Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans

23 Jul 2020 ~~ John Leonard

Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.

For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.
It was the Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who made the racist film Birth of a Nation the first movie ever screened in the White House. It is a well-known fact the Republican Party was literally formed by abolitionists who were vehemently opposed to slavery. Many of the statues recently torn down by violent protestors, especially those of Confederate generals, represent Democrats who supported slavery. Yet even contemporary Democrats like Ralph “Blackface” Northam have their own issues with racism. Never forget that it allegedly was LBJ himself who said that he’d have “blacks” (though he used the “N” word) voting for Democrats for the next 200 years after leading the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. Bull Conner was a Democrat. Selma was an atrocity committed by Democrats. Let me remind you that LBJ was notorious for using similar language on a regular basis, even though Snopes has rated the LBJ claim as “unproven,” which means it’s almost certainly true. Even the self-proclaimed “fact checkers” have become experts at spinning bad behavior when done by Democrat politicians.
Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics. Democrats want people to be able to vote without a photo ID, even though you can’t walk into a government building without showing a security guard your photo ID. Democrats have started using COVID-19 as an excuse to promote a campaign to implement wide scale mail-in voting, ignoring all the problems involving missing ballots, easy voter fraud, and delayed vote results.

Democrats warned that Donald Trump would not accept the election results if he lost in 2016, and then promptly refused to accept losing to him for the next four years. Now they have begun bleating that Trump won’t accept losing in 2020. But does anyone believe the Democrats will accept losing in November? Remember Al Gore. They are claiming the election will be stolen by voter suppression and other Republican tactics to keep eligible voters from voting, while Republicans are worried about the number of dead people who might vote Democrat in November.
And of course, Democrats accused Republicans of colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, but it was actually Hillary Clinton’s campaign that hired Fusion GPS to work with a former intelligence agent once employed by a foreign government, who allegedly worked with Russian sources to create laughably false stories about Russian prostitutes and golden showers on a mattress upon which Obama once slept. Who on earth could even conceive of such an outlandish claim, and accuse the President of the United States of being a pervert?
Why, the same sort of person for whom that sort of vile behavior comes naturally, of course.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have no concept of earning an honest living, all the wealth they have garnered is from graft, bribes, insider trading, taking from the taxpayers and outright theft.
The projection the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are prsently pushing is the claim that Trump will not leave office when he loses. Yet, when Trump is re-elected they will make claims again that is is not truly elected. Seems Hillary for all her questioning of Trump in 2020 has not gotten over her being soundly beaten in 2016. Remember, they are planning to cheat big time. Everyone needs to be on alert.
We know they do this, the PMS/DSA Left even wrote it in to their rules for radicals.. Sitting around crying about it gets us nowhere. The question is what do we do about it? I am convinced that BLM , Antifa or some other Dem Leftist thug group is killing people in the streets and not being exposed in the news. All you have to do is see how the media is treating the increased killings in major Blue plantation cities. I do believe however there is enough outrage out there that if it was targeted properly it could move the needle for us.
In the end, everything PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists say is a confession disguised as an accusation.
The fact that Hillary and the DNC paid for "dirt" on Trump to Russians, called the "Steele Dossier" and then had the nerve to accuse Trump of "colluding with Russians" is outrageous. Then Mueller had the gall to say he never heard of FusionGPS or the Steele Dossier after 2-years of smears and $40m?? Says it all about the DC swamp and the democrats.
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Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans

23 Jul 2020 ~~ John Leonard

Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.

