Demographics- Obama's Real Best Friend


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Obama will win in November, not because of much that happens on the campaign, but because of Demographics. Demographics are destiny in politics, really.

The advent of our current two parties really starts with the election of 1860, when the new Republican Party nominated Abraham Lincoln, and established the demographic model. The GOP was dominant in the cities and the North, the Democrats in the rural areas and the South. As a result, the Republicans won all but four of the elections that occurred between 1860 and 1928. The ones the Democrats won (1884, 1892, 1912 and 1916) they barely won by the skin of their teeth. The 13 the GOP won, they often won decisively, with few exceptions like 1876 and 1888.

The shift came with the Great Depression, and lots of urban folks re-identifying with the Democrats, who got right with the common man. Between 1932 and 1964, Republicans won only two elections. (1952 and 1956). IN that case, they won with a War Hero who pretty much conceded the Democrats were right on economic issues. They won the other 7 elections, often by lanslides.

The next shift came in 1968, when the White Middle Class saw their kids all turn into hippies, and shifted to the REpublicans. Once again, Republicans were dominant. They won 5 of the six elections between 1968 and 1988, usually by landslides. The Democrats had lost middle America by becoming the party of easy morals and weak defense. The only one they won was in 1976 (barely) and that was when an unelected incumbant pardoned the last guy who resigned in disgrace.

The last shift was in 1992. Ross Perot peeled off a large chunk of the middle class and they never really came back to the GOP. Minorities became a larger chunck of the electorate, making the GOP uncompetitive in certain states. In that time period, Democrats outright won three elections (1992, 1996 and 2008), and won the popular vote in a fourth. (2000) The only reason the GOP won the 2004 election was because the courts gave them a mulligan in 2000, there was a war going on (we never change presidents in the middle of a war) and even then, Bush only beat a weak John Kerry by 51-49.

The GOP has an uphill climb because it really has to change the Demographics. It has to convince working folks that they are not the party of the guy who lays you off, they have to win over minorities. (Keep in mind, McCain won the white vote in 2008, it was minorities that put Obama over the top.)

Romney is not the guy to do this.
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And what Demographic has Romney been winning solidly since the Primary started? Why, those making OVER 100K...he has that demographic locked down.

Being one of those, in the very bottom, I might add, he really doesn't have those locked down, either. Most of us on the high end of middle class earning know which side our bread is buttered on. And Romney is not on that side.
And what Demographic has Romney been winning solidly since the Primary started? Why, those making OVER 100K...he has that demographic locked down.

Being one of those, in the very bottom, I might add, he really doesn't have those locked down, either. Most of us on the high end of middle class earning know which side our bread is buttered on. And Romney is not on that side.

I think Romney's problem is a little bigger than that.

Most of the folks voting for Santorum and Gingrich right now will probably fall in line behind Romney.

BUt Romney has to win over the folks who voted for Obama last time- or at least some of them.

The GOP Establishment has insisted up and down the reason Republicans should vote for Romney despite the fact they don't trust him (for good reasons) was that he was "electable" (Despite losing more elections than he's ever won) and he's appealling to Independents (although in these primaries, turnout is actually DOWN from 2008).

The GOP needs to change the tone, and that they aren't accomplishing by a longshot.
And what Demographic has Romney been winning solidly since the Primary started? Why, those making OVER 100K...he has that demographic locked down.

Being one of those, in the very bottom, I might add, he really doesn't have those locked down, either. Most of us on the high end of middle class earning know which side our bread is buttered on. And Romney is not on that side.

Hollywood liberal. :tongue:
And what Demographic has Romney been winning solidly since the Primary started? Why, those making OVER 100K...he has that demographic locked down.

Being one of those, in the very bottom, I might add, he really doesn't have those locked down, either. Most of us on the high end of middle class earning know which side our bread is buttered on. And Romney is not on that side.

I think Romney's problem is a little bigger than that.

Most of the folks voting for Santorum and Gingrich right now will probably fall in line behind Romney.

BUt Romney has to win over the folks who voted for Obama last time- or at least some of them.

The GOP Establishment has insisted up and down the reason Republicans should vote for Romney despite the fact they don't trust him (for good reasons) was that he was "electable" (Despite losing more elections than he's ever won) and he's appealling to Independents (although in these primaries, turnout is actually DOWN from 2008).

The GOP needs to change the tone, and that they aren't accomplishing by a longshot.

The GOP needs to Santorum and Gingrich to step aside and let Romney focus on Obama.
Sorry guys but if you think that Barry has your back if you're in the Middle Class in this country then you're deluding yourself. Who do you think higher prices on gasoline and electricity is going to effect more...the so called 1%'ers or you? Our current President has been candid (until recently anyways) about his belief that $6 a gallon gasoline and higher prices on energy through Cap & Trade legislation is the way to force the US to adopt green energy alternatives to fossil fuels. Do you have any idea what his policies would do to the cost of living in this country if he got what he wanted? Everything would cost more because it all has to be produced using energy and transported using fuel. At the same time Barry's got the Fed printing dollars to pay for his deficits making the money you DO have in your pocket worth less and less.

