Democrats Unveil $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Seek Reversal Of GOP Tax Cuts To Pay For It


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
As the White House struggles to finance an ambitious infrastructure plan, Senate Democrats are proposing one alternative — albeit one unlikely to pass muster with President Trump: rolling back the recently passed Republican tax overhaul.

The proposal to be unveiled by Democratic leaders Wednesday would plow just over $1 trillion into a wide range of infrastructure needs, including $140 billion for roads and bridges, $115 billion for water and sewer infrastructure and $50 billion to rebuild schools.

The spending would be offset by clawing back two-thirds of the revenue lost in the Republican tax bill by reinstating a top income tax rate of 39.6 percent, restoring the individual alternative minimum tax, reversing cuts to the estate tax, and raising the corporate income tax from 21 percent to 25 percent.
It’s the price we pay for unneeded tax cuts
tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax
Try cutting shit you goddamn loons
We waste UNTOLD amounts of money. Do your fucking JOBS and cut the waste, you worthless cretins!
wait...they want to actually pay for something and not just kick the cost down the roads to our kids and grandkids?

Well, there is no way the GOP is going to allow that to happen
Some congressmen want to raise taxes to pay for shit they shouldnt even be handling.
Anybody else see the problem with this?
Probably not.
It is simply political theater considering the plan has very little chance of passing.
wait...they want to actually pay for something and not just kick the cost down the roads to our kids and grandkids?

Well, there is no way the GOP is going to allow that to happen

Nah, the dems do that at the State level.
tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax
Try cutting shit you goddamn loons
We waste UNTOLD amounts of money. Do your fucking JOBS and cut the waste, you worthless cretins!
Revenue, revenue, revenue

Can’t build infrastructure without it
We give like 140 countries foreign aid. Why cant we cut that shit?
The top recipients are countries that want to stone our slutty woman and throw our gays off rooftops.
50B a year? FFS
Damn, and I was just getting used to the good life that extra eight bucks a week brought me.

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