For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.
It was the Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who made the racist film Birth of a Nation the first movie ever screened in the White House. It is a well-known fact the Republican Party was literally formed by abolitionists who were vehemently opposed to slavery. Many of the statues recently torn down by violent protestors, especially those of Confederate generals, represent Democrats who supported slavery. Yet even contemporary Democrats like Ralph “Blackface” Northam have their own issues with racism. Never forget that it allegedly was LBJ himself who said that he’d have “blacks” (though he used the “N” word) voting for Democrats for the next 200 years after leading the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. Bull Conner was a Democrat. Selma was an atrocity committed by Democrats. Let me remind you that LBJ was notorious for using similar language on a regular basis, even though Snopes has rated the LBJ claim as “unproven,” which means it’s almost certainly true. Even the self-proclaimed “fact checkers” have become experts at spinning bad behavior when done by Democrat politicians.
Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics. Democrats want people to be able to vote without a photo ID, even though you can’t walk into a government building without showing a security guard your photo ID. Democrats have started using COVID-19 as an excuse to promote a campaign to implement wide scale mail-in voting, ignoring all the problems involving missing ballots, easy voter fraud, and delayed vote results.

Democrats warned that Donald Trump would not accept the election results if he lost in 2016, and then promptly refused to accept losing to him for the next four years. Now they have begun bleating that Trump won’t accept losing in 2020. But does anyone believe the Democrats will accept losing in November? Remember Al Gore. They are claiming the election will be stolen by voter suppression and other Republican tactics to keep eligible voters from voting, while Republicans are worried about the number of dead people who might vote Democrat in November.
And of course, Democrats accused Republicans of colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, but it was actually Hillary Clinton’s campaign that hired Fusion GPS to work with a former intelligence agent once employed by a foreign government, who allegedly worked with Russian sources to create laughably false stories about Russian prostitutes and golden showers on a mattress upon which Obama once slept. Who on earth could even conceive of such an outlandish claim, and accuse the President of the United States of being a pervert?
Why, the same sort of person for whom that sort of vile behavior comes naturally, of course.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have no concept of earning an honest living, all the wealth they have garnered is from graft, bribes, insider trading, taking from the taxpayers and outright theft.
The projection the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are prsently pushing is the claim that Trump will not leave office when he loses. Yet, when Trump is re-elected they will make claims again that is is not truly elected. Seems Hillary for all her questioning of Trump in 2020 has not gotten over her being soundly beaten in 2016. Remember, they are planning to cheat big time. Everyone needs to be on alert.
We know they do this, the PMS/DSA Left even wrote it in to their rules for radicals.. Sitting around crying about it gets us nowhere. The question is what do we do about it? I am convinced that BLM , Antifa or some other Dem Leftist thug group is killing people in the streets and not being exposed in the news. All you have to do is see how the media is treating the increased killings in major Blue plantation cities. I do believe however there is enough outrage out there that if it was targeted properly it could move the needle for us.
In the end, everything PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists say is a confession disguised as an accusation.
Ah, the famous republican tactic of accusing others of what they are.guilty of themselves.

A classic but rather wordy "I know you are but what am I" defense.
Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans

23 Jul 2020 ~~ John Leonard

Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.

For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.
It was the Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who made the racist film Birth of a Nation the first movie ever screened in the White House. It is a well-known fact the Republican Party was literally formed by abolitionists who were vehemently opposed to slavery. Many of the statues recently torn down by violent protestors, especially those of Confederate generals, represent Democrats who supported slavery. Yet even contemporary Democrats like Ralph “Blackface” Northam have their own issues with racism. Never forget that it allegedly was LBJ himself who said that he’d have “blacks” (though he used the “N” word) voting for Democrats for the next 200 years after leading the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. Bull Conner was a Democrat. Selma was an atrocity committed by Democrats. Let me remind you that LBJ was notorious for using similar language on a regular basis, even though Snopes has rated the LBJ claim as “unproven,” which means it’s almost certainly true. Even the self-proclaimed “fact checkers” have become experts at spinning bad behavior when done by Democrat politicians.
Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics. Democrats want people to be able to vote without a photo ID, even though you can’t walk into a government building without showing a security guard your photo ID. Democrats have started using COVID-19 as an excuse to promote a campaign to implement wide scale mail-in voting, ignoring all the problems involving missing ballots, easy voter fraud, and delayed vote results.