You REALLY think Barack Obama is your buddy? I think you're in for a rude awakening if he gets a second term.
The GOP needs to Santorum and Gingrich to step aside and let Romney focus on Obama.

Your premise is that all that needs to happen is for "NotRomney" #5 and #6 need to get out of the way and people will start loving Romney.

Romney is the problem. People don't like him. Not even Republicans. And if Republicans can't work up any love for this guy, don't expect anyone else to.

Unfortunately, you all are kind of stuck with him, and it's your own damned fault.
Sorry guys but if you think that Barry has your back if you're in the Middle Class in this country then you're deluding yourself. Who do you think higher prices on gasoline and electricity is going to effect more...the so called 1%'ers or you? Our current President has been candid (until recently anyways) about his belief that $6 a gallon gasoline and higher prices on energy through Cap & Trade legislation is the way to force the US to adopt green energy alternatives to fossil fuels. Do you have any idea what his policies would do to the cost of living in this country if he got what he wanted? Everything would cost more because it all has to be produced using energy and transported using fuel. At the same time Barry's got the Fed printing dollars to pay for his deficits making the money you DO have in your pocket worth less and less.

You REALLY think Barack Obama is your buddy? I think you're in for a rude awakening if he gets a second term.

Do I think he's our buddy? NO.

Do I think he gets our problems better than Romney does? Absolutely. He's been there.

The High gas prices have nothing to do with Obama. They have to do with the fact the Zionists and Iranians are saber-rattling and Japan has shut down all their nuclear plants are importing record amounts of petroleum to make up the difference.

Long term, Obama's correct. We need to get off our addiction to petroleum, and there are a lot of technologies out there we could be exploiting if we chose to develop them.

Imagine an America that is an energy exporter instead of an energy importer...
With republican presidential candidates claiming the ability of everyone to speak English as a prerequisite to statehood, the GOP is off to a great start addressing the issue of changing demographics.

True that.

The GOP is doing nothing, saying nothing, to attract minorities or the working poor.


Well, we don't have organizations in place to produce fake issues that minorities can relate to based on bigotry, racism, or emotion.

We don't have any Al Sharptons or Jessie Jacksons going around the country producing Tawana Brawleys and Trayvon Martin marches.

I guess we have something they don't have.....a conscience.

What are the best ways to appeal to hispanics, to blacks....two of the largest ethnic groups?

The best way to appeal to Hispanics is by backing illegal immigration.

The best way to appeal to blacks is by electing blacks to office, but the problem is the left trashes every one of them that decides to run. Accuses them of sexual-harassment, being an Uncle Tom, and called them every name in the book. If they dare to conform and become fine upstanding citizens instead of being a race-baitor like Al Sharpton, they catch hell.
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True that.

The GOP is doing nothing, saying nothing, to attract minorities or the working poor.


Well, we don't have organizations in place to produce fake issues that minorities can relate to based on bigotry, racism, or emotion.

We don't have any Al Sharptons or Jessie Jacksons going around the country producing Tawana Brawleys and Trayvon Martin marches.

I guess we have something they don't have.....a conscience.

No, you have organizations for that all right. BUt usualy they are for either 1) Promoting the interests of the wealthy over working folks or 2) Keeping the working folks at each others throats- i.e. the TEA Party, the Moral Majority, etc.

The thing is, the issues that minorities are affected by are the same ones that effect white folks in teh working class.

It's the old joke- A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and a Union guy go into a resturant, and the waiter brings out 10 cookies. The Koch brother gobbles down nine and says to the Teabagger, "Hey, that guy wants your cookie!"

True that.

The GOP is doing nothing, saying nothing, to attract minorities or the working poor.


Well, we don't have organizations in place to produce fake issues that minorities can relate to based on bigotry, racism, or emotion.

We don't have any Al Sharptons or Jessie Jacksons going around the country producing Tawana Brawleys and Trayvon Martin marches.

I guess we have something they don't have.....a conscience.

No, you have organizations for that all right. BUt usualy they are for either 1) Promoting the interests of the wealthy over working folks or 2) Keeping the working folks at each others throats- i.e. the TEA Party, the Moral Majority, etc.

The thing is, the issues that minorities are affected by are the same ones that effect white folks in teh working class.

It's the old joke- A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and a Union guy go into a resturant, and the waiter brings out 10 cookies. The Koch brother gobbles down nine and says to the Teabagger, "Hey, that guy wants your cookie!"

Sorry, dip-shit.

If you had half a brain you'd know that the Tea Party is not a race based organization. It's open to everyone.
And what Demographic has Romney been winning solidly since the Primary started? Why, those making OVER 100K...he has that demographic locked down.

Being one of those, in the very bottom, I might add, he really doesn't have those locked down, either. Most of us on the high end of middle class earning know which side our bread is buttered on. And Romney is not on that side.

I think Romney's problem is a little bigger than that.

Most of the folks voting for Santorum and Gingrich right now will probably fall in line behind Romney.

BUt Romney has to win over the folks who voted for Obama last time- or at least some of them.

