Devastating Interview with Member of Trump Legal Team on Evidence of Massive Voter Fraud


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
This is Sidney Powell, a member of Trump's legal team, discussing evidence of massive voter fraud that stole the election from Trump and gave it to Joe Biden. This interview occurred on Fox News on Sunday. This widespread election fraud is why the Trump team has filed lawsuits in several states.

This is Sidney Powell, a member of Trump's legal team, discussing evidence of massive voter fraud that stole the election from Trump and gave it to Joe Biden. This interview occurred on Fox News on Sunday. This widespread election fraud is why the Trump team has filed lawsuits in several states.

Those "D" list Trump attorneys must work for peanuts.
This is all gonna come out & people will see just how corrupted our electoral system is when Dems think they can cheat unfettered. Once the Dem cheating machine is exposed & dismantled, it will difficult for them to win anything in the future. This was a landslide for DT until the fraud started & we will find that out too. MSM will look very bad & FOX backed the wrong horse. There will be some house cleaning in these companies
This is Sidney Powell, a member of Trump's legal team, discussing evidence of massive voter fraud that stole the election from Trump and gave it to Joe Biden. This interview occurred on Fox News on Sunday. This widespread election fraud is why the Trump team has filed lawsuits in several states.

Those "D" list Trump attorneys must work for peanuts.

Are you even an American? Is this what you want our country to become, a banana republic? The evidence that Sidney Powell discusses in that interview has been documented on dozens of reputable news sites (but ignored by the sites you frequent).
This is Sidney Powell, a member of Trump's legal team, discussing evidence of massive voter fraud that stole the election from Trump and gave it to Joe Biden. This interview occurred on Fox News on Sunday. This widespread election fraud is why the Trump team has filed lawsuits in several states.

Yahoo is now finally starting to put up that the election is contested and since trumps daughter has bragged of trump winning Alaska---yahoo is now saying that media calls of races isn't good enough. It was all good when the media was falsely claiming biden won, but dammit it aint good enough when Trump is declared the winner.
This is Sidney Powell, a member of Trump's legal team, discussing evidence of massive voter fraud that stole the election from Trump and gave it to Joe Biden. This interview occurred on Fox News on Sunday. This widespread election fraud is why the Trump team has filed lawsuits in several states.

Those "D" list Trump attorneys must work for peanuts.

That'd be the losers at the ACLU
Trump's campaign strategy thus far has been to make wild claims in court, then when the judge asks for evidence to say they don't have any, and have the claim tossed.

That has literally been happening in most of these cases.

The real strategy is to assuage the ego of the narcissistic President who has the emotional capacity of a three year-old and can't accept losing, while putting out wild bizarre conspiracy theories to keep the base jacked up, as they do fundamental damage to the republic.
Voter fraud is a hoax and scam being used for keeping Trump's base riled up, occupied, fundraising, and organized for future use.

Who the hell do you think you're kidding. If Biden were in the place Trump is right now you'd be screaming voter fraud at the top of your lungs.

Geeze. What a moron you are.
She's powerful, accomplished and extremely intelligent..... I.E. fucking kryptonite to the non-productive half of the country. The convicts and junkies they hired to alter and manufacture ballots will not be difficult to flush out.
About the only better lawyer in the world is lin yutz.
Ah, well.
Milk, fish, cut flowers, and jackassery......seldom age well.

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