Democrats warned that Donald Trump would not accept the election results if he lost in 2016, and then promptly refused to accept losing to him for the next four years. Now they have begun bleating that Trump won’t accept losing in 2020. But does anyone believe the Democrats will accept losing in November? Remember Al Gore. They are claiming the election will be stolen by voter suppression and other Republican tactics to keep eligible voters from voting, while Republicans are worried about the number of dead people who might vote Democrat in November.
And of course, Democrats accused Republicans of colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, but it was actually Hillary Clinton’s campaign that hired Fusion GPS to work with a former intelligence agent once employed by a foreign government, who allegedly worked with Russian sources to create laughably false stories about Russian prostitutes and golden showers on a mattress upon which Obama once slept. Who on earth could even conceive of such an outlandish claim, and accuse the President of the United States of being a pervert?
Why, the same sort of person for whom that sort of vile behavior comes naturally, of course.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have no concept of earning an honest living, all the wealth they have garnered is from graft, bribes, insider trading, taking from the taxpayers and outright theft.
The projection the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are prsently pushing is the claim that Trump will not leave office when he loses. Yet, when Trump is re-elected they will make claims again that is is not truly elected. Seems Hillary for all her questioning of Trump in 2020 has not gotten over her being soundly beaten in 2016. Remember, they are planning to cheat big time. Everyone needs to be on alert.
We know they do this, the PMS/DSA Left even wrote it in to their rules for radicals.. Sitting around crying about it gets us nowhere. The question is what do we do about it? I am convinced that BLM , Antifa or some other Dem Leftist thug group is killing people in the streets and not being exposed in the news. All you have to do is see how the media is treating the increased killings in major Blue plantation cities. I do believe however there is enough outrage out there that if it was targeted properly it could move the needle for us.
In the end, everything PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists say is a confession disguised as an accusation.
Ah, the famous republican tactic of accusing others of what they are.guilty of themselves.

A classic but rather wordy "I know you are but what am I" defense.
I gave you an example of democrats projecting onto the GOP, so you give me an example of the GOP accusing democrats of what they are doing.
Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans

23 Jul 2020 ~~ John Leonard

Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.

For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.
It was the Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who made the racist film Birth of a Nation the first movie ever screened in the White House. It is a well-known fact the Republican Party was literally formed by abolitionists who were vehemently opposed to slavery. Many of the statues recently torn down by violent protestors, especially those of Confederate generals, represent Democrats who supported slavery. Yet even contemporary Democrats like Ralph “Blackface” Northam have their own issues with racism. Never forget that it allegedly was LBJ himself who said that he’d have “blacks” (though he used the “N” word) voting for Democrats for the next 200 years after leading the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. Bull Conner was a Democrat. Selma was an atrocity committed by Democrats. Let me remind you that LBJ was notorious for using similar language on a regular basis, even though Snopes has rated the LBJ claim as “unproven,” which means it’s almost certainly true. Even the self-proclaimed “fact checkers” have become experts at spinning bad behavior when done by Democrat politicians.
Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics. Democrats want people to be able to vote without a photo ID, even though you can’t walk into a government building without showing a security guard your photo ID. Democrats have started using COVID-19 as an excuse to promote a campaign to implement wide scale mail-in voting, ignoring all the problems involving missing ballots, easy voter fraud, and delayed vote results.

