Democrats: We Don’t Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted...Please explain this idiocy

I'm not a democrat, but I would have to have a look at the indictment before making a judgement. indictment does not mean guilt.

Everything I have read and heard about this email business informs me that Hillary broke no laws. She probably broke some State Department rules....and criticism of her actions is warranted.

She is more qualified and capable than Donald Trump. So, she will get my vote unless more damning chargers and evidence are brought forward.

Yes she's much more qualified than trump.

The man has never held public office in his life yet he thinks he's capable of being president.

All he's done all his life is lie, cheat and legally steal from people. He's a CEO of a company which means he's a dictator. Private companies aren't democracies or republics. They're a fascist state with a few at the top and everyone below has not say. trump has been a dictator all his life so it's not surprising to me to see him believe that the presidency isn't a leadership position. To him, it's a dictator position and it shows by his statements. He believes he can just order people around and they'll do it. It doesn't work that way in American government. Government isn't private business and never should be treated that way.

As for Hillary being indicted? LOL. Please.

The republicans were saying that most of the 90s. How did that work out for them? She wasn't indicted for anything, in fact she was cleared of all accusations and never charged. Then she went on to become a 2 term senator and the Secretary of State.

These statements from the republicans are nothing but desperate people who have no grasp of reality.

She'll be indicted the same way she was indicted in the 90s.

Conservatives are delusional.

George Washington never help public office and was President............. So go figure, and don't waste your time typing 3 million words next time, as no one will ever read them all.

George Washington helped establish and then went on to lead an army that kicked the butt of the largest and best military at the time. Which the conservatives of that time fought against George Washington. They supported king george and helped kill many Americans who were only fighting for their freedom. Those who the conservatives didn't kill they persecuted which is one of the reasons for several of the amendments in the Bill of Rights.

When did trump help establish and then lead any army? Much less lead that army to victory?

George Washington had his flaws but he wasn't a dictator. He fought to gain our freedom from a dictator king.

I'm not surprised you don't know the difference.
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Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?
How's that indictment coming along?
She will be indicted, it is taking forever because the newest revelations revealed are that the Kremlin has hillaries emails as well. This is a disaster for the NSA who should have known that this was happening and put a stop to it in some way. The FBI quite frankly is not in charge of this investigation as National Security may have been compromised and the FBI can easily be told to quash the entire thing rather than expose how seriously flawed USA security was and perhaps is still as Obama is still allowing nonsense like this and or trying to cover it up. This is the worst breach of U.S. National Security ever as everything that we were doing at the Dept of State was open on a bathroom hid server. See all Hillary really cared about was that the server could not be found and confiscated before she could wipe it, and that is exactly what she achieved.
We've been told she would be indicted in March.....then April...then
True, but none of these reports were from the FBI, and now the FBI has to wait for the Kremlins next move as we now know that Guccifer hacked her server and that he was being targeted by the KGB. So now the CIA and NSA are involved as well. Again the best thing here might to be to hide the entire thing as is often the situation in espionage cases. That is not possible because of the freedom of information act however.

Do you really believe that you could do what Hillary did and not be arrested?
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?
How's that indictment coming along?
She will be indicted, it is taking forever because the newest revelations revealed are that the Kremlin has hillaries emails as well. This is a disaster for the NSA who should have known that this was happening and put a stop to it in some way. The FBI quite frankly is not in charge of this investigation as National Security may have been compromised and the FBI can easily be told to quash the entire thing rather than expose how seriously flawed USA security was and perhaps is still as Obama is still allowing nonsense like this and or trying to cover it up. This is the worst breach of U.S. National Security ever as everything that we were doing at the Dept of State was open on a bathroom hid server. See all Hillary really cared about was that the server could not be found and confiscated before she could wipe it, and that is exactly what she achieved.
We've been told she would be indicted in March.....then April...then

The same thing happened in the 90s. Every day they were screaming that both Bill and Hillary would be indicted.

Neither of them were indicted. Bill left office with higher approval ratings than reagan and has sustained those ratings for a decade and a half.

Hillary went on to become a 2 term senator then Secretary of State.

These people have no grasp of reality. They make up lies and when the truth comes out, they deny they lied or even spoke about the subject.
I'm not a democrat, but I would have to have a look at the indictment before making a judgement. indictment does not mean guilt.

Everything I have read and heard about this email business informs me that Hillary broke no laws. She probably broke some State Department rules....and criticism of her actions is warranted.

She is more qualified and capable than Donald Trump. So, she will get my vote unless more damning chargers and evidence are brought forward.

