keep it".
A Republic IF you can keep it.
If we can't keep it folks, we dont deserve it. This goes for both left and right.
Never deserved to be elected in the first place.


Mother was norther n European .

The smuck-liar will go down ib history as worse than Carter
I would say his signature moment that got him elected would be when he recieved the most votes on election day.

He got elected because he is black. He played games to win the primary and used known cheats to sow it up. Hillary Clinton should have won the Primary. He won because he is black.

The press refused to ask him any real questions, refused to do any background checks on hi and his family and covered for him when stuff tried to come out. All because he is black.
I can tell you for sure when I decided this guy was a left wing ideologue and I wasn't voting for him.

"Spread the Wealth" to Joe the Plumber.

I also didn't buy into his "Hope and Change" BS. Guys a fancy talker but he blew smoke up a lot of asses and those asses fell for it hook line and sinker.
All of a sudden he got elected..

Didn't have any JFK stuff like in the1960 debates.

Or Reagan : "There he goes again."

All he had to do was not be Bush. Thats it. If voters aren't careful, we will get another goof ball in the oval orifice who will run on not being Obama.
I think 8 years of Republican fuckupery was the moment that got dems elected. Barack Obama is just a suit. Remember that dems won in an crushing landslide across the board; Not just the presidency.

Yeah, it happened to be BHO running against McCain, but I don't think the numbers would have been much different regardless of which dem candidate won the nomination.
Did Obama have a signature moment that got him elected in 2008?

All of a sudden he got elected..

Didn't have any JFK stuff like in the1960 debates.

Or Reagan : "There he goes again."
Well......he DID.....but, he couldn't really take any credit, for it.

Nope with Obama it was thousands of moments in which the press could have taken the gloves off and asked him some Tough Questions, and chose to throw soft balls instead.

We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing someone to ride Bumper stickers like Hope and change, into office, while ignoring the ample Evidence that the man we are electing is NOT the package his Campaign was selling us.
....And, he didn't wait "his turn"....you know.....for every White person to "pass" on a Presidential-run, in 2008.

Yeah....most people recognize the source o' Teabaggers' ire.​
All of a sudden he got elected..

Didn't have any JFK stuff like in the1960 debates.

Or Reagan : "There he goes again."

Let's face it--Barack Obama is black--and there was a great white guilt in this country--whom kicked Hillary Clinton to the curb--because a black man could give a perfectly pronounced speech--surrounded by Greek Columns--staged lighting--and tell the masse's what they wanted to hear. Fully supported and defended by NBC, MSNBC--CBS--CNN--and ABC--he became not a leader--but a ROCK STAR--thereby appealing to the youth in this country who overwhelming voted for Obama.
You forgot the other-half (o' the equation).

He was running against some old fart....who's VP-choice reminded everyone o' some 1950s-style Bimbo-secretary with a whiny, ultrasound voice!! (....More befitting of a present-day pole-dancer.)

The Choice wasn't all that difficult.​
Nope with Obama it was thousands of moments in which the press could have taken the gloves off and asked him some Tough Questions, and chose to throw soft balls instead.

We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing someone to ride Bumper stickers like Hope and change, into office, while ignoring the ample Evidence that the man we are electing is NOT the package his Campaign was selling us.

IMO anyways.

No, WE should not be ashamed, because we "As in me and you and alot of other people" did not elect the dumbass into office.
You couldn't!

He'd already had two terms.



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