Democrats warned that Donald Trump would not accept the election results if he lost in 2016, and then promptly refused to accept losing to him for the next four years. Now they have begun bleating that Trump won’t accept losing in 2020. But does anyone believe the Democrats will accept losing in November? Remember Al Gore. They are claiming the election will be stolen by voter suppression and other Republican tactics to keep eligible voters from voting, while Republicans are worried about the number of dead people who might vote Democrat in November.
And of course, Democrats accused Republicans of colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, but it was actually Hillary Clinton’s campaign that hired Fusion GPS to work with a former intelligence agent once employed by a foreign government, who allegedly worked with Russian sources to create laughably false stories about Russian prostitutes and golden showers on a mattress upon which Obama once slept. Who on earth could even conceive of such an outlandish claim, and accuse the President of the United States of being a pervert?
Why, the same sort of person for whom that sort of vile behavior comes naturally, of course.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have no concept of earning an honest living, all the wealth they have garnered is from graft, bribes, insider trading, taking from the taxpayers and outright theft.
The projection the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are prsently pushing is the claim that Trump will not leave office when he loses. Yet, when Trump is re-elected they will make claims again that is is not truly elected. Seems Hillary for all her questioning of Trump in 2020 has not gotten over her being soundly beaten in 2016. Remember, they are planning to cheat big time. Everyone needs to be on alert.
We know they do this, the PMS/DSA Left even wrote it in to their rules for radicals.. Sitting around crying about it gets us nowhere. The question is what do we do about it? I am convinced that BLM , Antifa or some other Dem Leftist thug group is killing people in the streets and not being exposed in the news. All you have to do is see how the media is treating the increased killings in major Blue plantation cities. I do believe however there is enough outrage out there that if it was targeted properly it could move the needle for us.
In the end, everything PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists say is a confession disguised as an accusation.
Ah, the famous republican tactic of accusing others of what they are.guilty of themselves.

A classic but rather wordy "I know you are but what am I" defense.
I gave you an example of democrats projecting onto the GOP, so you give me an example of the GOP accusing democrats of what they are doing.
Claiming Clinton was the one conspiring with Russia.
Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans

23 Jul 2020 ~~ John Leonard

Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.

For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.
It was the Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who made the racist film Birth of a Nation the first movie ever screened in the White House. It is a well-known fact the Republican Party was literally formed by abolitionists who were vehemently opposed to slavery. Many of the statues recently torn down by violent protestors, especially those of Confederate generals, represent Democrats who supported slavery. Yet even contemporary Democrats like Ralph “Blackface” Northam have their own issues with racism. Never forget that it allegedly was LBJ himself who said that he’d have “blacks” (though he used the “N” word) voting for Democrats for the next 200 years after leading the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. Bull Conner was a Democrat. Selma was an atrocity committed by Democrats. Let me remind you that LBJ was notorious for using similar language on a regular basis, even though Snopes has rated the LBJ claim as “unproven,” which means it’s almost certainly true. Even the self-proclaimed “fact checkers” have become experts at spinning bad behavior when done by Democrat politicians.
Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics. Democrats want people to be able to vote without a photo ID, even though you can’t walk into a government building without showing a security guard your photo ID. Democrats have started using COVID-19 as an excuse to promote a campaign to implement wide scale mail-in voting, ignoring all the problems involving missing ballots, easy voter fraud, and delayed vote results.

Democrats warned that Donald Trump would not accept the election results if he lost in 2016, and then promptly refused to accept losing to him for the next four years. Now they have begun bleating that Trump won’t accept losing in 2020. But does anyone believe the Democrats will accept losing in November? Remember Al Gore. They are claiming the election will be stolen by voter suppression and other Republican tactics to keep eligible voters from voting, while Republicans are worried about the number of dead people who might vote Democrat in November.
And of course, Democrats accused Republicans of colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, but it was actually Hillary Clinton’s campaign that hired Fusion GPS to work with a former intelligence agent once employed by a foreign government, who allegedly worked with Russian sources to create laughably false stories about Russian prostitutes and golden showers on a mattress upon which Obama once slept. Who on earth could even conceive of such an outlandish claim, and accuse the President of the United States of being a pervert?
Why, the same sort of person for whom that sort of vile behavior comes naturally, of course.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have no concept of earning an honest living, all the wealth they have garnered is from graft, bribes, insider trading, taking from the taxpayers and outright theft.
The projection the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are prsently pushing is the claim that Trump will not leave office when he loses. Yet, when Trump is re-elected they will make claims again that is is not truly elected. Seems Hillary for all her questioning of Trump in 2020 has not gotten over her being soundly beaten in 2016. Remember, they are planning to cheat big time. Everyone needs to be on alert.
We know they do this, the PMS/DSA Left even wrote it in to their rules for radicals.. Sitting around crying about it gets us nowhere. The question is what do we do about it? I am convinced that BLM , Antifa or some other Dem Leftist thug group is killing people in the streets and not being exposed in the news. All you have to do is see how the media is treating the increased killings in major Blue plantation cities. I do believe however there is enough outrage out there that if it was targeted properly it could move the needle for us.
In the end, everything PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists say is a confession disguised as an accusation.
Find me a happy Liberal.
Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans

