Demos Turning On Their Own?


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2015
All of them do it and then republicans do it to each other.....Then when the field is down to one candidate from each party they attack each other...Is this your first campaign season?
All of them do it and then republicans do it to each other.....Then when the field is down to one candidate from each party they attack each other...Is this your first campaign season?
Let the Starbucks guy run independent then.
I'm trying to figure out why the Starbucks' guy calls himself a dem. I think AOC is a bit nutty to say the least. But does anyone who might be inclined to vote blue even it they identify as a indep really dispute federal income tax rates should be more progressive, or that preexisting conditions have to be covered, or that Citizen United needs to be neutered at least in terms of making donors disclose their names, or that net neutrality is good regulation, and that it's not a bad idea to have less pollution, and that federal law should prohibit red states closing polls to poor people ......

If someone wants to say they'll roll back gop tax cuts for the 1% and put it into Obamacare subsidies before they jump in on Medicare for all that shouldn't be a deal breaker for the dems
Why would the Libs boycott Starbucks over this? Mr. Schultz quit his CEO gig there.

Not that I give a shit if the racist Starbucks chain is boycotted, they got nailed last year for refusing African Americans who aren't paying customers the use of their rest rooms. That's something that Jimmy Carter's old pal Lester Maddox would have done back in the day.

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