Dept. Of Education Secretary Faces Lawsuit, Again -- Why Does Devos Still Have A Job?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Betsy DeVos sued again over student debt relief rule - CNNPolitics

So the woman who makes money off of debt is refusing to COMPLY with a court order to cancel student debt -- how is that helping white working class voters that republicans claim to care about so much?

"The new lawsuit comes a month after a federal judge ruled that the regulation should immediately go into effect, after more than a year of what he called "arbitrary and capricious" delays by DeVos" -- so basically, DeVos already had a lawsuit against her and she is still violating it, why?

Well, DeVos believes it is bad policy to cancel student loan debt and she has consistently sided with for-profit colleges over that of the students over and over again, but hey, they don't call her the "Queen Of Debt" for nothing. Basically, Obama began to crack down on scam online universities in which many of them had to shut down due to fraud and felt the victims of these scams should have their debt canceled -- the students in those programs who never got their degrees, still were having to pay for their student loans, no debt forgiveness whatsoever.

It has been nearly two years since these rules should have taken effect, and Secretary DeVos is still dragging her feet and hurting tens of thousands of borrowers through her inaction. The students who were being helped have been doubly victimized – first by the for-profit colleges that deceived them, and now by the federal government that refuses to help them, all because DeVos is on the side of the scam colleges and not the people who were scammed.

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