DHS as correct to warn about the right wing


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Rick Wiles is one of the more prominent talk show hosts on the right-wing fringe. Among his guests in the past have been Tom Tancredo, John Fleming, Matt Barber, Harry Jackson and other big names on the far right. They've continued to troop to his show even though he claims, among other things, that expanded rights for gays prompted North Korea to threaten nuclear war, that Columbine and Sandy Hook were carried out by "mind control assassins" and that North Korea threatened nuclear war with us because we're moving toward expanded rights for gays.

Well, yesterday Wiles outdid himself even by his standards. He called for President Obama to be thrown out of office by a military coup. People for the American Way

Rick Wiles Asks God To 'Deliver Us' From Obama, Demands Military Arrest President To Prevent 'Second Civil War' | Right Wing Watch

DHS was correct about these rightwing extremists

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Rick Wiles is one of the more prominent talk show hosts on the right-wing fringe. Among his guests in the past have been Tom Tancredo, John Fleming, Matt Barber, Harry Jackson and other big names on the far right. They've continued to troop to his show even though he claims, among other things, that expanded rights for gays prompted North Korea to threaten nuclear war, that Columbine and Sandy Hook were carried out by "mind control assassins" and that North Korea threatened nuclear war with us because we're moving toward expanded rights for gays.

Well, yesterday Wiles outdid himself even by his standards. He called for President Obama to be thrown out of office by a military coup. People for the American Way

Rick Wiles Asks God To 'Deliver Us' From Obama, Demands Military Arrest President To Prevent 'Second Civil War' | Right Wing Watch

DHS was correct about these rightwing extremists

DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists - CBS News

Never heard of Rick Wiles, so your initial premise is false.
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Rick Wiles is one of the more prominent talk show hosts on the right-wing fringe. Among his guests in the past have been Tom Tancredo, John Fleming, Matt Barber, Harry Jackson and other big names on the far right. They've continued to troop to his show even though he claims, among other things, that expanded rights for gays prompted North Korea to threaten nuclear war, that Columbine and Sandy Hook were carried out by "mind control assassins" and that North Korea threatened nuclear war with us because we're moving toward expanded rights for gays.

Well, yesterday Wiles outdid himself even by his standards. He called for President Obama to be thrown out of office by a military coup. People for the American Way

Rick Wiles Asks God To 'Deliver Us' From Obama, Demands Military Arrest President To Prevent 'Second Civil War' | Right Wing Watch

DHS was correct about these rightwing extremists

DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists - CBS News

In a stunning display of pure TEAvangelical nuttery, Rick Wiles said on his radio show Monday that President Obama’s persistent fly problem could mean he’s a demon controlled by Beelzebub. According to Wiles:

Is it by coincidence that a swarm of locust from Egypt have [sic] moved across the border into Israel today just weeks before Mr. Obama’s arrival in the Holy Land? Tens of millions of locust have attacked Egypt in recent days. A plague of locust was one of the ten plagues that God used to punish Egypt for refusing to allow the Hebrew people to depart, the story is recounted in Jewish homes and synagogues each year at Passover. Passover begins at March 25th; Mr. Obama is scheduled to arrive in Jerusalem on March 20th.
In recent months, Mr. Obama has been photographed with flies buzzing around his head or attached to his lip or forehead. Each time I see the flies buzzing around him I think of Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. According to an ancient non-biblical manuscript supposedly written by King Solomon, Beelzebub claims to cause destruction through tyrants, to cause demons to be worshiped among men, to excite priests to lust, to cause jealousies in cities and murders and to bring forth war on the world. So think about it the next time you see a fly land on Barack Obama’s lip or forehead. I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel is covered with locusts when he arrives in Jerusalem in three weeks. How many biblical signs do we need to see to know that this man is evil? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

A military coup where he and his entire family end up at the end of a rope sparing nobody sounds fine to me. I don't see the problem.
A military coup where he and his entire family end up at the end of a rope sparing nobody sounds fine to me. I don't see the problem.

I don't see the problem either. Except it should have happened awhile ago. obama may not be controlled by demons but there is certainly something very wrong with him.
Well, to be fair he's controlled by many of the same demons from his predecessor. You aren't chosen to be president by those who run the place without playing ball. Membership has it's necessary duties. Foreign policy is the best example except that his front men bungle it up much worse than Bush.
Rick Wiles is one of the more prominent talk show hosts on the right-wing fringe. Among his guests in the past have been Tom Tancredo, John Fleming, Matt Barber, Harry Jackson and other big names on the far right. They've continued to troop to his show even though he claims, among other things, that expanded rights for gays prompted North Korea to threaten nuclear war, that Columbine and Sandy Hook were carried out by "mind control assassins" and that North Korea threatened nuclear war with us because we're moving toward expanded rights for gays.

Well, yesterday Wiles outdid himself even by his standards. He called for President Obama to be thrown out of office by a military coup. People for the American Way

Rick Wiles Asks God To 'Deliver Us' From Obama, Demands Military Arrest President To Prevent 'Second Civil War' | Right Wing Watch

DHS was correct about these rightwing extremists

DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists - CBS News


From Occupy DC:

Civil War or Overthrow the United States Government

Civil War or Overthrow the United States Government | IT IS lawful to overthrow the United States Government, so don't let anyone convince you otherwise. 18 U.S. Code § 2385

Occupy Portland Leader Openly Calls For Overthrowing The Government With A Socialist Revolution…

Occupy Portland Leader Openly Calls For Overthrowing The Government With A Socialist Revolution? | Weasel Zippers

Revolution | Polymath Poet

Anonymous Calls for Civil War to Overthrow the US Government

Activist Post: Anonymous Calls for Civil War to Overthrow the US Government

“God bless them” – Nancy Pelosi
I'm not impressed with what you liberals have done to blacks and our children
Rick Wiles is one of the more prominent talk show hosts on the right-wing fringe. Among his guests in the past have been Tom Tancredo, John Fleming, Matt Barber, Harry Jackson and other big names on the far right. They've continued to troop to his show even though he claims, among other things, that expanded rights for gays prompted North Korea to threaten nuclear war, that Columbine and Sandy Hook were carried out by "mind control assassins" and that North Korea threatened nuclear war with us because we're moving toward expanded rights for gays.

Well, yesterday Wiles outdid himself even by his standards. He called for President Obama to be thrown out of office by a military coup. People for the American Way

Rick Wiles Asks God To 'Deliver Us' From Obama, Demands Military Arrest President To Prevent 'Second Civil War' | Right Wing Watch

DHS was correct about these rightwing extremists

DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists - CBS News

These men are nut cases. What is really disturbing is that anyone would take them seriously.

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