Desperately Searching for Anything to Impeach Trump On

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Lionel speaks for me in the video below. I agree with him 100% that the whole Russiagate investigation is over, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been on the House Intelligence Committee forever ( since before 9/11) so she knows it's over. Trump will not be impeached and the Democrats will try to brush the last two wasted years off as if they never happened. "Move forward." Never mind that the real investigation should be on Hillary Clinton.

Why Trump won't be impeached
When I speak to an audience of older Free Press readers, I like to ask how many remember what they were doing the day President Richard Nixon was impeached.

It's a trick question, of course.

Nixon was never impeached, much less convicted by the U.S. Senate — although many who were around to witness the implosion of his presidency remember differently.

A congressional committee did report three articles of impeachment — the equivalent of counts in a criminal indictment — to the U.S.House of Representatives late in July 1974.

Deep State Conspirators At the Eleventh Hour: Desperately Searching for Anything to Impeach Trump On

Here let a former president tell you what he thinks, I think.....

For generations, U.S. presidents have gone to great lengths to avoid potential conflicts of interest. When I was elected, I followed suit by placing my small business in a blind trust to assure our citizens that I would always put the country’s interests ahead of my own. It’s a vital presidential tradition. That’s why I find it a bit curious that our new commander-in-chief has been allowed to ignore it.

For Christ’s sake, you people made me get rid of my peanut farm before you let me be president.

I grew up on that farm. When my father died, I moved back home and worked those fields with my own two hands to keep it afloat. It was a hard job, but it was so rewarding. It wasn’t just a business—it was the place I called home. Letting go of the family farm was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but I did it because the American people asked me to. I did it for their sake, without enthusiasm, but also without hesitation.

Boy, times sure have changed, haven’t they? I couldn’t help but notice that the current occupant of the White House owns more than 500 companies, has business interests across the Middle East and Asia, and owes hundreds of millions of dollars to banks he is now responsible for regulating. It seems a touch unfair that a bigger fuss was made about my little peanut operation than all his office towers, hotels, and golf courses combined. All I had was a farm, you know? A small, precious farm.

Seriously, it was just a few fields and a warehouse, and you idiots still appointed a special prosecutor and spent six months investigating it.

Not a day goes by when I don’t think about what life would be like if I still had my peanut farm. I miss it so much. I miss feeling the sun on my face. I miss the earth in my hands. Sometimes, I’d go out to the fields before dawn. I’d watch the sun come up, watch it cast golden light on my plants, row by row. It was so calm; so quiet. Those were some of the best days of my life. It sure would’ve been nice to live out the rest of my years there, but I had to do what was right. I suppose only some of us have to.

God, I loved that peanut farm!

And where were my conflicts of interest, exactly? Seriously, do enlighten me, America, because I honestly have no idea. Did you worry I might be cutting deals in back rooms with the peanut butter lobby? Or that I might be too busy at harvest time to focus on the economy or the Middle East? Apparently, you did, and almost obsessively. Meanwhile, your new president holds a lease from the federal government to operate a $200 million hotel six blocks from the White House. I mean, come on!

Maybe I’m just a sucker. Apparently, all I needed to do was hand off control of the farm to my family. If I’d staged an elaborate song and dance about distancing myself—whatever that means—from all the day-to-day planting, picking, and salting, maybe I could have kept my peanut farm with the full blessing of you, the American people.

Besides, that peanut farm would probably be worth $200 million today, easy.
Impeachment is a political act and does not remove a sitting president....Trump is not Nixon...
Impeachment is a political act and does not remove a sitting president
True. BUt it is a process that brings a lot of information to light and cuts through a lot of bullshit.
The FBI probably has tons of dirt on Trump, especially after the ( what I call illegal) break-in of Michael Cohen's office, but they can't use it while he's president. ( Maybe after but not 'legally'....which never stops them )
The FBI probably has tons of dirt on Trump, especially after the ( what I call illegal) break-in of Michael Cohen's office, but they can't use it while he's president.
Right. One remedy, if warranted, is to indict under seal and then wait until he is out of office to unseal.
True. BUt it is a process that brings a lot of information to light and cuts through a lot of bullshit.
It will bring to light just how child like the dems are....

Trump ordered his fixer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about their efforts during the 2016 presidential campaign to secure Russian government approval to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

There are already more than a handful of impeachable offenses. Trump fired FBI Director James Comey to relieve the “great pressure” of the investigation into whether his campaign conspired with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election. Before that, he asked Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats to intervene to stop the FBI investigation. Trump has also been named as the “Individual-1” in a criminal plea agreement who ordered Cohen to break campaign finance laws.

These are only some of Trump’s known actions. He may have violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by allegedly offering Russian President Vladimir Putin a $50 million penthouse condo in the proposed Trump Tower Moscow and whether he or his campaign conspired with Russia or another foreign country to illegally aid his election victory.

The President faces numerous allegations of corruption and obstruction. His conduct and crude statements threaten the basic legal, ethical, and constitutional norms that maintain our democratic institutions.”

Then he threatened Michael Cohen’s family in public In an unusual move during an interview with Fox News, Trump said investigators should look into Cohen's father-in-law. Trump also mentioned Cohen's family following Cohen's plea deal in December. Trump tweeted, "Those charges were just agreed to by him in order to embarrass the president and get a much reduced prison sentence, which he did-including the fact that his family was temporarily let off the hook."
Lol. You imply that Trump is a whichunt target and then have the nerve to claim Hillary should be investigated? What hypocrites.
They have been screaming impeachment since he was elected.

Lefty loons are bat shit crazy.
Trump ordered his fixer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about their efforts during the 2016 presidential campaign to secure Russian government approval to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

No he didn't...that deal in Russia was in the planning stage since when Trump was in Moscow with the pageant....they dropped it and backed off before Trump ran for office....he never told Manaforte to lie because there was noting to hide about the whole have been misled by the hate Trump media....
Trump ordered his fixer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about their efforts during the 2016 presidential campaign to secure Russian government approval to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

No he didn't...that deal in Russia was in the planning stage since when Trump was in Moscow with the pageant....they dropped it and backed off before Trump ran for office....he never told Manaforte to lie because there was noting to hide about the whole have been misled by the hate Trump media....


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