Pelosi: "Nobody Goes To Congress To Impeach The President"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This woman is so full of shit. She showed up on the Late Show and laid out a line of BS that was pretty thick. They drone on about how nobody is above the law (yes they are....Hillary and Obama are) and there must be consequences for some actions.....even though the actions that they're talking about never took place.....and their evidence is pure hearsay. They were hoping to use Mueller to begin this mess.....prayerfully.....and sadly.....but they have a schedule to keep.....and impeachment is on the agenda. Fuck the facts. Impeachment has been planned for their political campaign next year no matter what:

Pelosi Gets Hero’s Welcome on CBS Late Show, Thanks Colbert for His ‘Patriotism’

Pelosi Gets Hero’s Welcome on CBS Late Show, Thanks Colbert for His ‘Patriotism’


Rather than subject herself to an actual news interview, on Thursday, shortly after the vote in Congress to formally endorse an impeachment inquiry against President Trump, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went directly to liberal Late Show host Stephen Colbert to celebrate the radically partisan move. She was predictably treated to a hero’s welcome and even thanked Colbert for his supposed “patriotism.”

The CBS late night host offered this gushing introduction for Pelosi: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to say that my first guest is a congresswoman from California and the first woman elected Speaker of the House. Her latest project is impeaching the President of the United States. Please welcome Speaker Nancy Pelosi!”

After Pelosi walked out to raucous cheers and applause from the liberal audience, Colbert began their friendly chat by remarking: “Madam Speaker, thank you for being here today. I know you’ve had a busy one. This is truly an historic day. Thank you for making time to be on our silly show.”

The Democratic leader eagerly returned the gratitude by showering the comedian with similar adulation: “Well, It is a busy day. But I wanted to thank you for your patriotism...” As the crowd cheered again, Colbert replied: “Oh, thank you very much. Thank you.”

Despite the very unserious venue, Pelosi claimed: “This is a sad thing for our country. We do this prayerfully with great seriousness. Nobody goes to Congress to impeach a president.” Colbert excitedly wondered: “So the House voted today. Are we done? Is the President impeached?” Pelosi quipped: “No. No, but thank you for asking.”

Moments later, the Colbert explained:

And you have said before that this is a sad occasion, in a way, because you don’t want to have to take these – these steps. The reason why people do get happy, why you hear the applause sometimes, is because people want to know that actions have consequences. And there have been so few consequences for this president, when he’s admitting on the White House lawn the crimes that he has been willing to do in order to help himself.
Pelosi chimed in: “Well, I think what’s most important, the most important thing for the American people to realize and understand is no one is above the law.”
So we already know that what Nancy Pelosi is saying is pure BS because it's clear that Democrats don't believe in consequences, nor do they believe that nobody is above the law. They feel they shouldn't answer for their criminal activities and they feel that they're better than you or me. They feel they are above the law. That is what Impeaching the President means to them. It's a way to act innocent when they are, at this writing, the focus of an ongoing criminal investigation.

But Cobert didn't stop there.....comparing Trump to a murderer......

Colbert went on to compare the President’s alleged impeachable offenses to the scene of a brutal murder: “It seems like it’s an investigation truly in reverse, in that we found the guy with the bloody knife in his hand and the dead body, now the investigation is defined if enough people care.”
Pelosi is a thing of the past in the new, socialist-communist Democratic party. She's just like Hillary. That's why her arguments for impeachment sound so ridiculous. She doesn't even believe them herself. But her addiction to the power of the office of Speaker makes her bow to a lot of members wishes, crazy and totalitarian though they may be.
This woman is so full of shit. She showed up on the Late Show and laid out a line of BS that was pretty thick. They drone on about how nobody is above the law (yes they are....Hillary and Obama are) and there must be consequences for some actions.....even though the actions that they're talking about never took place.....and their evidence is pure hearsay. They were hoping to use Mueller to begin this mess.....prayerfully.....and sadly.....but they have a schedule to keep.....and impeachment is on the agenda. Fuck the facts. Impeachment has been planned for their political campaign next year no matter what:

Pelosi Gets Hero’s Welcome on CBS Late Show, Thanks Colbert for His ‘Patriotism’

Pelosi Gets Hero’s Welcome on CBS Late Show, Thanks Colbert for His ‘Patriotism’


Rather than subject herself to an actual news interview, on Thursday, shortly after the vote in Congress to formally endorse an impeachment inquiry against President Trump, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went directly to liberal Late Show host Stephen Colbert to celebrate the radically partisan move. She was predictably treated to a hero’s welcome and even thanked Colbert for his supposed “patriotism.”

The CBS late night host offered this gushing introduction for Pelosi: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to say that my first guest is a congresswoman from California and the first woman elected Speaker of the House. Her latest project is impeaching the President of the United States. Please welcome Speaker Nancy Pelosi!”

After Pelosi walked out to raucous cheers and applause from the liberal audience, Colbert began their friendly chat by remarking: “Madam Speaker, thank you for being here today. I know you’ve had a busy one. This is truly an historic day. Thank you for making time to be on our silly show.”

The Democratic leader eagerly returned the gratitude by showering the comedian with similar adulation: “Well, It is a busy day. But I wanted to thank you for your patriotism...” As the crowd cheered again, Colbert replied: “Oh, thank you very much. Thank you.”

Despite the very unserious venue, Pelosi claimed: “This is a sad thing for our country. We do this prayerfully with great seriousness. Nobody goes to Congress to impeach a president.” Colbert excitedly wondered: “So the House voted today. Are we done? Is the President impeached?” Pelosi quipped: “No. No, but thank you for asking.”

Moments later, the Colbert explained:

And you have said before that this is a sad occasion, in a way, because you don’t want to have to take these – these steps. The reason why people do get happy, why you hear the applause sometimes, is because people want to know that actions have consequences. And there have been so few consequences for this president, when he’s admitting on the White House lawn the crimes that he has been willing to do in order to help himself.
Pelosi chimed in: “Well, I think what’s most important, the most important thing for the American people to realize and understand is no one is above the law.”​
So we already know that what Nancy Pelosi is saying is pure BS because it's clear that Democrats don't believe in consequences, nor do they believe that nobody is above the law. They feel they shouldn't answer for their criminal activities and they feel that they're better than you or me. They feel they are above the law. That is what Impeaching the President means to them. It's a way to act innocent when they are, at this writing, the focus of an ongoing criminal investigation.

But Cobert didn't stop there.....comparing Trump to a murderer......

Colbert went on to compare the President’s alleged impeachable offenses to the scene of a brutal murder: “It seems like it’s an investigation truly in reverse, in that we found the guy with the bloody knife in his hand and the dead body, now the investigation is defined if enough people care.”

Let me fix what she said to accurately reflect what she believes...

No one goes to congress to impeach the President, but in order to take over the country and have power over the morons who live in it...we have to get rid of Trump. So, we will impeach him, and if that doesn't do the trick...we still have antifa, the CIA, the FBI and other government agencies ready to go to work to do the job.....

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