Democrats Want to Impeach Trump...Toss Around Nixon. LBJ much Worse

Liberals want to keep talking about Trump and compare him to Nixon. Liberal Great Society welfare state Lyndon Johnson was by far much worse. Also, do I need to mention liberal icons Teddy Kennedy and Bill / Hillary Clinton?
Target Liberty: LBJ as a Murderer and "Functional Psychopath"

He is worst than Nixon. Bill and Hillary were viciously attacked by L. Ingraham, David Bosie, Andrew Breibart, Laura's I. brother (gay partner of Drudge) Drudge, and K. Connway and her husband in the mid 90's. And it has not stopped to this day.
Obama was just like a third world banana republic despot. "I got my pen and phone"
Obama illegally used the IRS, NSA, DOJ and FBI as political tools.
Obama tried to be the legislative branch and the executive branch.
He tried to destroy the vital separation of powers.
BTW left wingers are blind fanatics.
LBJ must answer these charges! Does anyone have an Ouija board?
If, and that's a big if, Trump and campaign coordinated with the Russian government to win the election, then Trump would be worse than all of them. Close to, if not, a traitor to this Nation.
When Trump goes down, it most likely will be something other than the Russian scandal. Mueller has so much to chase, and he will strike with the strongest case he can muster.
God knows, there's plenty for him to choose from!
If, and that's a big if, Trump and campaign coordinated with the Russian government to win the election, then Trump would be worse than all of them. Close to, if not, a traitor to this Nation.
I will go with that. But it never happened. Elements of the left cannot get over that the Washington D.C. insider candidate lost.
When Trump goes down, it most likely will be something other than the Russian scandal. Mueller has so much to chase, and he will strike with the strongest case he can muster.
God knows, there's plenty for him to choose from!
"When Trump goes down..." Lmfao! He will win re-election by a larger margin than 2016. You moron's just don't get it..
LBJ's "Great Society " generational welfare programs were birth of modern Democratic Party. It was not FDR.
Well Nixon resigned in disgrace and Reagan almost did to with Iran-Contra so Trump is just the next in line of most corrupt.
Reagan was a straight up guy. LBJ,Clinton's, Obama...please.

Reagan was not more of a 'straight up guy' than LBJ.

Arms for hostages
Sandinista government was Marxist menace. Needed to be crushed. Cold War. Ortega was Cuban puppet.

So Reagan broke the law and paid for the release of hostages in order to fund an illegal American operation in Nicaragua.

Yep- quite the 'straight up guy'.
LBJ's "Great Society " generational welfare programs were birth of modern Democratic Party. It was not FDR.

Actually FDR and LBJ were both responsible for the 'modern Democratic Party- both were responsible for the drift away and confrontations with the Dixiecrats that led to the modern Democratic party.

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