Did Lincoln own slaves?

Lincoln didn't start the war.
The South started the war to preserve their slave owning 'property rights'.

Wrong. The South simply walked. As president Jeff said. "We just want to be left alone". Lincoln said no way and started the worst war in American history.

The revisionists want us to move the start of the war from the South firing on Federal troops to some later date when they can accuse the North of firing on the Rebels.

No - the starting date should be moved FORWARD to when Lincoln was told By the confederacy to get his troops out of a foreign country and he refused. THINK
England and France desired that cotton and if the North hadn't won at Gettysburg they may very well have thrown in with the Confederacy. The war may have ended up with different results

Yup - Pickett's charge was one of the most consequential blunders in history.
England and France desired that cotton and if the North hadn't won at Gettysburg they may very well have thrown in with the Confederacy. The war may have ended up with different results

Yup - Pickett's charge was one of the most consequential blunders in history.

It's thought that Lee suffered or was suffering from a heart ailment right before or during Gettysburg and he was sub par. He certainly made mistakes
What is accurate to say, and what the author of the OP is too stupid to know, is that the Confederacy was far more motivated to preserve slavery than the Union was to end it.

Everyone agrees with that, you fool. Northerners didn't care about ending slavery. Why should they want 4 million free blacks coming north to take their jobs? THINK
What is accurate to say, and what the author of the OP is too stupid to know, is that the Confederacy was far more motivated to preserve slavery than the Union was to end it.

Everyone agrees with that, you fool. Northerners didn't care about ending slavery. Why should they want 4 million free blacks coming north to take their jobs? THINK

That's interesting, since the young and newfangled Republican Party was entirely in the North -- Lincoln didn't even run in the South. So you're saying Republicans didn't care about ending slavery?

Black migration from South to North only began when World War One created a need for industrial workers. Right about a hundred years ago, coincidentally almost exactly the same time the Klan was restarted.

---- But you knew all this, right?
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What is accurate to say, and what the author of the OP is too stupid to know, is that the Confederacy was far more motivated to preserve slavery than the Union was to end it.

Everyone agrees with that, you fool. Northerners didn't care about ending slavery. Why should they want 4 million free blacks coming north to take their jobs? THINK
The part you left out is where the Confederacy fought to preserve slavery, you know, the primary reason for the Confederacy's existence.
hm once again has created a strawman fallacy and his few allies have been adding their own.

The South started the war to make sure they could preserve slavery, the right to own and sell flesh.
Shooter thinks that the the Poor Confederacy was forced to fire on Union troops.

But he can't get away from the fact that Confederate troops fired the shots that started the Civil War.

And that the North didn't enter the war to free the slaves- but the South entered the war to keep their slaves.
No,but he married into a kentucky family, the Todds, that had a lot of slaves. Many of his Union generals were slave owners during the civil war. His second VP, andrew johnson, was a slave owner during the cw.

Still think lincoln started the war to end slavery?
He didn't start the war. But he sure as shit ended it and slavery.

If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong. - A. Lincoln.

He did start the war by invading Virginia.
Shooter thinks that the the Poor Confederacy was forced to fire on Union troops.

But he can't get away from the fact that Confederate troops fired the shots that started the Civil War.

And that the North didn't enter the war to free the slaves- but the South entered the war to keep their slaves.

Firing on trespassers is not an act of war, moron. Of course, Lincoln made good use of it for propaganda purposes. Hitler did the same thing. Hitler was a great student and admirer of Lincoln.
The United States burned down cities in the American South. The United States also burned down cities in Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Koshbot is dodging like crazy to avoid explaining the difference, and became so unhinged she actually called a Georgian Nazi Klansman a "far left drone".


But Lincoln cult members like you claim the Confederate states were part of the United States, not a foreign enemy.
umm..... sssssso marrying into a family that owned slaves is the same as owning slaves. :uhh:


No one said that so stop knocking down straw men. But marrying into a slave owning family does prove you don't really object to slavery. THINK

Does it now.

So you actually think that by marrying somebody, you literally become her family?

How long have you been retarded?

Hmmmm . . . yes, you do. Do you actually understand anything about marriage?
No,but he married into a kentucky family, the Todds, that had a lot of slaves. Many of his Union generals were slave owners during the civil war. His second VP, andrew johnson, was a slave owner during the cw.

Still think lincoln started the war to end slavery?

Wow you keep on trying to prove something no one is claiming.

Lincoln didn't start the war.
The South started the war to preserve their slave owning 'property rights'.

Lincoln started the war. The fact is indisputable.
No,but he married into a kentucky family, the Todds, that had a lot of slaves. Many of his Union generals were slave owners during the civil war. His second VP, andrew johnson, was a slave owner during the cw.

Still think lincoln started the war to end slavery?
So Lincoln was a confederate?
I'm sure the assholes who lost the Civil War and WWII have much in common with respect to whining over the whirlwind they reaped.

The south didn't start the CW. They just left the union and the north started the war to force them back.

Yes- the North was actually the side firing on Fort Sumter........

Ft Sumter was within the territorial boundaries of South Carolina, which means the federal government had no right to station troops there against the wishes of South Carolina.
No,but he married into a kentucky family, the Todds, that had a lot of slaves. Many of his Union generals were slave owners during the civil war. His second VP, andrew johnson, was a slave owner during the cw.

Still think lincoln started the war to end slavery?
He didn't start the war. But he sure as shit ended it and slavery.

If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong. - A. Lincoln.

Yep burning all those southern cities may have had something to do with that..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?
You believe to end Nazism you should burn down cities, right?

Yep burning all those southern cities may have had something to do with that..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?
You believe to end Nazism you should burn down cities, right?

See how the far left believes in burning cities down that do not agree with their religion?

But leave it to the far left drone to reach for the classic Nazi defense..
I am pointing out the giant flaw in your illogic by using an identical example.

So...do you believe to end Nazism you should burn down cities?

Well as always you are wrong it was the soviets that burn their own cities to the ground during WWII

Another far left drone fail..

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?
We burned German, Italian, and Japanese cities to cinders.

Do you believe to end Nazism you should burn down cities?

I'm sure the assholes who lost the Civil War and WWII have much in common with respect to whining over the whirlwind they reaped.

The USSR was one of the nations that started WW II by participating in the invasion of Poland - a fact that morons like you always seem to ignore.
No,but he married into a kentucky family, the Todds, that had a lot of slaves. Many of his Union generals were slave owners during the civil war. His second VP, andrew johnson, was a slave owner during the cw.

Still think lincoln started the war to end slavery?
He didn't start the war. But he sure as shit ended it and slavery.

If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong. - A. Lincoln.

So you agree to end slavery you should burn down the cities right?

So you agree that the South should have been allowed to continue to own slaves to preserve their cities?

Did the US invade Cuba to end slavery there?

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