The GOP Establishment has insisted up and down the reason Republicans should vote for Romney despite the fact they don't trust him (for good reasons) was that he was "electable" (Despite losing more elections than he's ever won) and he's appealling to Independents (although in these primaries, turnout is actually DOWN from 2008).

The GOP needs to change the tone, and that they aren't accomplishing by a longshot.

Romney was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 and lost to Kennedy in a race for the Senate in 1994. That is 1 win, 1 loss.

True that.

The GOP is doing nothing, saying nothing, to attract minorities or the working poor.


Well, we don't have organizations in place to produce fake issues that minorities can relate to based on bigotry, racism, or emotion.

We don't have any Al Sharptons or Jessie Jacksons going around the country producing Tawana Brawleys and Trayvon Martin marches.

I guess we have something they don't have.....a conscience.

What are the best ways to appeal to hispanics, to blacks....two of the largest ethnic groups?

The best way to appeal to Hispanics is by backing illegal immigration.

The best way to appeal to blacks is by electing blacks to office, but the problem is the left trashes every one of them that decides to run. Accuses them of sexual-harassment, being an Uncle Tom, and called them every name in the book. If they dare to conform and become fine upstanding citizens instead of being a race-baitor like Al Sharpton, they catch hell.

Okay, so the GOP has given up. Fair enough, but the party can't complain when the demographics ultimately (and inevitably) work against them.

Well, we don't have organizations in place to produce fake issues that minorities can relate to based on bigotry, racism, or emotion.

We don't have any Al Sharptons or Jessie Jacksons going around the country producing Tawana Brawleys and Trayvon Martin marches.

I guess we have something they don't have.....a conscience.

No, you have organizations for that all right. BUt usualy they are for either 1) Promoting the interests of the wealthy over working folks or 2) Keeping the working folks at each others throats- i.e. the TEA Party, the Moral Majority, etc.

The thing is, the issues that minorities are affected by are the same ones that effect white folks in teh working class.

It's the old joke- A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and a Union guy go into a resturant, and the waiter brings out 10 cookies. The Koch brother gobbles down nine and says to the Teabagger, "Hey, that guy wants your cookie!"

Sorry, dip-shit.

If you had half a brain you'd know that the Tea Party is not a race based organization. It's open to everyone.

Didn't say it was, but reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

No, not even the GOP is trying to play the race card anymore. They used to. Now they are playing the resentment card. That Government worker got to keep his pension and health care! How dare he!

Instead of demanding that, hey, private sector workers should get pensions and health care, too.
The next election will turn on, not how much people like Romney, but how much they dislike obama. How much real pain will people be in when election day comes? That is what this election will turn on, Democrats will come up with phonied up charts and graphs telling people how wondeful it all is, and those people will still be in misery over obama's policies. obama's practice of continually blaming someone or something else has already started to falter. It is already not working. He can't stop because he has blamed others for his shortcomings his whole life.

obama has already alienated entire demographic groups. Very large demographic groups. The groups he used last time to win. He might believe that women are convinced that he is their champion because he wants to hand out free birth control. That will prove to be a very grave mistake. Women aren't nearly as stupid or as easily led as he thinks they are. Women are still family breadwinners and are suffering under his policies. obama's solution to the energy crisis that he caused is to tell people all will be solved if they just buy one of his approved cars. We need to use less oil to achieve a fair distribution of oil around the world. Women are used to having their reproductive process used against them. They aren't fools. They see it now. Trade the entirety of your ability to provide for yourself and your family for free birth control. That's not a bargain that most women will take. The women who will aren't providing for anyone now.

obama has blamed events for his failures for the whole of his term. He is at the mercy of events that leave him helpless now. He is encouraging and sympathizing with discontent in the nation leading them to violence, not leading the people to peace. He is mishandling international crisis to the point of no return. He has lost the respect of nations throughout the world. He is mocked and ridiculed even in nations formerly friendly.

CAN obama win an election in the country he is transforming? Or, will his vision actually end his poliical career?
Being one of those, in the very bottom, I might add, he really doesn't have those locked down, either. Most of us on the high end of middle class earning know which side our bread is buttered on. And Romney is not on that side.

I think Romney's problem is a little bigger than that.

Most of the folks voting for Santorum and Gingrich right now will probably fall in line behind Romney.

BUt Romney has to win over the folks who voted for Obama last time- or at least some of them.

The GOP Establishment has insisted up and down the reason Republicans should vote for Romney despite the fact they don't trust him (for good reasons) was that he was "electable" (Despite losing more elections than he's ever won) and he's appealling to Independents (although in these primaries, turnout is actually DOWN from 2008).

The GOP needs to change the tone, and that they aren't accomplishing by a longshot.

Romney was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 and lost to Kennedy in a race for the Senate in 1994. That is 1 win, 1 loss.

He also avoided running in 2006 when polls showed him trailing Devall Patrick by double digits and he lost to John McCain in 2008. So that's 1 win, three losses.

Soon to be one win, FOUR losses when Obama ties his magic underpants into an atomic wedgie over his head.

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