Dems insist that we foster their pet humans..yet never insist the pet humans get their shit right?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
All I ever hear from the Left is that the poor are our responsibility, we must pay for their mistakes and take better care of our poor. Do we ever hear the Left tell the poor to pull their heads from their asses and make better decisions?
ShaQuita is too poor to get an iD....We need to put a DMV in her driveway.
DaShawn is too poor to make it to the polls...We need to erect a voting booth in his living room.
DaNiqua is too poor to obtain contraception...We need to supply her with free birth control.
Guadalupe is too poor to travel to get her abortion...We need to pay an Abortionist to stay in her ghetto.

Please not wonder why good people HATE our insist that we do.
that all i keep hearing ...its the same stupid fucking talking point

who is gonna pay for the poor kids ? they repeat it over and over and over and over

DO lefttards ever form thier own opinion ?

they should abort themselves mass
brainless moronic totalitarian bourgeois consumerist establishment humorless culture-less homogenized democratic socailst zombies

you're idiots
YOU'RE A spoon feed idiot
bet yer mamas real proud

So, uh, who is going to pay for all them poor babies that are going to pop out ff you make abortion illegal? The problem no doubt would be squarely in your court to fix. Don't push it off on liberals to make sense out of your lack of planning for the obvious.

NO one making abortion illegal you fucking morons

thier was an abortion activist who was arrested the other day and she was crying how people could not get abortions in north carolina

a quick google search plenty of places where morons like you can murder your babys ...whats youre problem ya fucking ****** rat

ALABAMA passing a heartbeat laws ?

go to NY where you can murder a 9 month old fresh out of the womb

YOURE SO progressive

youre dumbed down childish hysterical morons
SIT down and shut up the country is sick of you ****** rat mother fuckers
youre laughing stocks

Many poor people cannot afford to travel and miss work for an abortion. So, who is going to take care of all these new kids? When I mean 'take care; I don't mean trash our welfare program after you forced them to give birth either.

Maybe we can get HappyJoy and Billy000 to shed some light on the matter?
All I ever hear from the Left is that the poor are our responsibility, we must pay for their mistakes and take better care of our poor. Do we ever hear the Left tell the poor to pull their heads from their asses and make better decisions?
ShaQuita is too poor to get an iD....We need to put a DMV in her driveway.
DaShawn is too poor to make it to the polls...We need to erect a voting booth in his living room.
DaNiqua is too poor to obtain contraception...We need to supply her with free birth control.
Guadalupe is too poor to travel to get her abortion...We need to pay an Abortionist to stay in her ghetto.

Please not wonder why good people HATE our insist that we do.

When the left sees the high rate of crime, poverty, single parenthood and low IQs in non-white populations they immediately start blaming whitey's systemic racism. Because they don't want to believe those trends could possibly be caused by anything else.

It's a religious thing.
All I ever hear from the Left is that the poor are our responsibility, we must pay for their mistakes and take better care of our poor. Do we ever hear the Left tell the poor to pull their heads from their asses and make better decisions?
ShaQuita is too poor to get an iD....We need to put a DMV in her driveway.
DaShawn is too poor to make it to the polls...We need to erect a voting booth in his living room.
DaNiqua is too poor to obtain contraception...We need to supply her with free birth control.
Guadalupe is too poor to travel to get her abortion...We need to pay an Abortionist to stay in her ghetto.

Please not wonder why good people HATE our insist that we do.

When the left sees the high rate of crime, poverty, single parenthood and low IQs in non-white populations they immediately start blaming whitey's systemic racism. Because they don't want to believe those trends could possibly be caused by anything else.

It's a religious thing.

So true...they definitely perpetuate the victim-hood ideology...that provides the Party Of Filth with a dependent base of voters. Mexicrats will never solve problems as that would be counterproductive for the Party.
The right wants to force woman to give birth to rape babies . Then you don’t want to pay for it?

Make up your mind .
The right wants to force woman to give birth to rape babies . Then you don’t want to pay for it?

Make up your mind .

Right wingers don't force people to have birth. That's *science*. You should look into it. The left obviously hates science, and wants to deny it.

The left wants to kill women and their babies, along with the disabled.

You are today's nazi death cultists.

Incidentally, abortion doesn't cure rape...except for the rapist.
You are taking away her rights over her own body. Basically raping her again .

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