Broke no laws, really? At the very minimum she broke federal records keeping, and FOIA laws.
Democrats: We Don't Care If Hillary Clinton Is Indicted - Breitbart

So if you do not care if Hillary is indicted and belongs in prison, would you care if Hillary picked Edward Snowden for her VP? What if Hillary picked Bernie Madoff for her VP even though he is in prison, I mean Hillary could pardon him if she got elected. Do Democrats have any morals?
How's that indictment coming along?
She will be indicted, it is taking forever because the newest revelations revealed are that the Kremlin has hillaries emails as well. This is a disaster for the NSA who should have known that this was happening and put a stop to it in some way. The FBI quite frankly is not in charge of this investigation as National Security may have been compromised and the FBI can easily be told to quash the entire thing rather than expose how seriously flawed USA security was and perhaps is still as Obama is still allowing nonsense like this and or trying to cover it up. This is the worst breach of U.S. National Security ever as everything that we were doing at the Dept of State was open on a bathroom hid server. See all Hillary really cared about was that the server could not be found and confiscated before she could wipe it, and that is exactly what she achieved.
We've been told she would be indicted in March.....then April...then

The same thing happened in the 90s. Every day they were screaming that both Bill and Hillary would be indicted.

Neither of them were indicted. Bill left office with higher approval ratings than reagan and has sustained those ratings for a decade and a half.

Hillary went on to become a 2 term senator then Secretary of State.

These people have no grasp of reality. They make up lies and when the truth comes out, they deny they lied or even spoke about the subject.

So the doofus in clown makeup concludes.

I'm not a democrat, but I would have to have a look at the indictment before making a judgement. indictment does not mean guilt.

Everything I have read and heard about this email business informs me that Hillary broke no laws. She probably broke some State Department rules....and criticism of her actions is warranted.

She is more qualified and capable than Donald Trump. So, she will get my vote unless more damning chargers and evidence are brought forward.

Yes she's much more qualified than trump.

The man has never held public office in his life yet he thinks he's capable of being president.

All he's done all his life is lie, cheat and legally steal from people. He's a CEO of a company which means he's a dictator. Private companies aren't democracies or republics. They're a fascist state with a few at the top and everyone below has not say. trump has been a dictator all his life so it's not surprising to me to see him believe that the presidency isn't a leadership position. To him, it's a dictator position and it shows by his statements. He believes he can just order people around and they'll do it. It doesn't work that way in American government. Government isn't private business and never should be treated that way.

As for Hillary being indicted? LOL. Please.

The republicans were saying that most of the 90s. How did that work out for them? She wasn't indicted for anything, in fact she was cleared of all accusations and never charged. Then she went on to become a 2 term senator and the Secretary of State.

These statements from the republicans are nothing but desperate people who have no grasp of reality.

She'll be indicted the same way she was indicted in the 90s.

Conservatives are delusional.

George Washington never help public office and was President............. So go figure, and don't waste your time typing 3 million words next time, as no one will ever read them all.
Exactly. If a post is longer than a paragraph I skip past it.
Which means that two thirds do believe that she should quit before her arrest.

Should Trump quit based on his Trump University (sic) scam????

If Trump University was a scam, then what is this as advertised on National TV ? Flex Seal screen door bottom boats...... Really, u wanna buy one? Trump U was no scam, can the people who graduate Universities and can not get a job in the field they studied sue the school too?

Really, u wanna buy one? Trump U was no scam, can the people who graduate Universities and can not get a job in the field they studied sue the school too?


Exactly HOW anyone with even a half brain be able to label Trump U. a real university?
Trump participated and promoted an all out fraudulent scheme........and even he knows it.
Really, u wanna buy one? Trump U was no scam, can the people who graduate Universities and can not get a job in the field they studied sue the school too?


I did not say that Trump University had a Masters program. What I ask was, can people who graduate with Masters degrees from real Universities and can not get a job in the field that they studied, can sue the school because of their failure?

Hillary lied to the American People saying Benghazi was all due to youtube video produced in Los Angeles. That was not enough to keep Democrats making her their choice.
I did not say that Trump University had a Masters program. What I ask was, can people who graduate with Masters degrees from real Universities and can not get a job in the field that they studied, can sue the school because of their failure?


There actually have been lawsuits filed (and dismissed) against major state universities based on lack of related employment after graduation. The difference, HOWEVER, is that the Trump U. (sic) actually promised "success" based on Trump's himself hawking the "value" of his curricula....something that NO legitimate university would ever do.
I did not say that Trump University had a Masters program. What I ask was, can people who graduate with Masters degrees from real Universities and can not get a job in the field that they studied, can sue the school because of their failure?


There actually have been lawsuits filed (and dismissed) against major state universities based on lack of related employment after graduation. The difference, HOWEVER, is that the Trump U. (sic) actually promised "success" based on Trump's himself hawking the "value" of his curricula....something that NO legitimate university would ever do.
Then the Trump U lawsuit will be dismissed as well, as success is up to the individual and if the individuals are trying to get success by suing Trump they are not involved in real estate, and unless they do what was taught their failure is theirs not Trumps.
they are simply voting against trump. Unfortunately this election presents voters with the leading candidates as unstable and unlikable. If the GOP ran a decent candidate perhaps they would bring votes over.
Then the Trump U lawsuit will be dismissed as well, as success is up to the individual and if the individuals are trying to get success by suing Trump they are not involved in real estate, and unless they do what was taught their failure is theirs not Trumps.

Moronic response that does NOT address the salient point.....

Legitimate universities do NOT promise either success or employment.....
Some failed business schools and Trump U. instead DID make such promises....and THAT constitutes a scam.

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