Desantis would not dine with Fuentes but is too scared to criticise trump

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I have no problem with his answer. I think it would be positive if more answers from candidates was about themselves as opposed to attacking others.

He dodged the question. I dont understand this. There is a clean line of difference between him and trumo here.

Trump is happy to break bread with neo nazis for some reason. It needs calling out and exploring.

But desantis is too scared to criticise.

Is he playing to win or playing not to win ?

Or is he just terrified of the fraudster ?
There is no clear line for loons like you. Anyone right of Stalin is going to be the worst person in history if you idiots perceive them to be the leader of "the right". If Trump wasn't running you would be throwing the same amount of psychotic hate at DeSantis.

He dodged the question. I dont understand this. There is a clean line of difference between him and trumo here.

Trump is happy to break bread with neo nazis for some reason. It needs calling out and exploring.

But desantis is too scared to criticise.

Is he playing to win or playing not to win ?

Or is he just terrified of the fraudster ?
This country has never seen an entire party so absolutely terrified of one (1) person.

They're so craven, they're so desperate to hold on to their cushy government jobs, that they've sold their souls and hid like scared little bunnies.

Incredible to watch.
There is no clear line for loons like you. Anyone right of Stalin is going to be the worst person in history if you idiots perceive them to be the leader of "the right". If Trump wasn't running you would be throwing the same amount of psychotic hate at DeSantis.
There are no good guys in this race. its a Deplorable Derby.
I have no problem with his answer. I think it would be positive if more answers from candidates was about themselves as opposed to attacking others.
Trumps behaviour is a disgrace. If desantis cant call it out what sort of president would he be ?
This country has never seen an entire party so absolutely terrified of one (1) person.

They're so craven, they're so desperate to hold on to their cushy government jobs, that they've sold their souls and hid like scared little bunnies.

Incredible to watch.
Its a slam dunk But he is too scared to use it. I suspect he will ignore trumps Israel and Hezbollah remarks as well.

He dodged the question. I dont understand this. There is a clean line of difference between him and trumo here.

Trump is happy to break bread with neo nazis for some reason. It needs calling out and exploring.

But desantis is too scared to criticise.

Is he playing to win or playing not to win ?

Or is he just terrified of the fraudster ?
The fraudster is the entire illegitimate government. Clean up the shithole you live in.
I have lived in Florida for almost 50 years. DeSantis has done a fantastic job. Too good of a job.

So good of a job that millions of people are leaving the dimocrap-scum shitholes they created up North and are coming here.

Ever notice..... Every single place that dimocraps take over turns to shit?

I had this debate with some leftist moron back in '14 or '15 on this very board and he/it/she/xer/xim lived in California and held that State up as an example of dimocrap scum success. I told it/xim/xer that it was just a matter of time. It laughed.

Who's laughing now? Kaliphony is a disaster now and everybody knows it. Same as New York is a shithole, so is The Breakwind State (NJ) and every other dimocrap controlled area.

But, they'll just come down here and pollute the place with their stupidity. And cellulite. Neve saw so many females with cellulite. And pale white skin that is blinding when they decide to disgust all the other beach-goers and wear bathing suits in public.

dims are not only stupid, they're disgusting and ugly to boot. And fat

DeSantis is actually my pick for the R nomination. Trump is too annoying and makes HORRIBLE picks for his cabinet. I mean -- Bad. real bad. I think he had some help from Ivanka and Jared that helped him screw that up.

But his worst pick -- Jeff Punkass Sessions was totes on him.

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