Dems Busing in People for Obama Speech

If you want to see some EPIC FUCKING WHINING - have the RNC bus in some attendees..

Jesus Christ, they'd have an EPIC FUCKING ORGASM

Are you saying that zero Republicans decided to reduce their carbon footprint and rideshare? I wish you'd prove that. That would make an epic story.
I just want to see every American Citizen exercise their RIGHT to vote. You're a little bigot moron. Who goes to the DNC convention is up to those who choose to go. I wouldn't whine like a little girl if they chose to ride share.

There are several qualifications to vote that vary from state to state. Common ones include:

1. Being a citizen
2. Being a resident of state
3. Being 18
4. Not being a felon
5. Registering

So yeah, there are already restrictions on the privilege to vote.

It's funny though how having ID is such a big fucking deal to get in order to vote, but required in order to attend the convention.

The felon law varies from state to state. Other than that, it's still a right for American citizens to vote. You don't hear me bitching that Ron Paul got a shakedown at the airport. I've gotten my share. It pissed me off, but didn't think my constitutional rights were being violated.

It's a privilege to vote.

If Democrats had any integrity they'd admit the blatant hypocrisy here.

Democrats reject voter Ids because somehow it's supposedly more difficult for a Black guy to get an ID than some white trash guy living in a trailer.

So IDs are racist. They suppress things. Fine.

But at the gathering this week, IDs are required. So you are suppressing Black attendance.
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If you want to see some EPIC FUCKING WHINING - have the RNC bus in some attendees..

Jesus Christ, they'd have an EPIC FUCKING ORGASM

Are you saying that zero Republicans decided to reduce their carbon footprint and rideshare? I wish you'd prove that. That would make an epic story.

Bus delays plague Illinois delegation to Republican convention - Chicago Tribune

Bus delays keep Florida delegation out till 3 a.m. |

What's next; they are going to get upset that the Democrats used coal fired plants to power the convention hall?

Between chicken sandwiches, empty chairs, and buses, you've got to wonder what these losers will come up with next to be pissed about?
NewGOPers are whiney little bitches that are all butt hurt because their stupid little shindig in Tampon Bay was a flop. Now they are complaining about buses? Pathetic. They would be better off all praying for a hurricane to hit the Carolinas. :lol:
NewGOPers are whiney little bitches that are all butt hurt because their stupid little shindig in Tampon Bay was a flop. Now they are complaining about buses? Pathetic. They would be better off all praying for a hurricane to hit the Carolinas. :lol:

Remember the "One"'s fantastic re-election kick off event??

It was a disaster with half empty seats to see the empty suit.....

The convention will continue that trend. Nothing to worry about!! 43% is awesome!!!

Actually the explanation is that they WANT smaller crowds. See, it's easier to maintain security and less expensive that way.
Is there anything these guys say that isn't a lie?
What are the Obamabots gonna say about those record high Labor Day Gas Prices? The Dear Leader sure did fuck em on that one.
Sorry bout that,

What are the Obamabots gonna say about those record high Labor Day Gas Prices? The Dear Leader sure did fuck em on that one.

1. Yeah if he were smart he would of released the oil reserves a week before Isaac hit New Orleans.
2. But of course he isn't smart, he's an empty chair.:badgrin:

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His Greek Columns collapsed a long time ago. 'Hope & Change' has been a miserable failure. And nothing he says now can change that reality.
So, bussing people in is NOT a bad thing. OK, that was the point of your OP. Bravo. :eusa_clap:

I think you mean BUSING (you're driving me nuts with the double s), and no, it's not a bad thing in of itself, but they apparently feel they have to do it otherwise they won't fill the stadium. They didn't have that fear at a larger stadium in 2008, but this year they fell they must bus people in from out of state and give away free tickets at Atlanta bars. Things that make you go hmmmm.....

Really, this point has been made multiple times already and nobody will address it.

Except you have no evidence that people wouldn't have gone, if they weren't given the opportunity to lower their carbon footprint? That's a pretty stupid perspective.

True, but I wasn't the one concerned about people not going. The DNC was.
The only whiny posts I've seen in the thread are from you, and you're doing it endlessly. Can't you just make your points without whining about it?

I'm not the douche bag complaining about people ride sharing. Get a grip, moron.

Who complained about people ride sharing?

lol, bribing people with who knows what and offering them a bus ride is now called, RIDE sharing, don't you know...:lol:
Democrat-liberals don't seem to mind having the wool pulled over their eyes by their masters
Jesus man, put down the hooka for five minutes.... He's pointing out the glaring drop in exuberance over Obama over the last four years.

No doubt "exuberance" is down. However, we're comparing a convention in a state he won by 9 points to one being held in a state he won by 0.3 points in 2008.

I hate to point out the obvious here, Greenie but the population of North Carolina is almost double what the population of Colorado is. If he's having a hard time filling a stadium in a State with almost ten million people like North Carolina, I'm guessing he'd have an even harder time filling a stadium in a State with a population that is a little over five million. NOT a good sign for the President.

Plus, Charlotte is right on the state line, so you also have the population of South Carolina to throw in the mix, which is about right on par with Colorado, by itself.
In 2008, Obama easily filled an 84.000 stadium in Denver to give his acceptance speech. Today, it sounds like they are hard pressed to fill a smaller one and are having to bus people in from throughout North and South Carolina. Quite telling.

Dems bring in crowds by the busload to fill stadium for Obama speech | Fox News

You're whining about churches and school associations ride sharing? Pathetic.

You're lying about Obama's ability to "pack 'em in" these days? Predictable...

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