23 Jul 2020 ~~ John Leonard

Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.

For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.
It was the Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who made the racist film Birth of a Nation the first movie ever screened in the White House. It is a well-known fact the Republican Party was literally formed by abolitionists who were vehemently opposed to slavery. Many of the statues recently torn down by violent protestors, especially those of Confederate generals, represent Democrats who supported slavery. Yet even contemporary Democrats like Ralph “Blackface” Northam have their own issues with racism. Never forget that it allegedly was LBJ himself who said that he’d have “blacks” (though he used the “N” word) voting for Democrats for the next 200 years after leading the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. Bull Conner was a Democrat. Selma was an atrocity committed by Democrats. Let me remind you that LBJ was notorious for using similar language on a regular basis, even though Snopes has rated the LBJ claim as “unproven,” which means it’s almost certainly true. Even the self-proclaimed “fact checkers” have become experts at spinning bad behavior when done by Democrat politicians.
Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics. Democrats want people to be able to vote without a photo ID, even though you can’t walk into a government building without showing a security guard your photo ID. Democrats have started using COVID-19 as an excuse to promote a campaign to implement wide scale mail-in voting, ignoring all the problems involving missing ballots, easy voter fraud, and delayed vote results.

Democrats warned that Donald Trump would not accept the election results if he lost in 2016, and then promptly refused to accept losing to him for the next four years. Now they have begun bleating that Trump won’t accept losing in 2020. But does anyone believe the Democrats will accept losing in November? Remember Al Gore. They are claiming the election will be stolen by voter suppression and other Republican tactics to keep eligible voters from voting, while Republicans are worried about the number of dead people who might vote Democrat in November.
And of course, Democrats accused Republicans of colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, but it was actually Hillary Clinton’s campaign that hired Fusion GPS to work with a former intelligence agent once employed by a foreign government, who allegedly worked with Russian sources to create laughably false stories about Russian prostitutes and golden showers on a mattress upon which Obama once slept. Who on earth could even conceive of such an outlandish claim, and accuse the President of the United States of being a pervert?
Why, the same sort of person for whom that sort of vile behavior comes naturally, of course.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have no concept of earning an honest living, all the wealth they have garnered is from graft, bribes, insider trading, taking from the taxpayers and outright theft.
The projection the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are prsently pushing is the claim that Trump will not leave office when he loses. Yet, when Trump is re-elected they will make claims again that is is not truly elected. Seems Hillary for all her questioning of Trump in 2020 has not gotten over her being soundly beaten in 2016. Remember, they are planning to cheat big time. Everyone needs to be on alert.
We know they do this, the PMS/DSA Left even wrote it in to their rules for radicals.. Sitting around crying about it gets us nowhere. The question is what do we do about it? I am convinced that BLM , Antifa or some other Dem Leftist thug group is killing people in the streets and not being exposed in the news. All you have to do is see how the media is treating the increased killings in major Blue plantation cities. I do believe however there is enough outrage out there that if it was targeted properly it could move the needle for us.
In the end, everything PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists say is a confession disguised as an accusation.

Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans

23 Jul 2020 ~~ John Leonard

Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.

