Is There A Democrat Who Isn't Running For POTUS???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

So far every one of these Democrats has announced they are either running or exploring their options.

Not one of them is working for the American people. They're all just running for president. So everything they say isn't's just campaigning.

The Never-Ending List of Crazy Democratic Presidential Candidates - America First with Sebastian Gorka

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has announced that she will be officially running to become the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee in 2020. To say that the Democratic field has become oversaturated with candidates is an understatement. At present, there are 11 Democrats who have officially announced their intentions to run for the White House. But, behind those confirmed candidates is an eclectic host of Democrats–and one independent, former Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz–who are all vying to be the kind (or queen) of an increasingly radical political hill.

As time progresses, the winnowing out process will begin. Unfortunately, with presidential campaigns starting earlier and earlier, the American people will be inundated with an increasing array of radical and, frankly, fantastical ideas posited by the Democrats, all in an effort to appeal to the most fringe elements of the increasingly-radical Democratic Party. Each one of these candidates have proven themselves to be hypocritical–in many cases backpedaling on previously reasonable policy positions, such as support for a border wall. To prove that the 2020 Democratic Party’s presidential primary will be nothing more than the theater of the absurd, several confirmed candidates have had to march before the TV cameras, to engage in a litany of apologies for their previous, somewhat-reasonable, stances on issues ranging from gay marriage to immigration.

In order to be in the good graces of both the party leadership and most of the Democratic Party’s Leftist base, like the Communists of old, the candidates seeking high office must pass an ideological purity test. If they are found wanting–such as Howard Schultz, who was so frightened by the radicalism of the Left that he chose to forego the primary process entirely and contemplate running as an independent–they will be castigated as ideological deviants threatening the hive-like integrity of the all-important party, and cast aside before even being allowed to reach out to voters.

For example, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), has had to beg for forgiveness for her previous support of the Clintons. She had positioned herself as the rising star of the “Me Too” movement but now cannot have former President Bill Clinton’s past history of philandering interrupt her rise. Additionally, she accepted sizable campaign donations from the noted, serial sexual predator, Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein for years. And, she previously supported sensible border controls! Now, however, she is attempting to airbrush her history in order to sanitize her past associations with the Clintons, and is calling to abolish the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) bureau, so as to look “extra” hard-Left.

Another prime example is Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). After having benefited for years by claiming Native American heritage in order to gain a prestigious teaching position at Harvard University, it was recently revealed that she also lied on her Texas Bar application in the 1980s by–yet again–claiming Native American ancestry. She has none. And, Warren has gone to great effort to hide the fact that she was a staunch Republican for most of her adult life. Now, instead, she parrots the correct political line about respecting LGBTQ issues, abortion (infanticide), and unfettered taxation upon “the rich.”
Not a clue between the lot of them. If Trump beat 17 of the "best" Republicans the GOP had to offer, this is going to be a massacre.
I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for the president of the United States Of America.

If elected, everybody will receive a Rolls Royce, a condominium in the Hamptons, a flying jet pack, three race horses, a supermodel of one's choice and a lifetime membership in hair club for entities (formerly hair club for men).
I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for the president of the United States Of America.

If elected, everybody will receive a Rolls Royce, a condominium in the Hamptons, a flying jet pack, three race horses, a supermodel of one's choice and a lifetime membership in hair club for entities (formerly hair club for men).
Please tell us about your foreign policies.

So far every one of these Democrats has announced they are either running or exploring their options.

Not one of them is working for the American people. They're all just running for president. So everything they say isn't's just campaigning.

The Never-Ending List of Crazy Democratic Presidential Candidates - America First with Sebastian Gorka

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has announced that she will be officially running to become the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee in 2020. To say that the Democratic field has become oversaturated with candidates is an understatement. At present, there are 11 Democrats who have officially announced their intentions to run for the White House. But, behind those confirmed candidates is an eclectic host of Democrats–and one independent, former Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz–who are all vying to be the kind (or queen) of an increasingly radical political hill.

As time progresses, the winnowing out process will begin. Unfortunately, with presidential campaigns starting earlier and earlier, the American people will be inundated with an increasing array of radical and, frankly, fantastical ideas posited by the Democrats, all in an effort to appeal to the most fringe elements of the increasingly-radical Democratic Party. Each one of these candidates have proven themselves to be hypocritical–in many cases backpedaling on previously reasonable policy positions, such as support for a border wall. To prove that the 2020 Democratic Party’s presidential primary will be nothing more than the theater of the absurd, several confirmed candidates have had to march before the TV cameras, to engage in a litany of apologies for their previous, somewhat-reasonable, stances on issues ranging from gay marriage to immigration.

In order to be in the good graces of both the party leadership and most of the Democratic Party’s Leftist base, like the Communists of old, the candidates seeking high office must pass an ideological purity test. If they are found wanting–such as Howard Schultz, who was so frightened by the radicalism of the Left that he chose to forego the primary process entirely and contemplate running as an independent–they will be castigated as ideological deviants threatening the hive-like integrity of the all-important party, and cast aside before even being allowed to reach out to voters.

For example, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), has had to beg for forgiveness for her previous support of the Clintons. She had positioned herself as the rising star of the “Me Too” movement but now cannot have former President Bill Clinton’s past history of philandering interrupt her rise. Additionally, she accepted sizable campaign donations from the noted, serial sexual predator, Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein for years. And, she previously supported sensible border controls! Now, however, she is attempting to airbrush her history in order to sanitize her past associations with the Clintons, and is calling to abolish the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) bureau, so as to look “extra” hard-Left.

