Dennis Hastert Is Indicted!

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This is a great example of the consequences of laws which are turned to uses other than those that were advertised to get those laws passed.

The Patriot Act gave our federal government huge new powers, all under the guise of fighting terra-ists. Now it is being turned on all sorts of domestic crimes, and every American is being spied upon.

The $10,000 law was passed ostensibly to fight drug dealers, but here we see it being used to prosecute a guy who is trying to cover up what may be some kind of sex crime, and everyone in America is going to be treated like a criminal if they move more than $10,000 from Point A to Point B.

Could be true though i wonder if the money was used for a legitimate reason this may not have been a big deal, just some back paperwork to fill out. I don't think Hastert is going to make a very sympathetic poster child for government abuse.
Not conclusive but from LA Times:

Dennis Hastert paid to conceal sexual misconduct, sources say

Indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert was paying an individual from his past to conceal sexual misconduct, two federal law enforcement officials said Friday.

One of the officials, who would not speak publicly about the federal charges in Chicago, said “Individual A,” as the person is described in Thursday’s federal indictment, was a man and that the alleged misconduct was unrelated to Hastert’s tenure in Congress. The actions date to Hastert’s time as a Yorkville, Ill., high school wrestling coach and teacher, the official said.

“It goes back a long way, back to then,” the source said. “It has nothing to do with public corruption or a corruption scandal. Or to his time in office.” Thursday’s indictment described the misconduct “against Individual A” as having “occurred years earlier.”

Asked why Hastert was making the payments, the official said it was to conceal Hastert’s past relationship with the male. “It was sex,’’ the source said. The other official confirmed that the misconduct involved sexual abuse.

Hastert and his attorneys could not be reached. Representatives of his lobbying firm declined to comment.
"Sexual misconduct" can be a lot of things. It could be anything from an adulterous affair all the way down to child molestation.

Make note that neither of the anonymous sources say the male was a minor at the time.

Well, I dunno about you, but if I fooled around with a adult female 20 years ago, I'm not still paying her. I might be paying tuition for an illegitimate kid, but I'm sure as hell not breaking banking laws to do it. Lot of if's, but this should be amusing .... I still feel a little sorry for Ahnold Schwartznegge.
For the Tu Quoque Brigade, you are standing on very, very shaky ground.

Dennis Hastert was willing to pay $3.5 million to keep someone quiet about something he had done to them. It is unknown whether he was being blackmailed or if he made the offer in order to hush the victim up.

In any case, he is a wealthy person who was trying to buy his way out of some seriously deep shit. Ask yourselves to honestly appraise how you would be treating someone of the opposite party in such a situation.

You might want to wait and find out what he was attempting to bury before jumping on the Tu Quoque bandwagon.
It doesn't have to be deep shit. Just embarrassing shit. Suppose it's an illegitimate child.
Why would Hastert pay $3.5 million to keep an illegitimate child from going public?
Why not?
What was he paying? Extortion or support?

Right now no one has any information to determine anything except no crime was committed. If it was extortion, the person receiving the payments would already be in custody. Extortion is a crime.

Hastert is accused of structuring. That means moving your own money around in ways the government doesn't like. No other crime.

There have only been three details released. The payments were made to a single individual. The relationship between Hastert and this individual was for the life of the individual and the total paid over this term was 3.5 million dollars.

Everything else is imaginary

In 2010, he met mult times with an individual who knew Hassert for most of the individuals lifetime, and Hassert agreed to pay the person 3.5 million for past misconduct Hassert committed against the individual years earlier. Hassert paid 1.7 million thus far. At least those are the allegations. He's charged with lying to the FBI, and I guess currency manipulation designed to disguise withdrawls of over ten thousand.

Ex-US Speaker indicted over 3.5 million in payments - Yahoo News

If it's something like the "the Ahnold" impregnating the housekeeper and keeping it from Maria, I'm seriously sorry for the guy. If he did a kid, they should cut out his nuts.
It doesn't have to be deep shit. Just embarrassing shit. Suppose it's an illegitimate child.

If it was an illegitimate child, I doubt the indictment would say, "Individual A and defendant discussed past misconduct by defendant against Individual A that had occurred years earlier."

Rape would cover it. So would molestation. Those are the only two crimes I can think of that would mandate such a payoff in secret. This screams 'sex crime'.

But I'm just guessing.
Could be true though i wonder if the money was used for a legitimate reason this may not have been a big deal, just some back paperwork to fill out. I don't think Hastert is going to make a very sympathetic poster child for government abuse.
Yeah. It's kind of hard to wear the victim dress when you're the guy who bragged about passing the Patriot Act.

He's not out there screaming in moral indignation today, either. "I am glad to have this opportunity to clear my name!"
It doesn't have to be deep shit. Just embarrassing shit. Suppose it's an illegitimate child.