For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.
It was the Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who made the racist film Birth of a Nation the first movie ever screened in the White House. It is a well-known fact the Republican Party was literally formed by abolitionists who were vehemently opposed to slavery. Many of the statues recently torn down by violent protestors, especially those of Confederate generals, represent Democrats who supported slavery. Yet even contemporary Democrats like Ralph “Blackface” Northam have their own issues with racism. Never forget that it allegedly was LBJ himself who said that he’d have “blacks” (though he used the “N” word) voting for Democrats for the next 200 years after leading the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. Bull Conner was a Democrat. Selma was an atrocity committed by Democrats. Let me remind you that LBJ was notorious for using similar language on a regular basis, even though Snopes has rated the LBJ claim as “unproven,” which means it’s almost certainly true. Even the self-proclaimed “fact checkers” have become experts at spinning bad behavior when done by Democrat politicians.
Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics. Democrats want people to be able to vote without a photo ID, even though you can’t walk into a government building without showing a security guard your photo ID. Democrats have started using COVID-19 as an excuse to promote a campaign to implement wide scale mail-in voting, ignoring all the problems involving missing ballots, easy voter fraud, and delayed vote results.

Democrats warned that Donald Trump would not accept the election results if he lost in 2016, and then promptly refused to accept losing to him for the next four years. Now they have begun bleating that Trump won’t accept losing in 2020. But does anyone believe the Democrats will accept losing in November? Remember Al Gore. They are claiming the election will be stolen by voter suppression and other Republican tactics to keep eligible voters from voting, while Republicans are worried about the number of dead people who might vote Democrat in November.
And of course, Democrats accused Republicans of colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, but it was actually Hillary Clinton’s campaign that hired Fusion GPS to work with a former intelligence agent once employed by a foreign government, who allegedly worked with Russian sources to create laughably false stories about Russian prostitutes and golden showers on a mattress upon which Obama once slept. Who on earth could even conceive of such an outlandish claim, and accuse the President of the United States of being a pervert?
Why, the same sort of person for whom that sort of vile behavior comes naturally, of course.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have no concept of earning an honest living, all the wealth they have garnered is from graft, bribes, insider trading, taking from the taxpayers and outright theft.
The projection the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are prsently pushing is the claim that Trump will not leave office when he loses. Yet, when Trump is re-elected they will make claims again that is is not truly elected. Seems Hillary for all her questioning of Trump in 2020 has not gotten over her being soundly beaten in 2016. Remember, they are planning to cheat big time. Everyone needs to be on alert.
We know they do this, the PMS/DSA Left even wrote it in to their rules for radicals.. Sitting around crying about it gets us nowhere. The question is what do we do about it? I am convinced that BLM , Antifa or some other Dem Leftist thug group is killing people in the streets and not being exposed in the news. All you have to do is see how the media is treating the increased killings in major Blue plantation cities. I do believe however there is enough outrage out there that if it was targeted properly it could move the needle for us.
In the end, everything PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists say is a confession disguised as an accusation.
Ah, the famous republican tactic of accusing others of what they are.guilty of themselves.

A classic but rather wordy "I know you are but what am I" defense.
I gave you an example of democrats projecting onto the GOP, so you give me an example of the GOP accusing democrats of what they are doing.
Claiming Clinton was the one conspiring with Russia.
Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid Russians thru intermediaries, like FusionGPS and Christopher Steele for "dirt" on Trump. Look it up. Hillary "colluded" with Russia against Trump.
Democrats Project their own Character Flaws onto Republicans

23 Jul 2020 ~~ John Leonard

Has anyone else noticed that Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of being guilty of what they have been doing themselves? The term projection was first introduced into psychology by Sigmund Freud. The word is used to describe that most peculiar form of hypocrisy where one person accuses another of thoughts or behavior of which they themselves are actually guilty. It seems to be the only word that adequately describes Democrat speech and behavior.