Another prime example is Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). After having benefited for years by claiming Native American heritage in order to gain a prestigious teaching position at Harvard University, it was recently revealed that she also lied on her Texas Bar application in the 1980s by–yet again–claiming Native American ancestry. She has none. And, Warren has gone to great effort to hide the fact that she was a staunch Republican for most of her adult life. Now, instead, she parrots the correct political line about respecting LGBTQ issues, abortion (infanticide), and unfettered taxation upon “the rich.”

Most of those people I would not permit on my property, must less vote for them. The few others that I don't know - neither would they be permitted on the property.

Each will try to out-Left the others in the debates, and point out each other's foibles and wackiness along the way to try to gain an edge. It will be the best freakshow ever.
I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for the president of the United States Of America.

If elected, everybody will receive a Rolls Royce, a condominium in the Hamptons, a flying jet pack, three race horses, a supermodel of one's choice and a lifetime membership in hair club for entities (formerly hair club for men).
Please tell us about your foreign policies.
In conjunction with my open borders policy, i plan on extending invitations to Isis, Hamas, Hezbollah and the leaders of various drug cartels asking them to move to the United States.

To show that i am tough on foreign policy matters, however, they will only receive a lexus instead of a Rolls.
I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for the president of the United States Of America.

If elected, everybody will receive a Rolls Royce, a condominium in the Hamptons, a flying jet pack, three race horses, a supermodel of one's choice and a lifetime membership in hair club for entities (formerly hair club for men).
Please tell us about your foreign policies.
In conjunction with my open borders policy, i plan on extending invitations to Isis, Hamas, Hezbollah and the leaders of various drug cartels asking them to move to the United States.

To show that i am tough on foreign policy matters, however, they will only receive a lexus instead of a Rolls.
So, a Lexus only. That´s really tough. A real hardliner!
The Democrats have an embarrassment of riches in the running. That's a good thing. And it scares the Trumpflakes. Almost all of the candidates could whip Trump easily.

Who couldn't beat Trump? Boring old Biden, and crazy very old Bernie. And billionaire Schultz, who should be running as a Republican. If Schultz runs as an indie, he'll mainly siphon away Republican votes.

And no, Clinton isn't running, and only the CDS crowd thinks she is.
Democratics simply have no one to go up against Trump. Not only that but their messages of hatred for Trump, Draconian taxation, ‘green’ agenda (where they want to take away everything from meat to airplanes) is a straight-up loser.
I'm not sure Bernie will get the nomination. New York Jewish, Bolsheviks (Communists) don't play well elsewhere. Especially at his age.

So far every one of these Democrats has announced they are either running or exploring their options.

Not one of them is working for the American people. They're all just running for president. So everything they say isn't's just campaigning.

The Never-Ending List of Crazy Democratic Presidential Candidates - America First with Sebastian Gorka

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has announced that she will be officially running to become the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee in 2020. To say that the Democratic field has become oversaturated with candidates is an understatement. At present, there are 11 Democrats who have officially announced their intentions to run for the White House. But, behind those confirmed candidates is an eclectic host of Democrats–and one independent, former Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz–who are all vying to be the kind (or queen) of an increasingly radical political hill.

As time progresses, the winnowing out process will begin. Unfortunately, with presidential campaigns starting earlier and earlier, the American people will be inundated with an increasing array of radical and, frankly, fantastical ideas posited by the Democrats, all in an effort to appeal to the most fringe elements of the increasingly-radical Democratic Party. Each one of these candidates have proven themselves to be hypocritical–in many cases backpedaling on previously reasonable policy positions, such as support for a border wall. To prove that the 2020 Democratic Party’s presidential primary will be nothing more than the theater of the absurd, several confirmed candidates have had to march before the TV cameras, to engage in a litany of apologies for their previous, somewhat-reasonable, stances on issues ranging from gay marriage to immigration.

In order to be in the good graces of both the party leadership and most of the Democratic Party’s Leftist base, like the Communists of old, the candidates seeking high office must pass an ideological purity test. If they are found wanting–such as Howard Schultz, who was so frightened by the radicalism of the Left that he chose to forego the primary process entirely and contemplate running as an independent–they will be castigated as ideological deviants threatening the hive-like integrity of the all-important party, and cast aside before even being allowed to reach out to voters.

For example, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), has had to beg for forgiveness for her previous support of the Clintons. She had positioned herself as the rising star of the “Me Too” movement but now cannot have former President Bill Clinton’s past history of philandering interrupt her rise. Additionally, she accepted sizable campaign donations from the noted, serial sexual predator, Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein for years. And, she previously supported sensible border controls! Now, however, she is attempting to airbrush her history in order to sanitize her past associations with the Clintons, and is calling to abolish the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) bureau, so as to look “extra” hard-Left.

Another prime example is Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). After having benefited for years by claiming Native American heritage in order to gain a prestigious teaching position at Harvard University, it was recently revealed that she also lied on her Texas Bar application in the 1980s by–yet again–claiming Native American ancestry. She has none. And, Warren has gone to great effort to hide the fact that she was a staunch Republican for most of her adult life. Now, instead, she parrots the correct political line about respecting LGBTQ issues, abortion (infanticide), and unfettered taxation upon “the rich.”

Yeah, my neighbor Bill isn’t. His wife said no!

Do you like how I trimmed my Bush?


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