If it was an illegitimate child, I doubt the indictment would say, "Individual A and defendant discussed past misconduct by defendant against Individual A that had occurred years earlier."
Not even if the payment was to mother and child? What's misconduct? Is misconduct a crime?

How much did the Kennedys pay the Kopechne family for Teddy's misconduct that was not a crime?
The laws against structuring are just as pernicious as the one supporting civil forfeiture.
It doesn't have to be deep shit. Just embarrassing shit. Suppose it's an illegitimate child.

If it was an illegitimate child, I doubt the indictment would say, "Individual A and defendant discussed past misconduct by defendant against Individual A that had occurred years earlier."
Not even if the payment was to mother and child? What's misconduct? Is misconduct a crime?

How much did the Kennedys pay the Kopechne family for Teddy's misconduct that was not a crime?

Fathering an illegitimate child generally isn't referred to 'misconduct against an individual'.....unless the act of conception wasn't consensual.
I think we can be pretty sure this isn't a wrestling point shaving situation.
Hastert is one of the RINO's who destroyed the GOP in the 2000's by spending like slightly sober democrooks.

I won't be suprised if he is proven to be corrupt scum.

It doesn't have to be deep shit. Just embarrassing shit. Suppose it's an illegitimate child.

If it was an illegitimate child, I doubt the indictment would say, "Individual A and defendant discussed past misconduct by defendant against Individual A that had occurred years earlier."
Not even if the payment was to mother and child? What's misconduct? Is misconduct a crime?

How much did the Kennedys pay the Kopechne family for Teddy's misconduct that was not a crime?

Aren't you one of those boobs who doesn't want to talk about Bush because he's so yesterday? Jesus.
Hastert married a fellow teacher back in the day. They have two kids. They have been married since 1973.

He was Speaker of the House during the G.W. Bush Administration and I despise that gluttonous, arrogant bastard. I hope he is convicted, sent to prison, and dies there.

The bastard pushed through W's spending orgy and punished fiscal conservatives who tried to not go along with it. You get my vote
Ahhh, the irony of this...


Dennis Hastert in 2001: sworn-in as Speaker of the HOR, to defend the US Constitution. Uhuh.​

Patriot Act That Dennis Hastert Passed Led To His Indictment

On Oct. 24, 2001, then-House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) shepherded the Patriot Act through the House of Representatives. It passed 357 to 66, advancing to the Senate and then-President George W. Bush’s desk for signing.

Hastert took credit for House passage in a 2011 interview, claiming it “wasn’t popular, and there was a lot of fight in the Congress” over it.

Little did Hastert know at the time that the law he helped pass would give federal law enforcement the tools to indict him on charges of violating banking-related reporting requirements more than a decade later.

The Department of Justice on Thursday announced Hastert's indictment for agreeing to pay $3.5 million in hush money to keep someone quiet about his “prior misconduct.” The indictment accuses Hastert of structuring bank withdrawals to avoid bank reporting requirements, and lying to the FBI about the nature of the withdrawals. It does not reveal the “misconduct” that Hastert was trying to conceal. The recipient of the money was a resident of Yorkville, Illinois, where Hastert taught high school and coached wrestling from 1965 to 1981.

The indictment suggests that law enforcement officials relied on the Patriot Act’s expansion of bank reporting requirements to snare Hastert.

Ahhh, irony.

And so, we see yet another Republican embroiled in something illegal.

Yesiree, the GOP: party of high ethics, morals and family values.

Discuss: what do you think will happen to Hastert?

What do you want to discuss? another politician in trouble,or the one sided blinders you wear with go and make a list of all the Dems that have found themselves in hot water,but a simpleton party hack like yourself,would never ever do something as honest as that.
I didn't read the link but assuming Haster is guilty, I'm sure he will be held accountable for his actions (unlike all the tax cheats and other criminals in Obama's cabinet).


Of course you didn't read the link. I don't expect Righties to even try or make a pretense of actually reading material these days. Must be a knuckledragger thing...
Hey dumbshit, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I said "assuming he is guilty". What more do you want? I'm not obligated to read your fucking link, ok? I already saw the story. I guess your personal attack was to avoid responding to my comment about Obama's criminal cabinet, huh?

Thank you for proving my point.

Righties can't read, they can't process information, they absolutely can't discern and they can't put together a cogent argument without knuckledragging. All they can do is grunt in between scratching their small balls.

If Obama's cabinet is criminal, why have charges not been filed? Hmmm...

Oh, let me guess: you think the DOJ is criminal, too.

You missed the entire point of the OP, but being a Rightie, I expected that you would.

Righties: too predictable.
This entire regime is criminal. Right down to the janitors. The only person actually doing a good job is the dog secret service agent.
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