For example, Democrats love to frequently accuse Republicans of being racists and white supremacists. But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours. While it is true that a slim majority of Democrats supported that landmark piece of legislation, the percentage was only about 60/40 or so. The fact is the bill only passed because of overwhelming Republican support (80/20). The Democratic Party was the original home of the KKK.
It was the Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who made the racist film Birth of a Nation the first movie ever screened in the White House. It is a well-known fact the Republican Party was literally formed by abolitionists who were vehemently opposed to slavery. Many of the statues recently torn down by violent protestors, especially those of Confederate generals, represent Democrats who supported slavery. Yet even contemporary Democrats like Ralph “Blackface” Northam have their own issues with racism. Never forget that it allegedly was LBJ himself who said that he’d have “blacks” (though he used the “N” word) voting for Democrats for the next 200 years after leading the effort to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed. Bull Conner was a Democrat. Selma was an atrocity committed by Democrats. Let me remind you that LBJ was notorious for using similar language on a regular basis, even though Snopes has rated the LBJ claim as “unproven,” which means it’s almost certainly true. Even the self-proclaimed “fact checkers” have become experts at spinning bad behavior when done by Democrat politicians.
Recently Democrats have begun screaming about voter suppression and screeching that every (illegal or fraudulent) vote must be counted… However, we should all remember that in the “hanging chad” vote count during the 2000 election it was none other than Al Gore who actively worked to suppress the vote of military personnel from Florida serving overseas, probably because he knew the military didn’t support his politics. Democrats want people to be able to vote without a photo ID, even though you can’t walk into a government building without showing a security guard your photo ID. Democrats have started using COVID-19 as an excuse to promote a campaign to implement wide scale mail-in voting, ignoring all the problems involving missing ballots, easy voter fraud, and delayed vote results.

Democrats warned that Donald Trump would not accept the election results if he lost in 2016, and then promptly refused to accept losing to him for the next four years. Now they have begun bleating that Trump won’t accept losing in 2020. But does anyone believe the Democrats will accept losing in November? Remember Al Gore. They are claiming the election will be stolen by voter suppression and other Republican tactics to keep eligible voters from voting, while Republicans are worried about the number of dead people who might vote Democrat in November.
And of course, Democrats accused Republicans of colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, but it was actually Hillary Clinton’s campaign that hired Fusion GPS to work with a former intelligence agent once employed by a foreign government, who allegedly worked with Russian sources to create laughably false stories about Russian prostitutes and golden showers on a mattress upon which Obama once slept. Who on earth could even conceive of such an outlandish claim, and accuse the President of the United States of being a pervert?
Why, the same sort of person for whom that sort of vile behavior comes naturally, of course.

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have no concept of earning an honest living, all the wealth they have garnered is from graft, bribes, insider trading, taking from the taxpayers and outright theft.
The projection the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are prsently pushing is the claim that Trump will not leave office when he loses. Yet, when Trump is re-elected they will make claims again that is is not truly elected. Seems Hillary for all her questioning of Trump in 2020 has not gotten over her being soundly beaten in 2016. Remember, they are planning to cheat big time. Everyone needs to be on alert.
We know they do this, the PMS/DSA Left even wrote it in to their rules for radicals.. Sitting around crying about it gets us nowhere. The question is what do we do about it? I am convinced that BLM , Antifa or some other Dem Leftist thug group is killing people in the streets and not being exposed in the news. All you have to do is see how the media is treating the increased killings in major Blue plantation cities. I do believe however there is enough outrage out there that if it was targeted properly it could move the needle for us.
In the end, everything PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists say is a confession disguised as an accusation.
Ah, the famous republican tactic of accusing others of what they are.guilty of themselves.

A classic but rather wordy "I know you are but what am I" defense.
I gave you an example of democrats projecting onto the GOP, so you give me an example of the GOP accusing democrats of what they are doing.
Claiming Clinton was the one conspiring with Russia.
Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid Russians thru intermediaries, like FusionGPS and Christopher Steele for "dirt" on Trump. Look it up. Hillary "colluded" with Russia against Trump.
Yeah, that didn't really happen.

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