DeSantis appointees begin reshaping Disney World's district

All Disney had to do was just entertain kids and families like they have always done. That's it.

If they hadn't decided to try and politicize themselves, push social agenda nonsense in their shows and movies, stayed away from the racism trap, and all of that other shit none of this wouldnt have happened. They wouldn't have Florida giving them a hard way to go, they would still be governing themselves and they would be raking in the cash.
They had to let the world of radical leftism know that they were prepared to martyr themselves for the good of “the cause”.

It hurt their brand. Most People don’t want even THEIR OWN politics being forced down others throats when they watch an animated movie. Leftists are so angry they feel they frantically have to at all times.

It’s annoying no matter who does it. If every movie was bashing us over the head with how Jesus is Lord.. even as a Catholic I’d be like wow let’s not do that, it’s pushy, it’s annoying, and annoyed customers become former-customers, as Disney is finding out.

And despite how much they want to martyr themselves, they’re not virtuous people, they’re selfishly being activists for radical theories. Inside the board rooms, I’m quite certain Disney is a cold, unhappy place.. angry at the world and feeling it’s their job to change it. These poor angry people
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Remember when businesses questioning the "vaccine", masks, shutdowns, and lock-ins were punished by having their licenses revoked by the government? You cheered.

Businesses weren't punished by the government for questioning vaccines. They were punished for failing to meet public health standards that apply to everyone.

Disney is being singled out *explicitly* because it criticized Ron DeSantis' 'don't say gay' bill. Disney is being punished for criticizing the government. And the conservative response is to use the government to punish businesse that criticize them......and put their property under the dominion of the church.

This was always the plan.

If you want a preview of what Conservatives plan for the nation, this is it.
Disney should announce that they are seeking strategic alternatives given the current political climate in Florida, cite the number of jobs that will be lost, and send it to every employee and municipality in Florida. Don't mess with the Mouse. You'll get the Horns! er tail? Teeth?

On the positive, a pox on both their houses!

That's the part of this that I find so distasteful. These deplorables have me rooting for Disney.
When DeSantis uses the power of the State to punishes Disney for criticizing it, they're not free to speak.

When DeSantis uses the power of the State to puts Disney's property under the dominion of Evangelical cronies, Disney is not free to speak.

This was *always* the plan. Conservatives are actively seeking to use the power of the State to suppress speech and put private businesses under the dominion of the church.

But tell us more about your commitment to liberty and free speech. So we can all giggle.


and no one is shouting down Disney or preventing them from selling seats for their movies.

Ask people on the right how many of their lectures or conferences have been shut down, or harassed, or actually attacked.
Disney should announce that they are seeking strategic alternatives given the current political climate in Florida, cite the number of jobs that will be lost, and send it to every employee and municipality in Florida. Don't mess with the Mouse. You'll get the Horns! er tail? Teeth?

On the positive, a pox on both their houses!

Personally I think WDW should close for one week. Send all of the work force home without pay. Let that ripple though employees and the surrounding communities including hotels, airlines, restaurants, other entertainment locations, etc.

When asked why did they close for the week, just say "Maintenance" (Wink, Wink).

Businesses weren't punished by the government for questioning vaccines. They were punished for failing to meet public health standards that apply to everyone.

Disney is being singled out *explicitly* because it criticized Ron DeSantis' 'don't say gay' bill. Disney is being punished for criticizing the government. And the conservative response is to use the government to punish businesse that criticize them......and put their property under the dominion of the church.

This was always the plan.

If you want a preview of what Conservatives plan for the nation, this is it.

That's the excuse, you fucking twat, figured you would bleat it out like the good wibble sheep you are.

That's the excuse, you fucking twat, figured you would bleat it out like the good wibble sheep you are.


Read the first word of the first amendment, Marty.

Spoiler Alert: Its not "Disney".

You're openly advocating and encouraging conservatives using the power of the State to punish businesses for speech and putting their property under the dominion of the church.

You never believed in liberty. You never believed in freedom of speech. You never believed in the 1st Amendment.

This was *always* the conservative plan: to use the power of the State to suppress free speech and put private businesses under the power of the church.
Ok I am asking. For an apples to apples comparison, how many were shut down by the state government?

State Universities did nothing to protect them, so de facto endorsement of the protesters.

Why have the army do your dirty work when you have an SA equivalent to do it?

And we all have seen the emails about government "Asking" social media to downplay certain things.
Read the first word of the first amendment, Marty.

Spoiler Alert: Its not "Disney".

You're openly advocating and encouraging conservatives using the power of the State to punish businesses for speech and putting their property under the dominion of the church.

You never believed in liberty. You never believed in freedom of speech. You never believed in the 1st Amendment.

This was *always* the conservative plan: to use the power of the State to suppress free speech and put private businesses under the power of the church.

Where were you when the state of California shut Disneyland down for TWO YEARS?

You were cheering.

Not for free speech they didn't.

Your ilk are using the power of the State to punish Disney for criticizing the government. Creating laws expliciltly targeting the company, creating new boards to put Disney's property under the dominion of the church.

This is what conservatives call 'free speech' and 'liberty'. The rest of us, not so much.
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Note you don't even disagree with me on the conservative plan to punish business for their free speech and putting those business under the dominion of the church.

It was always the conservative plan, Marty. You know it. I know it.

And this is what conservatives want for the entire country.

No thank you.
I'm going to enjoy watching the process and the outcome of this.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ appointees are trying to reshape Disney World’s governing body with proposals to eliminate a planning board and prohibit mask mandates

I do enjoy when you all drop the charade of being for smaller government.

When you cheer for the government going after a business for 100% political reasons, you can never again claim to be either a conservative or someone that does not support massive government

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